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Aloras POV I can't hold my wide smile and tears of happiness. Caria grabbed my hand, giving it a loving squeeze, and she had tears running down her face, we didn't need to say anything at all because we both felt immense love and pride. When my mates thanked all the pack, they both turned to me with wide smiles. "I'm so proud of you both." Caria gently placed her hand on each of her boys cheeks "thanks mum" they said as one as they kept glancing at me. "How do you feel?" She asked with a little worry while going on to check their palms. Which thankfully is healing slowly, there's no longer bleeding so thats good "we are ok mum, I feel a little different but in a good way" Austin reassured his mum "yes same here" Aiden confirmed. Even though they tried to keep their attention on their mum, their attention kept going to me. They didn't want to be rude. "Ok, go on, I'll not keep you any longer," she laughed, but they looked baffled. "What?" They asked as one, making me laugh too. Caria rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything else and walks the few steps to her mate. With that, my mates have their arms around me, and both had their noses on my neck. "Ok, sweetie, our turn," Caria grabbed my attention. She stands ready in front of the microphone. "I would love to introduce my beautiful and strong daughter in law, I'm beyond happy to pass on my Luna position to her. I would also like to thank you all for being the support to us as Alpha and Luna. It's been an honour and blessing to be a part of your lives. I hope you show the same support to our new Alphas and Luna, I know they will lead us with love and strength." Carias words bring tears to my eyes and also the crowds as they cheered. It's clear to see how loved and respected Caria and Chris are. I hope I'm as good as a Luna as Caria because I have big shoes to fill. She picked the blade up, ready to transfer the Luna position. "Would it be ok to say a few things?" I ask, not sure what is protocol, but Caria nods yes. "Thank you all for taking your time out and celebrating with us. It's a privilege to be here with you all, I hope to get to know you all, and I'm always here if you need anything. I'm looking forward to being a family with you all, side by side with Austin and Aiden. I hope to be a Luna you deserve, but with guidance from Luna Caria, I know I can't go too far wrong." The cheering started again as Caria pulled me into a side hug. "Ok, time for your oath." Caria smiled and stood now facing me with Chris holding the ceremony bowl under our hands. "Do you, Alora vow to take responsibility of our Luna, to pledge your life to lead our pack with grace and love?" Caria asked, to which I agreed "yes I do," I smiled. "Do you vow to always lead with strength and love?" Again, I answer."Yes, I do," she gave me a wink and then sliced my palm, then her own. We pressed our palms together and intertwined our fingers as I felt a surge of power. It was a blast of heat, and I could feel a wind whip around me. Within a few minutes, the heat and wind stopped. We unclasped our hands, and there were cheers and howls around us. I felt stronger than ever before until I felt pressure in my head like my skull was about to crack and split into pieces. "Baby, are you ok?" Aiden asked as I felt their hands on me "yes I feel a pressure." I try to explain. "Oh honey, it's the pack mindlink. Let it open, and then you can close it," Caria explained, and that does make sense. "ok" was all I could say. I relax and imagine a barrier being let down, and I hear so many voices that I swear my brain would be vibrating. I put the barrier back in place, and the pressure and noise stop. I take a breath, and I'm ok. I hug both my mates, and I feel their worry disappearing. "Me and Veda love you so much," I smile as Veda yips in delight. Before they can reply, we hear Chris say loud and clear, "Lou and Carrie, please step forward with Gage and Holly," All four of them walked to the front centre of the stage. They don't do the dagger slicing their hand. They repeat their oaths, and the position transfers from Gages parents to both Gage and Holly. I'm the first to cheer, I'm so happy for my friends. "Graham and Linda, please step forward with Greyson and Donna," Chris says as the betas move to the side where we hug and congratulate them. They also repeat their oaths, and their positions are transferred over yo Greyson and Donna, and again, I was the first to cheer. I'm so lucky to have made friends, especially good friends, but we will also have each other to lean on and support in our new roles. "It's been an honour to serve you all beside my Luna and our best friends," he smiled at his group of friends before speaking again "with great pride and confidence in my boys and Alora. I represent to you the next generation of leaders" and pointed and smiled at us and our group of friends. Then as if on que the whole pack went silent and bowed their heads baring their necks at us, what shocked me more and brought tears to my eyes were that Chris, Caria, Lou, Carrie, Graham and Linda all bowed their heads and bared their necks to us too. Showing us the ultimate respect. I didn't hold back at this and hugged them as my mates spoke, "Thank you for entrusting us with the pack, we are grateful" Austin spoke then Aiden "Please enjoy the rest of your night" we were all hugging and congratulating each other. "Let the party begin," Don shouted, causing us to laugh. We have some work to do tomorrow and the clean up from tonight, but I shove that thought to the back of my mind and enjoy our night with our people. *** 3 hours later*** I've danced to the point of my feet killing and ate so much that my stomach was bulging. I'd talked and laughed so much, and if I'm honest, I don't think I can last much longer. My bed is calling my name like a siren calling me home. "I'm shattered," I huff out as I sit down with my girls while our men are talking with their dads. "Same here. It's been a great but long day," Don yawned, causing it to pass on as we all yawned. "We should meet at the office tomorrow, get to grips with what we need to do," I say, ready to stand and drag myself to bed. I felt the sticky and cold liquid hit me. It splashed over my dress and face. It took me by surprise, but as I looked up to say it's ok, I saw Ruby stood with an empty glass and a smirk. "Sorry Luna, I'm so clumsy." Ruby apologised, but it wasn't sincere. Not wanting to ruin the first day of me being the Luna, I didn't want to say anything too harsh. I've got to say I had to take a deep breath. This lass is really starting to piss me off, and I still have no idea why she's like this. "It's ok, Ruby, accidents happen, and it's nothing that can't be cleaned." I smile as Isla hands me some napkins, but my friends give her dirty looks. They know as well as I do that she did this cheap stunt on purpose. "Plus, I was just leaving, I'm sure my mates will help peel my dress off," and winked at her. Her face was thunderous, and she was trying very hard to bite her tongue. My girls all laughed, and that caused Ruby to storm off. "Oh, I loved that," Holly said in between her laughing "did you see her face" Don said and the laughing got louder "like a sun burnt puffa fish" Isla joined it and we lost it, laughing so hard and tears streaming. I was soaked and sticky and was still having the time of my life. I stood after we calmed down a little. "I'm going to call it a night and go to bed." I think we all had the same idea except Isla she was loving the party. We say as we all bid our goodnights. I reach where Aiden and Austin are stood, but as soon as their eyes connected to me, they looked furious. "What happened?" They asked, but I didn't want to ruin our mood with an immature she-wolf. "Just an accident," I smile, and even though they don't look convinced, they let it go. "Come on we better get you out of these wet clothes and get you warm" Aiden said suggestively with a wink "yeah there's only two reasons you should be wet, and that's us" Austin growled possessively and smacked my ass. "I am wet." I wink back at them and walk towards the pack house with a sway of my hips. We are definitely in for a wet steamy night.
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