
1624 Words
Alora POV It's been 2 months since I officially became Luna, I'm starting to feel like I'm getting everything now, but that's because Caria has helped me a lot. My responsibilities as Luna are to be the mother figure to our pack, to deal with any situation either that be between disputes between pack members or sometimes if there is conflict within a family. I listen to everyone before deciding the outcome, no matter their age, too. I refuse to ignore pups because of their age. I'm available at any time, day or night, to help our pack members. As Luna, I'm also the protector of she-wolves and pups. I also helped my mates contact other packs and set up meetings, and I've loved getting to know other Lunas. We also hold our own meetings, well so far we have only had one meeting, when our Alphas do. We have a room set up with drinks and snacks and discuss what we can improve and give each other ideas regarding Luna duties. I try to check in every week with the omegas. I make sure they are all happy with their jobs, if they are being treated fairly, and listen to any ideas they may have. Some are as simple as having a cleaning cupboard on every floor to make it easier than to run up and downstairs constantly. Our pack treats every member with the respect they deserve. They help run the pack, and it's good to give them the acknowledgement, too. My favourite part is going to the orphanage to see the pups there. There's 5 pups living there, and they are the sweetest. Heather, Charlotte, and Fiona share the responsibility of the orphanage. They all have mates and pups and work together to care for the little bundles of energy. They work great together. At night, we've set up a rota to alternate nights between them. Today, I'm all ready and set to go. I'm having breakfast with my mates. I'm going to meet with the omegas and then check in with the orphanage. I also want to discuss a few things with Aiden and Austin regarding supplies and training. I'm sat looking into the mirror, plaiting my hair so it hangs loosely over my shoulder. "Hey baby, are you ready?" Austin asks and kisses my head, stroking his hands over my shoulders and down my arms. "Mmm." I rest my hand back against him, enjoying his hands on me. "It's time," Aiden says as he walks out of the bathroom. We are running close to time because we got carried away with each other earlier. My whole body is sensitive. I sit up with a groan, not wanting to leave yet, causing Austin to chuckle and kiss my head again. "Ok, I'm coming," I sigh and stand up, but as I turn around, they are both smirking, and I realise what I said. "Really?" I ask, shaking my head at them. "You said it," Aiden tried to act as if it was my doing. "I did not you horny wolves, come on." I laugh "on what?" Aiden wiggles his eyebrows at me, but I don't reply. I know I'll not get anywhere because they will just keep turning everything s****l. I laugh and walk past them to the door, and they both slap my ass. I laugh and run out the door before it can go any further. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than to keep them for myself and enjoy them all day. But we have plans and people waiting for us. They chased after me, tickling wherever their hands landed on me. I can't hold the laugh in, but try to keep running. Well, that was until a cough grabbed our attention. We all stopped and looked up to see Chris and Caria smiling at us. "Morning," Caria greeted us and kissed all our cheeks, Chris followed and kissed my cheek. "Morning, why don't we get greeted from you?" Aiden asked with a frown to his dad "oh sorry son," Chris said, and before we knew what happened, he kissed Aidens' cheek. "Better?" He asked Aiden with a quirk of his eyebrow, and we all started laughing. Aidens' face was a picture he had no idea what to say, he was shocked. He wiped his cheek. "Very funny dad, that is not what I meant, and you know it," he said flabbergasted at his dad, and we all laughed more. Since their parents have retired, they seem like a weight has been lifted. Their dad seems to be the most relaxed and funny. He makes me laugh so much. "We are heading for breakfast. Would you like to join us?" I ask, and they agreed. We talked and walked to the dining room. Everyone stopped as we entered and bare their necks "morning" Austin greeted them. "Morning Alphas, Luna," they say as one "morning, hope you're all well," I reply. "Have a great day," Aiden said, and they all carried on eating and chatting. We made our way to the food tables, and wow, it looks and smells amazing. My mouth is watering, ready to taste this deliciousness. I decided on pancakes with maple syrup, some bacon, eggs, and sausage. I practically sprint to our table. I was so focused that I hadn't even noticed our friends at the table. I'm already chomping on some sausage "morning," Isla said, s**t, she made me jump and choke on the sausage I have in my mouth. I cough as I choke. Everyone is laughing at my greediness except my mates. One is rubbing my back, and the other is handing me a bottle of water. s**t. "Seriously, she's choking." I hear Aiden growl, and they all stop laughing. Actually, the whole room went silent. I couldn't hear the chattering or even the forks and knives hitting plates. I'm still coughing, but I know Austin and Aiden are worried that I'm choking and pissed that they all find it hilarious. I can feel their that they are releasing their Alpha aura. I finally get myself right. I wipe my eyes, clearing them of the tears from choking. They are both now rubbing my back, trying to help me. "I'm fine," I say and take a sip of water. "Are you sure?" Austin asked with concern. I nod my head "yes it was my fault, now let everyone eat in peace," I say, looking around, and every person has stopped and bared their neck. I gently elbow both my mates in their ribs.'Seriously, let them eat their food,' I say in our link, feeling bad for everyone, and it clicks on both their faces as they look around. 's**t,' they both said and reeled their aura back in. "Carry on as you were," Austin says, and everyone does. "How could you laugh because your Luna was choking?" Austin asked our table, and he was pissed our whole table still had their heads down, except Caria and Chris. "They weren't laughing at that." I tried to stand up for them, but my mates weren't listening "sorry Alphas, Luna. I apologise" Gage says and I feel guilt coming from him "it's fine Gage" I say and he finally looks up "it's not fine" Aiden said and Gages head went back down 'you will stop this now, I was being greedy eating before I sat down, as always, and it was my fault I choked because I hadn't seen everyone here because I was focused on my food' I ranted in our link. I'd never undermine them in front of anyone, but that doesn't mean I won't have my say privately 'but they laughed.' Austin said 'yes they were, but at my greediness. You both know that we all trust our people with my life so calm down' and I take another drink, and I see their parents smiling at us. 'ok fine,' Austin says in defeat "your all forgiven," Aiden said. All heads lifted up, unsure if it was actually ok. I feel the tug of a mindlink trying to open, I allow it and it was Caria 'I hope you put them in their place' I look across at her as she gives me a smile 'of course, I've learnt from the best' and give her a wink and we both laugh. The table relaxes with our laughing, but Chris, Aiden, and Austin all look confused with frowns on their faces. "I take it you worked up an appetite" Caria said with a wiggle of her eyebrows "mum" both my mates said at the same time as I replied "of course" and we burst into laughter at my mates faces. The whole table was soon laughing and chatting again. Our breakfast went well. I love my new family and friends. "I'd like to have a word with you in the office if that's ok?" Chris asked as we all stood to go do what we have planned. "Yeah, course," Aiden said, ready to leave. He kissed me, and so did Austin before they headed out with their dad, Gage, and Greyson. "What are your plans today?" Caria asks as us women head for the door. "Check in with the omegas, kitchen, and then the orphanage." I smile. "How about you?" I ask as she waves at the direction of the front door. I look that way and see Carrie and Linda stood waiting "we, ladies, are going to the spa, Isla you can walk with us to school" she replied with a smile and kissed my cheek and held Isla hand and headed to her friends "have fun" Holly shouted and they all waved and we headed to the kitchen.
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