
1948 Words
Alora POV Jen has been brilliant, I've not really spent much time with the pack except for events that include the whole pack. I've realised talking with Jen that I have to step up my game, I need to familiarise myself with the pack and how it's run, and I can also see if I can help with anything. Jen is hilarious. She's almost 30 years old, and she lives with her mate, Roger, and 3 daughters, Piper, Catherine, and Sophie. Jen owns the pack salon, working with hair and make-up, and I can honestly say that I understand why she is highly recommended. She is absolutely brilliant. She asked what style I wanted, but I explained that I was happy with anything and that I'll leave it up to her, and I'm so happy I did. I'm standing in front of my mirror, I'm wearing a beautiful off white dress, it's fitted over my bust and flows out from my waist, reaching my feet but it flows longer at the back as it glides over the ground as I walk. It's a very light and flowy material. My hair was trimmed but left down with a little hair pulled from the sides, plaited and pinned behind. I think that was the only thing I questioned. I was hoping for all my hair down so I could sort of hide behind it, but Jen was adamant that I should show my pretty face. I caved, and now I'm ready to go. Ive "Thank you." I smile at Jen as she heads out. There was a knock on the slightly open door, "I won't be a minute," I call. I was just grabbing my phone to quickly txt Jeremy, Callum, Connor, Kylie, Pops, and Liam. I've been in constant contact with them while getting ready. They've been encouraging and supportive, giving a boost. I've also called my parents to talk to them. I miss them all so much. I won't have my phone for the rest of the night. ** text** Hey, I'm heading out, I'll text u all 2morrow. I love u xx *** With that, I head to the door, and I instantly feel bad. Caria is standing and waiting patiently for me. "I'm sorry, I was just texting my family. I hadn't realised it was you." I would never have kept her waiting if I had. "It's ok dear, I'm here to escort you to the ceremony," she smiles at me with watery eyes. "Are you ok?" I ask worriedly. "I'm great, ignore me. These are happy tears," she said and dabbed her eyes. My nerves are running on high, so I'm not even sure what to say or what to do. Caria takes my hand. "You look beautiful," and my face heats up at her compliment. "Thank you." I give her a small smile, "did you know it is traditional for Luna to present their successor to the ceremony?" I didn't know that at all, so I give her a little shake of my head no. "It is, it's to show that the Luna is united with the new Luna, she is giving her blessings" that is really nice "I'm not sure what to say" I feel out of my depth. "There's no need really to say anything. Come on, let's walk and talk. I just wanted you to know and also tell you what Chris mum said to me when we took over from her," she explained, "ok" was all I said but I know I sound daft she just smiled at me. We walk arm in arm, heading towards the ceremony. "Even though you are taking over from me, the position is yours. That means that you love and lead the pack alongside the alpha, well two in your place, " she said with a wiggle of her eyebrows as I giggled. "But that also means that you do it your way and to the best of your abilities." "Thank you, I'll truly do my best." I try and reassure her that I'd do my best. "I already know you will, I've also got this," she says and stops walking, going inside her bag and pulling out something in a small box. She opens it and wow. Inside was the most beautiful hair slide. It was glistening in the light. It's gold with Emeralds "wow it's beautiful," causing her to smile. "It's been in Chris family for generations, passed onto the next Luna. it's said that the very first Alpha that founded our pack had been digging the land to make a home and found this Emerald. He had it made for his mate as a sign of his love for her and his commitment to his newly founded she'd in turn passed it onto the next Luna and so on" she dabs her eys again "oh my goddess thats amazing" I say full of love and wonder. "Let's pop it in your hair," she says, guiding my shoulder so I have my back to her. She glides the comb part of the slide into my hair where my plaits are pinned. I turn back to face her with tears in my eyes at the heartwarming gesture. "Here," she quickly hands me a tissue, I dab my eyes, hoping not to ruin my makeup "I love it. Thank you so much." I hug her as she hugs me back. "I'll bring it back after," I say, worried it might get broken, but she giggles "no you won't. It's yours." she winks at me, but I'm flabbergasted. She holds me at arms length. "I know you will be a great Luna, but if you ever need me for anything at all, I'll be here," she says with her voice cracking with emotion. "We are family, I've felt that way since meeting you," I say and hug her. "we are.. and if you ever need help kicking the twins ass give me a shout, " and we both laugh and dab our eyes. I feel so much better since speaking with Caria, I'm still nervous but not as bad. I feel ready. We walk the rest of the way chatting. I can hear the music and chattering, getting louder and louder as we reach the door. We are holding the ceremony out in the garden, so there is room for everyone to be included. I take a deep breath, and we walk out the door. We get a lot of hellos and them baring their necks in respect. I see our mates stood on the makeshift stage talking amonst themselves and Isla. Everyone looks so happy, and my face starts aching from the constant smile. The stage is set in front of the training field, on the stage next to the microphone is a small table, I can't see it from here but I know sat on top is the silver bladed ceremony dagger, it's handle is gold with an Emerald on the end and a gold bowl. The field has tables and chairs spread out decorated beautifully. The side of the field is the food tables and bbqs,smoking away. The food smells delicious. We reach our mates, and Caria kisses my cheek and stands next to her mate, who leans and kisses my cheek also. "Hi, how are you feeling?" Chris asks as I'm pulled into Austins arms. He kisses me, and then I'm pulled into Aidens' arms, and he's kissing me. I turn my attention back to Chris with a smile. "I'm good now." I smile, feeling so much better. "Good, we will start in a few minutes," he said and proceeded to kiss his mate. Austin and Aiden both groan at the show of affection between their parents. I think it's sweet to be still so much in love after years of being together. It's not strange to see with mates. The love and sparks never fade. The betas and gammas also make their way to us. I get hugs from the girls. We are all running on excitement and nerves. Chris and Caria walk to the microphone. It's only when the whole pack is involved that a microphone is udes because the pack is massive. "Thank you all for being here on this very special occasion. First, we'd like to say that it has been an honour being your Aplha and Luna. Our time has come to step down and pass the pack into our sons hands," the crowd cheered, but it's not a surprise as Aiden and Austin are loved. "Chris gives the crowd some time to quieten down before he carries on. "I know that it's very rare to have 2 Alphas, but I can assure you that will only lead to good things. Both my sons have met their mate, as I'm sure a lot of you have met our lovely daughter in law, Alora. She is a beautiful person, and we know she will be a great Luna and lead you all into greatness side by side with your Alphas." Again, the crowd cheered. It's an amazing atmosphere. "Aiden, Austin, and Alora, please step forward." Chris says, and both my mates clasp my hands, and we walk forward. I feel so safe standing in between them. We came to a stop "Do you Aiden and Austin vow to take responsibility of alpha, do you pledge your life to lead our pack with grace and to fiercely protect it?" Chris asked, and they both made the vow,"we do," they said in unison, holding their right hand over their hearts."Do you vow to always lead with strength and fairness, doing what is best for the pack and bring honour to our pack?" Again, they answer."we do," I see the tears in their parents' eyes, so full of love. "With your vow and commitment, I'm honoured to pass the Alpha title to you both," Chris said, full of pride. He picked up the bowl, passing it to Caria, then Lou picked up the blade, careful not to touch the blade. This dagger is only ever used for passing powerful positions onto the successors. "Lou, it's time," Chris declared as Lou ran the blade over Chris both palms before slicing Aiden and Austins both palms, I felt the pain through our bond and I see Caria wince also. All three of them stood straight and clasped palm to palm. Austin held his right palm to their dads left palm, his left palm to Aidens right and Aidens left to their dads right. Normally, it's just two palms cut, and their blood drips into the bowl that would be held underneath their clasped hands, but this time, Caria had to move the bowl three times to get drips from each clasped hands. As soon as Caria was done, there was a gust of wind, and all 3 men were surrounded by a whipser of a light. It looked like the glow of the moon. Within a minute or so, the wind and light disappeared, and all three men were breathing heavy and sweating slightly. Before I could move, their dad faced them to the crowd and lifted their hands in the air. "I'm proud to call you my sons and our aplhas," Chris announced full of love and pride. With that, the crowd was going wild, cheering, whooping, and some had even shifted and was howling at the moon. I can't hold my wide smile and tears of happiness. Caria grabbed my hand, giving it a loving squeeze, and she had tears running down her face, we didn't need to say anything at all because we both felt immense love and pride.
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