trying to find answers

1620 Words
***contains s****l content*** Alora POV Everyone is in a detective mode, trying to find answers. We are searching for any possible clue or reason that we could be targeted. I keep thinking over everything that has happened so far, but there must be more to it. why would rogues target us, or maybe we are thinking it all wrong. "I just had a thought. What if it's not rogues?" I know it's a long shot. "What do you mean?" Austin asks "Is there anyone you can think of that would want to hurt our pack. I was wondering if maybe the pup that had seen some of what happened to Cody and Lola assumed the other person was a rogue because they didn't have on our warrior uniform." None of them say anything and was just staring at me. Being a pup means she wouldn't have magnified hearing or smell, so maybe she had seen normal clothing and assumed especially being so close to their camp but am I just thinking it's a possibility because we haven't found anything that would tie a pack member to rogues and with Paul dead we can't get answers from him. "Never mind, it's daft really, it was just a thought," I retract and start looking over the file in my hand. "I don't think it's daft, but I can't think of a pack that would want to go to war with us," Chris said, looking at Caria, who also shook her head. We were all stumped. As much as I want answers now, it seems we are not going to find them in here. "There's nothing here. We need to venture out and get in touch with packs around us and see if they have had any rogue problems." Aiden suggests, and I think that is a great idea. "Ok, son, we will go and leave you to it. If you need any help, link us," Chris said, standing and walking to the door, followed by Caria and Lou. "Thank you for today." I smile at them "always," Caria replied before the door shut. "Well, I don't even know how to process today," I mumble, exhausted. "I agree, baby, it's been a lot," Austin gave me a small smile. "we should get calling the packs, hopefully find something that can help," Aiden said. Rubbing his hands down his face is frustration. "Yes, let's get cracking so we can find the fuckers who attacked our pack" Austin growled. 'Are you ok, Veda?' I ask as she has been quiet 'yes I'm fine, I was just taking everything in. How are you?' she asks, making me smile 'I'm good, just tired,' and with that, I yawn 'you will be', but as she said it Austin grabbed my attention "Why don't you go and relax, and we will be up soon" "are you sure there is nothing I can do?" I ask because I don't want to leave them if they need help. "No, we are fine, honestly, we just have a few calls to make that's all" Aiden smiled at me and I give him a nod "ok, I'll wait upstairs for you" I gave them both a kiss and walked out of the office. I realise it's almost 7 pm and we have had nothing to eat all day, so instead of going for the stairs I head for the kitchen. It's empty, except for teenagers, I've seen them around the pack house and recognised them as they live here. They were getting drinks and snacks. They bared their necks when they saw me. "Luna." I'm still getting used to this every time I see a pack member. "Hi, how's your day been" I ask with a smile "good, thank you" they replied and them stood, not sure what to do with themselves "what are you up to anything nice?" I ask as I see the drinks and the few snacks. "we are going to watch a film." I move to grab the bread and stuff from the fridge to make sandwiches "ooh which one, I love watching films." I'm intrigued now, and to come to think of it, I didn't even realise we had films here. "we are torn between two. indiana Jones or jaws" wow some old ones and I love it. "Why don't you have a film binge?" I ask, but they look confused as to what I'm talking about, "you know.. a film night," but they still just looked at me. "Watch indiana Jones first, then jaws, or the other way around," I suggest, and it finally clicks "oh, we are only permitted to watch one film" the brown haired girl says and I'm shocked "it's Friday so no school tomorrow, and you're old enough to be responsible and go to bed when the films are finished so I give you permission" and with that they all smiled "thank you Luna" and they all ran out of the kitchen excited. I finished making chicken salad sandwiches and heading back to the office, tray in hand. I knock and enter with a smile at both of my mates busy talking on the phone. I placed a plate in front of them both. They mouthed thank you, and I headed back out, closing the door quietly. I took the tray back to the kitchen and then carried my plate up to our room. I hadn't realised I was so hungry until I bit into my sandwich. It tastes so good. I'm enjoying the sandwich when I feel a slight push on my mind. A link is trying to open 'Hey Alora, how are you?' Holly links me, and I feel Donna there too.'Hey, yeah, I'm feeling so much better. How are you two?" I ask, and I feel their releif through the link. 'I'm sorry I worried you,' I feel bad now for the way I acted 'it's fine honestly, we are just happy you're good now' Donna said I'm so lucky to have them. 'Are we still meeting up in the morning?' Holly asks a little weary, 'of course.' I smile even though they can not see me. 'Great, we will see you in the morning.' we cut the link. I've finished my sandwich, and I decided to shower and change into my pj's to read a book. I put my hair up in a messy bun so I don't have to wash it and scrubbed the days crappiness off of me. I feel so much better after my shower, and it was just what I needed. I dressed in my vest and shorts set, laid on the bed, and started reading. I love reading as it takes your imagination to another level, and it relaxes me. It stops my mind from wondering about today's events. I must have nodded off to sleep because my mates sweet tingling kisses wake me. I open my eyes to each mate sitting beside me on the bed. Their hair is damp, showing they've already showered. I stretch my hands above my head and smile. Austin removes the book off my chest, placing it on the bedside table, and Aiden held my hands in place above me. Hungry kisses are ravishing my mouth from Aiden and I feel Austins mouth trail kisses down my neck to my boobs. I feel his finger pull down my top, and his mouth sucks in my hardened n****e, causing me to squirm. Delicious tingles and sparks jolt from my n****e to my core, "Mmm." I can't get my moan out past Aidens fiery kiss. My body is on fire, full of wanting for my mates. I'm disappointed with the loss of Austins mouth on my n****e, well, until I felt the same sensation on my left n****e. I reach my hands out, one hand held onto Austins hair, and the other found Aidens hard d**k. My hand wrapped around him and stroked softly. with each stroke he hissed, making my core wetter, ready for them to take me. My pace picked up, and now I was pumping his d**k but before I could enjoy it further, they stop. They sit me up and peel my top off. Both of them are staring at me like I'm the most delicious thing they've seen. "Here baby," Aiden said, guiding me onto my knees. He kissed me once more, disappeared, and Austin took his place, kissing me with all he had. I felt Aiden pull off my shorts as I lifted one leg at a time so he could remove them. The bed dipped with his weight and laid on his back with his face positioned under my dripping p***y. "Ride my face, baby," He groaned as I felt his fingers probing me. f**k, it felt amazing. I lowered myself down to his face and slowly rode his tongue. Austin stopped kissing me and wrapped his hand in my hair, guiding my mouth to his rock hard d**k "suck my d**k baby" he hissed as I licked the end of his d**k before he could finish what he was saying. "Mmm, baby, you feel so good." Austin moaned, and he pumped his d**k in my mouth, sliding down my throat. "Mmm, you taste so good too," Aiden says, making my hips move faster, I'm rolling my hips, pulling my head back to meet his thrusts to a point that I'm totally lost, I'm on the verge of cuming. I ride Aidens face and c*m all over him. "fuuuck." I try to scream around Austins d**k. Aiden laps me up until I've rode my high. We change positions, and that's how we spend our night. Lost in each other reaching orgasm after orgasm.
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