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Alora POV I was hit with both my mates' anger through our bond. It was intense and probably the most angry they've ever been, even going to war. I hadn't felt this much anger from them. Yes, I know that Paul meant me harm, and if it wasn't for the silver and electricity running through the bars, he would have probably had my throat but he didn't, he had only managed to grab my top but both Aiden and Austin was ready to end his life. I could have handled him myself, but they had already grabbed him and pulled me away before I had time to process what had happened. I was about to tell them straight that I could handle myself. With Veda in my head swooning over our protective mates, I realised that Aiden was about to pull Paul's arm off. I didn't want him to do that, not yet anyway. Paul was fuming and started to spew nonsense, which made no sense. He's obviously trying to get in our heads, especially my mates. He can see how protective they are. Before we got the chance to question him further, he was hunched over in a pool of his own blood, no longer choking on his blood. No, he was still and silent. No rise and fall of his chest. No gurgling on his blood. Just nothing, Paul is no more. He's DEAD. Life can unfortunately be taken so easily, and that's a very sad fact. But now he is with our goddess who will deal with him, hopefully. he needs to pay for what he did to Jenna. We are now left with questions and an uncertainty on how to find the answers. If I'm being honest, I think it could be a ploy by Paul to get in our heads because he knew he messed up and ultimately wanted to mess with us. Austin and Aiden are currently in deep discussions with the guards Nathaniel, Dillon, and Gage, while I'm sitting here, at the guards table, stunned that a person would go to the extreme of killing himself, especially the way he did. "Baby, are you OK?" Aiden asked, making me smile. They are always here for me, and I'll forever be grateful to them. "Yes, it's just shocking that he would do that, you know." I stand and walk the small distance between us as he wraps his arms around me. "Are you ready?" Austin asks, leaning down and kissing my cheek. "Yeah, let's go." I'm ready to get out of here. "we will have the clinic collect the body for burial." Austin looks at Nathaniel. "yes Alpha" was all I heard before we walked down the small corridor towards the exit. "What is our next step?" I ask curious as to what we will do with the information that Paul left us with. "We need to investigate," Aiden said, and I understand why they would. "But what if he was just trying to get in our heads?" I can't help but ask. It's just weird timing. "I'm hoping it is that, but we need to be sure," Aiden explain "yes especially with lives at stake," Austin adds and I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry. "We have told Nathaniel to keep what he has heard to himself. We dont need mass panic from the pack not until we know more. Let's head back to the office." Austin explained further, and with that, we headed to the office to start the investigation. If someone does have a target on our backs, I have full faith in my mates to find out who it is and then deal with them. I know they will protect our pack, and I'll be stood beside them helping. 'we will protect our mates and pack always,' Veda vowed. We entered the office, and Chris, Caria, and Lou were still there. They have all of the warrior files out, spread out over the desk. "How is the search going?" Austin asks as all three of them look up from the file, each of them are reading. We shut the door, and Austin leads me to one of the chairs where I sit down. Aiden hands me water, and I'm grateful as the coldness feels nice. "We can't find anything at all to connect any of our warriors to any rogue." Lou spoke first. "we do have a handful of files left to check," Caria said, but she didn't sound hopeful. "I'm not sure we will find anything to be honest, but we will check the last few anyway," Chris explained, not sounding hopeful either. "ok, thanks," Aiden and Austin said, but I'm still running through everything in my head, sipping Mt water "Darling are you OK?" Caria asks, dragging me from my thoughts. "Yes, just a little taken back." I give her a small smile, causing her to frown. "What happened?" she asked, now worried. "well Paul it seems, was delusional. After he grabbed Alora through the bars, Aiden snapped his arm, and before we could get into his cell, he killed himself, " Austin explained, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. He was giving me comfort, but I suspect calming himself down, too. "Oh my goddess, are you alright?" Caria walked to me and gave me one of her motherly hugs. "Yes, I'm fine. He only managed to grab my top," she really is lovely. "How did he manage to take his life, those cells are designed to prevent that?" Chris asked, confused as Lou nodded in agreement with him. "Well, he was obviously not well. He stated that we were all going to die and THEY are going to make us suffer when THEY are taking what's rightfully, THEIR-" Aiden explained but was cut off by Chris "who?, and what is it they think is theirs?" he asks, but we just shook our heads and shrugged our shoulders. "we have no idea. Before we could get into his cell, he used his protruding bone that was ripped through his arm, when it broke and stabbed himself in the throat, killing himself" Austin explained further and the room was in shock. "We are going to investigate," Aiden stated. "I thought it might have been a head messing ploy from Paul because he knew he was going to die for his crimes, but it will be better to check" I say but the look from around the room was enough to make me feel like I was wrong. "It can't be a coincidence that our scouts were attacked by a warrior who was meeting rogues. Maybe it was Paul, and he was their inside man?" Lou spoke, and he does make a lot of sense. That would be more like it and makes more sense. "I've got to say, Paul obviously meant it as a taunt, but he has given us a heads up of an approaching danger and a clue to follow to find out who and why we are being targeted," Chris said So we need to focus on Paul and hopefully find out their plans.
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