
1176 Words
Alora POV It's been a few months since Paul took his own life and left us with so many questions, we haven't found any of the answers, which is disappointing. None of the surrounding packs have had any rogue issues. We couldn't find any connection between Paul and any rogues. Actually, we haven't found anything connecting any of our pack with rogues, but we are determined to keep searching. on a brighter note, Jenna has found her mate. He is a warrior at my dad's pack. They met when my mum came to visit, and my dad didn't feel safe, so he sent warriors to guard her. Dad really does make me laugh. Mum, of course, went along with it to cause less stress on dad. Jenna is also in the process of moving packs to be with Daniel, and they are both very happy. She really does deserve it. Mum has gone home, and I'm getting my things ready for my sisters surprise party. Kylie.. I've missed Kylie so much. We talked on the phone but I haven't actually visited her new home. I'm still not sure what to expect, especially with it being a clan, a vampire kingdom, will it be dark and soul sucking like every interpretation I've ever seen or read stories about. Kylie and Freddy, really are the sweetest, most loving people I've ever known. I can't wait to surprise her, to spend time with her and all my family. When we found our way home, it was a massive shock to find out that we were actual werewolves. It was one of the best days in my life, finding out I had a massive family, parents, siblings, and a pack. To go from a terrible upbringing with it being just the 4 of us to having family and bonus families was amazing and what I'd always craved growing up. We are set to leave for Kylies in 4 days, but I'm so excited I want to pack now. I've also got her a beautiful gift. It's a blanket, similar to my favourite, which I get for my eighteenth. She has always loved my blanket, so it will be perfect. Mine has my name on it, but I got hers with her and Freddys' initials on it. I'm so ready for a proper break, though, spend some time with family, and get away from all the unknown here. So far, we haven't been able to find any answers, but I have been finding notes, calling me unworthy of my position. The few notes that I have found have been calling me unworthy, unfit, and downright s**t but I won't give whoever it is the satisfaction of getting in my head. Myself, Donna and Holly have been trying to find out who it is, but so far, we've had no luck, and yes, I know that Aiden and Austin will hunt down whoever it is but I haven't told them. The notes aren't threatening, so it isn't worth mentioning, especially with them trying to find the mysterious rogue. I have kept them all just in case it escalates to a point that I will have to tell them. They are tucked away in an envelope in our walk-in closet. "Hey baby, are you OK?" Austin came from behind, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head. "I'm great. I'm so excited about seeing everyone." I smile he gives me a living squeeze and stands back. "Come on, Aiden is waiting," and gave my ass a slap as I walked by him, making me squeal. All I want to do is turn around and jump his bones. Honestly, my mates have me almost begging for them as soon as they touch me. "You smell delicious," Austin moans as he can smell my arousal, and I know he wants the same as me. "We really need to go, we've already had Aiden waiting for over an hour because we can't get enough of each other." I giggle and open the door before we get lost in each other again. "Fine," he huffs, I can't keep the laugh in. His grumpy face is hilarious. We head for the office in search of my other sexy mate. As soon as I open the door to the office, talking and laughing with Austin, I'm pulled into the arms of Aiden. He buried his face in my neck. "You had fun without me!" he sulked as I wrapped my arms around him. "Yes, I did, just like when we have fun without Austin," I state like I'm talking to a child. Honestly, anyone would think I left him without attention even though he had my undivided attention last night. "ok, fine, but it's so hard to feel you through our mate bond having so much fun that I had to almost chain myself to the desk to keep me in here" he makes me laugh so much. It must be torture to feel your mates' pleasure and not be included. Being mated to twins is both amazing and sometimes hard. Yes, I get to have both of my delicious mates, and it truly is amazing, but it's also hard sometimes because even though I love time with both of them I also adore time spent separately with them but it's hard when I feel like the other is neglected. We stand together, and I'm enjoying the closeness of him. His hot body and the tingles that cover my body from him make me want him even more. "Hey Luna," I hear from behind Aiden, and I finally take in the room. Gage is sitting in front of the desk, giving me a cheeky smile. "Hey Gage, how's you today?" I ask with a smile. They all knew how embarrassed I used to get when the twins spoke openly in front of everyone, but I've learnt that it is totally normal. It's in our nature to be open. We are infact horny wolves. 'You got that right,' Veda chuckles. My wolf is definitely the most horny wolf. "Yeah, I'm good, thanks," he said with a smile as I moved towards the desk. "What have you found?" I ask now in Luna mode as soon as I see the files open. "We might have found a lead," Aiden states, and I release the breath I was holding. What a relief we might actually be getting somewhere. Thank the goddess. "What is it?" Austin asks as intrigued as I am "Well it was actually in front of us the whole time," Aiden said, handing his brother a file and pointing to the paper. "There, it says Paul was taken in when his old pack was attacked when he was a pup. It states that his parents died and he joined our pack to be with family," He explained, and to be honest, I hadn't even thought of that at all. "So we find his family, and then we find answers, and hopefully, they know who poses a threat," Gage explained.
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