Paul Timmson

1580 Words
Alora POV We have chatted to some of the warriors, and they mostly say that Paul is a decent bloke. He's always on time and works hard. He's ok with everyone and helps if asked. We have been pointed to the warrior housing as to where we can find him. I'm still seething that my mates have blocked me and that Ruby obviously knows more than me even though I'm Luna and should know the ongoings with our pack, especially with my mates. 'That b***h won't start again' Veda growls 'I wouldn't be too sure' I know Ruby won't give up with whatever her goal is too easy 'she will if I make her' Veda huffs and blocks herself away. I'm starting to get to a point of no return with Ruby. I let it slide before I became Luna, hoping that she would have grown up and had gotten board, but it seems my hopes are not heard, and she is carrying on with her bullshit. To be honest, I have been so busy with becoming Luna that I haven't seen her, but if she thought I would stand back now and try to belittle me, she can think again, especially Veda because we take our role seriously and she won't take disrespect lightly. "We are here," Donna says, pulling me from my thoughts. We head inside through the back door, which leads us into the dining room. It's clean and spacious with a table with 8 chairs surrounding it, but what I actually see is not what I was expecting. A chair lay on its side on the floor, and a couple are having s*x over the table. I cough loudly over their moans and finally get their attention. I've never seen anyone scramble so fast. He pulled up his trousers, and she was lowering her dress. "I'm so sorry, Luna. We..we, " the man spoke first, flustered and embarrassed. "Luna," I heard the woman say, and I recognised her voice straight away, drawing my attention to her lowered head. "Clare?" I asked, and she raised her head. I was right. "Really Clare?" I scold her, but inside, I was jumping for joy for her. She works in the kitchen and has gushed over meeting her mate. "Sorry Luna," and I could hear emotion in her voice, and that is the last thing I want. Her mate puts his arm over her shoulder to comfort her. "I can't believe this is how I'm introduced to your mate." I laugh, loosening up the tension. Both mates who had had their necks bared to me since straightening themselves out, looked up at me. "This is Patrick. He's a warrior," she introduced us properly, making me smile. She looked at him as he was the only one in the room, but also the most delicious thing in the room. I totally understand because I feel that way with my mates. "Nice to finally meet you." I smile at him, and he looks relieved but still a little embarrassed. I suppose if we were pack members, it wouldn't be so embarrassing because it's a normal occurrence to want to take your mate wherever and whenever you can but being walked in on by the 3 leading she-wolves of your pack must be. "Can I say to wait until you have your own house before you use the table. People have to eat from this" causing Holly and Donna to laugh. "We will, thank you, Luna," Clare giggled. "We were looking for Paul," Donna said, grabbing their attention. "He has a day off and was going to see Jenna," Patrick explained, not knowing the seriousness of what he's just said. All three of us give a look, and we bolt. I shout a quick thank you, and we are sprinting to the pack house. He would be stupid to try anything against Jenna, especially at the pack house. 'Jenna, are you ok?' I link her as I ran, 'yes Luna,' she replied, but I could hear the nerves in her voice. He was definitely there. 'Where are you?, we are on our way' I asked not liking the fact he is anywhere near her ' he is pulling me with him, towards the back door,please hurry' she sounds frightened "BACK DOOR" I shout to my girls as we puck up our speed. We round the pack house and see he has managed to get her outside, and she is desperately pulling back, trying to get out of his hold. "Please let me go," she pleads and begs, but he is fuming and growling at her. "You are mine," we hear him growl, and he stops, pulls her body into his arms, and gropes her. What the f**k, it pisses us all off. We growl at him, but Veda is fuming, and her growl echoes. He finally seems to see us and quickly releases his hold on Jenna. I walk towards him with Holly on my right, and Donna on my left, "Donna help Jenna," was all I could growl out. My anger is rising the closer I get to him. Jenna has started running towards us crying, and Donna wraps her arms around her. "It's going to be ok, let's get you into the house." Donna soothes her while walking her back through the back door. I'm getting closer to that piece of s**t and my temper is sky high. 'He pays' Veda growls, and I agree. "What do you think you were doing?" I ask, and I can see the dislike in his eyes, but he doesn't say anything. He's stood silent. Veda growls at his disrespect, and he flinches slightly but still stands his ground. "Answer me," my voice mixed with Vedas growl. "She's my mate," he states, talking like we are in the wrong. His answer is like he has a right to pull her about and assault her, but even if it was true and they were mates, it wouldn't excuse his behaviour. "No, you are not," I state firmly while still gaining on him slowly, but my words enraged him, and he growls at me. "SHE IS MINE," he shouted at us, but he didn't have the effect he thought he would. We are not going to be scared of his raised voice or threatening stance. We are trained she-wolves and can take him down. Before I could respond, Holly growled, "You dare growl, not only to me, your Beta female but to your Luna." Holly was fuming, and I could see Sandys fur sprout through Hollys skin ready to shift and defend her Luna. "She is mine. You have no business here, " Paul said, looking at us like we were the deranged ones here. "Stop this now, she isn't your mate, and what you did was disgusting. Back down now and come with us or pay the price of disrespecting Jenny and us," I state, but my words make him angrier. I'm close enough to him that if he lunged, he would land a hit, but I'm already on high alert as his behaviour hasn't changed, and his anger is rolling off him in waves. 'Take him down,' Veda says, knowing I can handle my own, especially against an abusive bully. "You have no right to come between us, get lost, and let Jenny out," he said as his eyes bounced between me and the back door. His eyes widened with relief when the back door opened, but soon it turned to irritation as it shut, and Donna made her way back to us. He had already made his mind up when the door closed, I could see it, so I was prepared for the attack from him. He lunged and swung his fist at my face, which I dodged, but I landed a hard blow to his ribs as he was underestimating me. I will use that to my advantage. Both Donna and Holly growled and were ready to attack 'stand down.' I linked them, and as unhappy as they were doing that, they did. He swung again, aiming for my face, I ducked down and punched his stomach, causing him to groan again. As I stood back into my fighting stance though, he tried to kick me in the stomach, I moved back quickly and dodged, but he landed a kick to my side and winded me, I steadied myself and blocked the next. I hear Holly and Donna both growling but didn't interfere. I took all our anger of what he had done to Jenna and pushed it forward. Why do certain people think they can do what they like with no consequences? He laid his hands on an innocent person, just like Sid, he took from me that night, he laid his filthy hands on my body, a body of a child, how could he, how could a man hurt an innocent person. I see Sid in his filthy clothes, smelling of beer and sweat, his disgusting hands roughly groping my body and his dirty nails as he dug them into my skin, trying to rip my clothes off. I push and push, and that is when I'm being pulled back, and I come to my senses with Donna and Holly holding onto me. I look down and see that Paul was laid battered and bruised unconscious on the grass with Chris standing over him in shock and Lou checking on him.
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