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Alora POV I'm confused as to where I've heard Paul Timmson before. I have explained everything to Donna and Holly, but none of them have heard of Paul either. We are sitting in the office waiting for our mates to get their opinions. "We've been waiting for a while, does anyone know what they are doing?" I ask out loud. When both Holly and Donna shake their heads, no, I decide to link them. "They've blocked me," I say confused "ok I'll try Gage," Holly says. "Me too," Donna mumbles, and their eyes glaze over. "No, nothing." "blocked," they say as one. Strange. Something must be wrong. "Ok, we will have to sort this out without them," I say, determined to get it dealt with now. I'll deal with my mates later. "Look through the files on members he must be in there, and I'll look in the complaints and concerns, book," I say over my shoulder as I leave the office to collect the book from the table outside. All complaints or concerns are anonymous, and anyone can write in it. It's a fairly new thing that we decided to try so everyone can have a say or report without the pressure of being outed. I find it and walk back to the desk while Holly and Donna go through the filing cabinets in search of his file. I go to the beginning of the book and start reading through it. Luckily, there aren't loads, so it should be fast. I find nothing at all about him or anything similar. "No luck here," I say loudly and look up as there is lots of rummaging. "He's got to be in here," Holly says, looking confused. "I'll pop this back and help." I stand and lift the book. A piece of paper flutters to the ground. I place the book back on the table and pick the paper up. I unfold it, and Veda growls, catching the attention of the others. ***note*** She doesn't deserve to be Luna. She is a useless and worthless wolf who deserves to die. She is a skank who has no claim on this pack. ******** I feel both mine and Veda anger combine. Holly is beside me in a blink reading it. She growls, too. Then Donna. We are all angry. I try linking my mates again, but I'm still blocked. Honestly, I'm pissed and I'm starting to worry. Why would they both block me, and surely if it was something important, they would have told me first. I don't get it. I take a few deep breaths and try to calm down. "Disrespectful fucker" Holly growls lowly "we will deal with this later. Let's find the file so we can deal with that, then we can deal with this," I explain holding the note up. "Whoever it is will pay for that," came from Holly before she turns to the files again. "Found it," Donna says in releif, holding it up to grab our attention. She lays it on the desk and opens it for us all to read. ***file*** Name: Paul Timmson Age: 20 Position: warrior Joined the pack: 2012 :: Paul was permitted to join his extended family in our pack at age 11. His former pack was attacked, and his family was killed. **** It wasn't a very thick file. There were other papers in there, but it was his grades from school and assessments on his fighting abilities. We skimmed over them, but there was nothing here to say who his family was or where we could find him. I see there are no complaints in his file. It could be that no one had come forward, but I hope this was an isolated incident that, luckily, Jenna managed to escape. "Ok, so there isn't actually any information we can use here," I say, closing the file. "It does state he is a warrior. We could start there, ask the other warriors about him before we confeont him," Holly says, and we all agree "ok lets go," Donna heads for the door. "Let's get as much information as we can, then we will bring him here for questioning," I explain, and we are walking to the training grounds with determination. I am worried about the note I found, but there isn't much we can do at the minute. Jenna needs our help, so that is exactly what we will do. I slide it into my pocket for now. I hear Ruby and her gaggle of friends talking and laughing before we round the corner. "I told you before, I'm the best f**k he's ever had he will come crawling back," her voice irritates me, but I pay them no attention. Luckily, since becoming Luna, I've not had any dealings with her. Which is great, but her words tighten my stomach. I have no idea why. 'b***h' Veda growls in my mind and blocks herself off. I know they have seen us, but they try to act as if they haven't. Honestly, you would think they were young pups how they acted. They need to grow up. Even what they are wearing is childish. Anyone would think they were going clubbing, t**s and ass practically hanging out, I think they think they look sexy and obviously want everyones attention. "As if they could want anyone else but you," Ashlie, one of her followers, says, flashing me a look. I don't have time for their bullshit. "Yeah, she doesn't even know where they are," Katy, her other follower, says, giving me a look too. I know they want a rise from me, but I'm not biting. Veda, though, is another thing. She is now at the front of my mind. 'They are trying to get a rise. We are better than that.' I try to calm her, but I can feel it's not working "yeah she's clueless, I know they are outside the territory, dwalung with a problem and they didn't even tell her" Ruby states with a sly smile and that is all it takes for Veda to take advantage of me being distracted by Rubys words, she takes control and has Ruby by her throat pinned against the wall. 'Veda, give back control,' I say, but she holds on with everything she has. My eyes must have changed, and my voice sounds deeper. "Too many times you have disrespected us, and I've let it go, but next time, I'll snap you like a twig" Ruby is visibly shaking, I don't think she realised that not only are we the Luna but we are also an Alpha born wolf. Vedas presence is suffocating them as they cower. "What do you know?" She growls at Ruby, ready to kill her. "Alphas have gone to rogue camp," she squeezes out of her crushed throat, and Veda drops her like a rag doll, she lands in a heap coughing and spluttering and Veda releases control back to me. "Let's go, we have things to do," I say, looking back at a very surprised but happy Holly and Donna. We walk away and head for the training ground. "That was amazing." "her face was hilarious," they both said at the same time. I just shake my head at them with a small smile and drag them along with me. My mates are in trouble when they get home.
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