more questions

1084 Words
Aiden POV We are now stood waiting for Callies' explanation. She is currently standing close to her parents, trying to avoid our eyes. "Why are our members scents on you?" I ask pissed that we still have no answers, but I try not to have the harshness in my voice. As much as I want the answers now, I also know she is a young pup. Still, she isn't answering. "Answer the Alpha now Callie, what is going on?" her dad says, filled with worry and also puzzled at her unwillingness to tell us. She did look frightened, but we needed to know what she was hiding. "Please, dad, I.. I don't know," she stuttered. I know she is lying just from her heartbeat that is now thrumming so fast and also her lack of eye contact with any of us, including her parents. "You realise we know you're lying, right?" Austin stated, and her head lowered more. "Callie, please," her mum begged, and the pups shoulders started shaking. She had started crying, but we wouldn't give up so easily. Some of our pack are fighting for their lives, and we will bring whoever is responsible to justice, another words they are going to die. "If she is unwilling to talk, we have no choice but to escort her back to the pack," I say, hoping she will change her tune. "What, no, please," her mother sobbed, and as terrible as I felt, we needed to think of our pack and their safety. "She's obviously hiding the reason, so either she is involved or she is protecting the wolves responsible. Either way, she knows more, and we need that information." Austin explained. Yes, we are playing her, but she doesn't know that. "Please, I don't want to leave," she cried, now clinging to her dad, sobbing into his top. "Then they need to hear whatever you are hiding," and she sobs harder. I get down to her level and speak a little softer. The hard approach is obviously not working. "Whatever it is, we need to know. Lola is a caring she-wolf. Her and Cody are amazing warriors, so it's very alarming that both her and Cody were found near death, and her scent clings to you," she nods her head ok, no longer does she wear the mask of indifference or the dislike in her eyes, instead she's a scared pup. Her dad lovingly strokes her hair as she wipes her face and takes a shaky breath. "I'm sorry, dad, I left the camp." She explained, not daring to look up at her dad, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he carried on stroking her hair."It's ok," he soothed her, and her shoulders relaxed a little. "I'm sorry," she said again, now looking up at her dad. "I know, and that will be something to discuss later," was his only reply wrapping her her in a fatherly hug. "Can you tell us what you had seen?" Austin asked now softer spoken. "I went to explore around the camp, I stayed close, but I wanted to see more. I could hear arguing between men, so I ducked low and prayed they didn't scent me." ok, so it was definitely more than one like we thought. "Who was it?" I asked, hoping she knew or had at least seen them. "I. I.. don't know, I didn't see them," she says, but she is still holding back. "Can you remember what they were arguing about?" I asked, and she nodded her head yes. "Yes, one man was mad that something wasn't happening fast enough and the other was shouting about being patient, and it will all be theirs soon" and as happy as I am that we have some answers it only adds more questions "could you tell us what happened for you to get Lolas scent on you" Austin asks and to be honest I want to know too "I heard the men whisper about hiding because someone was coming, I heard a rustling, like the bushes and then silence but I was scared and couldn't move, I stayed still" she had a few tears running down her face. "It's ok, darling, you did the right thing" her dad reassured her but she was mad at herself "I can fight dad and I didn't I hid" and I understand that she has probably been trained to fight from a young age but she is still a pup and without her wolf there would be no chance of her taking on 2 grown males and living to tell the tale. "You don't fight unless you have to," her dad said, and she wiped her tears. "I heard a man and woman talking. They stopped not far from me and were talking about a familiar scent. The man said they would have to check the gate log or something. I blinked and felt something warm hit my face. When I touched my face and looked, I saw it was blood, and when I looked up, the woman was looking at me, struggling to breathe. She whispered Run, and then she stopped. Her eyes were shut, and there was blood everywhere. On the floor near her was a man also bleeding. It happened so fast," she cried. That must have been horrendous for her to witness. "Thank you, Carrie. we appreciate everything you have told us," I say, placing my hand on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. She lifted her hand and caught my top, holding it so I couldn't move without hurting her hand. She cupped her hands around my ear and whispered for only me to hear. "One of the men was wearing those boots and trousers," and she stood back straight, but when I gave her a confused look, my eyebrows knitted together, she looked down at my warriors' legs. I gave her a nod, so she knew I understood. All warriors wear a uniform of sorts when on duty. Black top and trousers with combat boots. We do it that way for 2 reasons. 1- it is to show a united front, and so the pack knows who's on duty. 2- because if they wore their own clothes, they would constantly be getting new ones. This way, we provide for our warriors as they provide for our pack. The bad side to that is that it means at least one of the men is from my pack. We have a traitor.
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