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Alora POV Me, Holly, and Donna have spent time in the kitchen, we helped clean up the breakfast pots while checking in and chatting with the omegas that work in there. We have discussed needing more storage as the gardens have produced more vegetables and fruit this time. They have also distressed that the cooker isn't working as it should, and so they are having to get up 2 hours earlier just to make sure breakfast is ready on time. The problem has apparently been reported in the book a couple of weeks ago. It is kept in the Alphas office, but they haven't heard anything yet from Austin and Aiden. I have promised to get it sorted because it isn't right them getting up so early because they are on their feet most of the day sorting out the meals for the pack. I have also held a quick meeting with all the omegas to make sure everyone is treated well and they are all ok. They all seem happy except one, Jenna. We call the end of the meeting, and everyone exits the dining room. She is the youngest of the omegas at 18 and only joined 3 weeks ago. She is lovely but very quiet, and even though she was smiling with the others, it wasn't reaching her eyes. Her smile was wide, but her eyes held sadness. I've asked for her to stay behind, and watching her figet nervously walking towards us was heartbreaking. "Hi Jenna, how's you?" Donna smiled at her, but she put her head down and bared her neck instantly. "I'm good, thank you, Gamma-female," was Jennas reply, very formal. Donnas' smile failted slightly because we are trying to get our pack to be more relaxed and open with us, and one of the things we have tried to do is to be less formal. Even though the pack refuses to call us by our names, they have lessened the formality, and now, instead of Gamma-female and Beta-female, they say Beta Holly and Gamma Donna. Me, however, will forever be called Luna, no matter how many times I've said to just call me Alora. I know I didn't get to grow up in a pack, but I find it strange to be called Luna constantly, but after Austin explained that being the leaders of the pack, we need to be accepted by the whole pack and being called Alpha and Luna means we are accepted and respected by them. I stopped being upset and stopped pushing my name onto them after he explained because now I see it is the way a pack works. "Jenna.. please look at me, " I say softly, and even though she is weary, she does as I ask, but I honestly think it's because I'm the Luna. Her eyes hold so much hurt and pain, and it brings so many old memories back. Something clicks inside me, and I feel a pull to protect her. "Someone has hurt her.' Veda growls lowly. 'I think so too.' I agree with Veda. I lead Jenna to the nearest table, and we take a seat. Her eyes are now on her twidling fingers. "Holly, Donna, could you please double check with the kitchen? What type of storage do they need, please?" I say, looking between them and Jenna. "Oh, of course," Holly says, taking Donna by the arm and walking out of the dining room. "Ok, it's just us. Who has hurt you?" I ask, and her head snaps up so fast with wide eyes. Her eyes were asking the silent question,'How do you know?' But I know that look well. "How?.." was all she could mustered, I see her trying to swallow, but her mouth is dry. My heartbreaks for her. "I know the look well, I had seen it in the mirror for years," I explain sadly, and that's when her eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry." How can someone that has her pain hidden find it in her to apologise for my hurt. "I was just a child, and luckily, I was able to escape before he took anymore from me, which would have cost me my sanity. That was the night we escaped there and never looked back, I'm here with open arms and open ears. No judgement, " I explained, now trying to stop my own tears. "I.. he.." she was now sobbing, and I'm in front of her with my arms wrapped around her sobbing frame. I want to destroy him, whoever he is. 'Could you bring me a glass of water and some tissues please' I link Holly 'of course' and within a few minutes she is placing them on the table beside us and gives me a worried look 'I'll fill you in soon' I link her and she heads for the kitchen again. "Are you ready to tell me?" I ask as I hear her sobs become snuffles. I feel her head nod yes, and I lean back and hold her shoulders look in her eyes. "I'm always here, anytime day and night, ok." I want to reassure her that she isn't alone. "Thank you, Luna." she gives me the smallest smile, and I sit back down on my chair. I wait for her to find her words because I'm sure she is going to find it hard to talk about. "I was in a relationship with him for 6 months, I honestly thought we would be mates because I love him so deeply, but just over 3 weeks ago I had my 18th birthday and it became apparent that we were not. I was gutted, but I have always wanted to save myself for when I meet my mate." she took a shaky breath, and I can see how upset she is over her predicament. "Is he the same age?" I asked, curious, and she shook her head no . "No, but he said that I would feel the connection with him when I have my birthday." I nod my head in understanding. "So when I had my birthday I knew he had lied, I knew he wasn't the one, and at first I didn't know what to do because he had sworn that we were mates and constantly told me he loved me, so I carried on seeing him but last week I told him the truth that I didn't feel any connection with him. He had grabbed me and told me he had wasted all his time on me trying to bed me, but he said he wasn't waiting any longer" I'm fuming but I try to keep both me and Veda calm. "It's ok, take your time," I say as she is taking deep breaths. "He had me pinned down and was trying to.." Tears started falling from her eyes. "I'm sorry you have been through that." I take a hold of her hand gently. "I should have known.. I fought with everything in me and Cherie, my wolf. We got away and ran faster than I've ever ran before." I give her hand a gentle squeeze."You're a fighter, that's why. " I give her a smile. "It's silly, I know, but I can't stop thinking it over and over. I got away before he went-" but I cut her off. "It isn't silly. He is in the wrong, not you, and it will never diminish what you went through because you escaped before it went further. " I reassure her. She needs to hear that abuse is abuse. "Thank you for listening Luna" she says softly "I'll always be here, now I need the name" and I know this will be the hardest bit of information to get her to tell me. "I.. I was seeing him, Luna, " so she thinks because she was in a relationship, it changes the attack."It makes no difference, even if he was your mate. No means no," I explain, and I see her wavering a little. "What will happen?" She asks, and as much as I want to not tell her on the chance she doesn't tell me, I can't lie. "He will answer for his crime" I say and I see her freeze and shake her head no "Jenna, listen, what he has done is wrong, he needs to be reprimanding for it" I explain further and her shoulders sag in defeat "Paul.. Paul Timmson, " she says, and I've heard that name before, but I'm not sure where. "Thank you, Jenna" I smile at her but she doesn't return it, I can see she is nervous "you have no reason to worry, if anything at all happens or you hear from him again, tell me instantly no metter the time" I say and she finally gives me a small nod and smile back "thank you Luna.. I just don't want to ruin his life" and I see what a big heart she has "don't worry ok, you can have time off from duties if you need it, don't push yourself too much" I say but she shakes her head no "I'll be ok, I want to work. Keep myself busy" she explains back and all I can do is nod jn agreement "ok if you're sure but if you do need time take it ok" and she nods her head ok, stands and walks to the door. There is no way I'd not punish him for his wrongdoings. I walk to the kitchen with the half empty glass in hand, I place it in the sink. "I'll fill you in," I say to Holly and Donna as we walk out.
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