basic file

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Alora POV We are currently waiting for Chris, Caria, Lou, and Carrie. They are the best people to ask about Paul as they were the highest ranks in the pack, back when he was permitted to join. It is strange, though, because everything should be in his personal file. All information, including if he was born into the pack or he joined later and if he did join later, then when and why. It should also include any family members or at least a point of contact, but there is nothing. Just basic information. "I'm really surprised at dad, actually. He has always kept files immaculate, and same with mum, " Aiden said, still looking over the almost nonexistent file on Paul."I agree," Aiden sounded as perplexed as Austin. "I just don't know how we missed it," Gage said, confused. He's definitely right, but we had so much happening that it didn't even occur to us. The knock on the door grabs our attention. Gage opens it to Chris. He is still as imposing as ever. His Alpha aura still leaks from him, even though he has passed the Alpha title on to Austin and Aiden. It's understandable why Gage still bared his neck as a sign of respect. "Hey, dad. We need any information you have on Paul Timmson." Austin asked before the group had a chance to enter the room. I can hear a tinge of annoyance in his voice and looking at his dad, so does he. "Everything is in his file, Austin," Chris answered now also annoyed "well that's the thing dad, there is nothing in it, not really" Aiden spoke and held the file out to his dad. His mum took it, and when she read it, a frown of confusion was on her face. "it's been tampered with!" she passed the file to their dad, who also looked confused. "I don't understand. It's been switched, but why?" he questioned, but none of us could give the answer. "How do you know it's fraudulent? could it have been filled in as it is?" I can't help but ask. "No darling, it's definitely a fake. Firstly, we don't allow anyone to join our pack without fully vetting them. Each file contains information from their name to their eye colour, " Caria explained before Chris spoke. "This isn't even our writing. The information is bare minimum at best, and it definitely isn't on our official pack paper." it confuses me as I had no idea they even used a different paper. "What is different about it?" I ask and move closer to get a better look. If I'm being totally honest, it looks just the same as the rest. White paper. Caria grabbed another file off the desk. "Here, see the corner when it is held to the light it shows our packs seal," she explained, and it was definitely there. The pack seal was embossed in the left-hand corner. "and this one does not," Chris stated, holding Paul's file up to the light, and it was blank. "I had no idea we used a specific paper." I'm amazed at how it shimmers in the light. "it's only used for pack files and official letters. We decided to use it so no one could fraudulently join another pack." Well, they say you learn something new every day, and it's true. "Can you remember anything about him that could help us track his family down. No one even came to his burial." Gage asked, hoping they do. But they all shake their heads. "Not exactly. The file says he joined the pack because his original pack was attacked. His parents are dead, and we accepted him. The thing is, I can't remember who his family is. " Chris reads the file before looking up at Caria, who in turn shakes her head no."What about you, Lou, Carrie? " Austin asked, but they too shook their heads no. "we are no further than yesterday." I'm starting to feel defeated. "We will get the answers we are searching for, don't worry," Austin said as I sat down with a huff. "I know, I'm sorry." I apologise because they must feel like I do. "So we need to find out who his family is?" Carrie asks, looking as confused as we feel. "Yes, someone in this pack is his family, and it's suspicious that they haven't come forward," Aiden states. "ok, so we need to ask if anyone knows his family or if he's close to anyone," Austin says, looking around the room. We all nod our heads in agreement. what we know so far.. Name: Paul Timmson Age: 20 Position: warrior Joined the pack: 2012 :: Paul was permitted to join his extended family in our pack at age 11. His former pack was attacked, and his family was killed. We need to get to the bottom of all of this, and we need answers. which pack did he come from? who is his family? why would his file be switched? "it's not a lot, but we have a starting point. He's spent 9 years here, so someone must know him and his family, " Aiden says as we all stand ready to leave. "Me and Gage will question half of the warriors, Aiden and Greyson take the other half. Dad, can you and Lou contact the surrounding packs, we need to find the pack he originated from?" Austin asks, and they agree, Austin and Aiden both head for the door with Gage following them. Chris and Lou get to work getting all the files away except for Paul's, but I'm confused as to what I should be doing. "What about me?" I ask as I want to make sure I'm helping. "We could ask the pack members around the house then move outwards towards the houses," Caria suggests. "Wouldn't it be faster to link them?" I frown, but she smiles."I'm sure through the link they could lie. We do it in person because people have tells. It's easier to spot a lie face to face." Actually, that makes sense, and I now understand why the warriors will be questioned face to face too. "I'll help to," Carrie offered, and I'm grateful for all the help we can get. I give both Austin and Aiden kisses and head out at the same time, ready for the task ahead. We have got a lot of people to question, and I can see we are all up to that, I just hope we find the answers we need soon.
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