sickness pt2

2017 Words
Alora POV I woke up as I felt sickly. The last thing I remember was being carried by my sweet Aiden. I always feel safe in their arms, and the heat from him must have lulled me to sleep. I'm laid in between my hot mates. Yes, they are deliciously hot, but I actually meant hot as in, im sandwiched in between stifling hot radiators. I'm tangled with their bodies, and I feel so hot. My stomach is rolling again. I try my best to move without waking them, but I feel so worn out that I hardly move them at all. 'Veda. What is happening?'I try to reach her, but still, she is silent. I push myself up, but I can't get free, I really need to get to the toilet before I puke all over the bed. I'm retching whilst trying to move Aidens' arm. I don't think I'm going to make it. I feel the loss of the soft mattress from beneath me before I can open my eyes. Sparks erupt across my skin from the touch of Austins skin against mine. He is carrying me to the bathroom while trying to soothe me, telling me that I'm going to be ok. Aiden is asking if I'm OK, walking behind us. We reach the toilet just as I'm sick, my stomach is empty but I'm still retching. My body tries to give more to the toilet, but there's nothing left to give. All the while, I feel one of my mates gently stroking my back and the other holding my hair up. I wish they hadn't seen me like this. "Baby, are you OK?" Austin asks softly, he let's go of my hair when I'm done, and it seems like I'm done being sick. I'm feeling a little bit better, I stand and sit on the now closed toilet seat. "Yes, I'm ok. I'm just tired." I wipe my watering eyes. Both Aiden and Austin are worried, I can see it in their eyes. "Can we get you anything? or do anything?" Aiden asks while placing the back of his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. "No, I'll be fine, I'll just brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. You go back to bed," but I know as I say this, it isn't happening. They both frown at me and are already busy getting me a flannel for my face and also putting toothpaste on my toothbrush. I stand and thank them because I know that no matter what I say, it will go in one ear and out the other, and I seriously don't have the energy to argue with them right now. I brush my teeth and wash my face, I turn to see Austin leaning against the door frame, waiting for me. "How are you feeling?" he asks, making me smile."I'm good now, just tired, gorgeous," I replied, walking to him and wrapping my arms around him, resting my head against his chest. "I think we should go to the clinic tomorrow," he suggested, but I wouldn't want to waste their time. "I feel better now, I'm sure it would be a waste," I try to pacify him. "If you are sick one more time, we are going," and there was no room to argue, and anyway, I'm sure I'll be good now. My stomach feels more settled. I nod my head in agreement. "Come on," he says, picking me up. "I'm quite capable of walking." I giggle, but he doesn't say anything and walks with me to the bed. "Where's Aiden?" I ask, expecting him to be in bed."He's gone to get some drinks," Austin said and laid me on the bed, he slides in beside me and pulls the quilt up, over the both of us "Oh ok," was all I say yawning loudly and closing my eyes, and yes, it's crazy that my eyes were already heavy with sleep. Darkness takes me as soon as Austins body heat hits me and the weight of his arm holding me. I wake up hearing my mates talking to each other. Aiden - "I don't know, what if something is wrong?" Austin - "she has been asleep for a while. Maybe we should call the Dr?" Aiden - "I agree we should." Austin - "she has never slept this long before." Aiden - "Exactly, and I know mum said she would be fine, but that was hours ago," 'Hey sweet girl,' I hear Veda. Thank the goddess. I've been so worried, I feel so much better knowing she is ok. 'Hey, I've been so worried about you, Are you ok?' I link back filled with releif. 'I'm good, I've been busy', but her reply doesn't make sense. 'Busy?' But she wolf chuckled. Honestly, my wolf can be as confusing as she is horny. "I'll let that thought slide just because it's time.' Again, confusion. 'time for what?' I ask, and I feel a surge of happiness hit me from her 'new' was her only reply.'What news?' I knew it wasn't bad news as I felt her happiness and love spread through me. 'I'm sorry that I've been distant, but I had to pull my strength in to protect our pup,' she explained. My heart rate spiked, I could feel it thumping wildly against my chest, trying to escape. I feel the bed dipped on either side of me and my mates hands on my forehead. "Alora baby," Austin gently spoke, but I have no idea what to say. 'Pup?' was all I could muster. 'Yes, I've been protecting our pup. We are pregnant.' She singsonged in happiness. I open my eyes to my worried mates, "Please don't cry." Aiden gently wiped my face. "Does it hurt? we will take you to the clinic." Austin spoke worried, but all I could do was shake my head no, but no words were coming out. Taking deep, steadying breaths, I try to process. "What is wrong?" Aiden asked, and Austin started pacing the room. "I'll ask the Dr to come here," Austin said with determination. "NO," I shout, causing both mates to look even more worried, s**t. "No, there is no need. I know why I was sick," I say with a smile, sitting up with my back against the headboard."What is it? What's wrong?" "What can we do?" they both ask at the same time, and Austin sits back on the bed. "Nothing is wrong, I'm pregnant." I smile at them both as I see the shock hit them, then not long after the realisation sets it. They are both smiling so wide. Aiden jumps up first and starts shouting, "WOOHOO," then Austin follows suit, and before long, they are both jumping, hugging and back slapping each other, causing me to laugh. "Oh baby," Austin says, dropping on the bed next to me and wrapping me in his arms and kissing all over my face, and Aiden follows, both kissing me all over. Honestly, I have no idea what I ever did worthy enough to be this happy. I realise that I had slept all the way through the night and most of the morning. "I can't wait to meet our little one," I whisper while stroking my flat stomach. It's weird to think I've got a little being, growing safely inside me, and one day, I'll be called mummy. We spend the next few hours lying on the bed, talking about becoming parents and building our future together. We decide to keep it to ourselves just until we have processed the wonderful news ourselves, and then we will share with all our loved ones and pack. Aiden is adamant that I should stay in bed in my "delicate" condition. Honestly, if I roll my eyes anymore at him, I'll make myself dizzy. "I'm pregnant, not completely written off," I say, getting dressed in leggings and top. We are still arguing the point that I should be resting when we get to the dining room. "What have you done now?" their mum asks, directed at them, making me smile. "Hey mum, we've not done anything wrong. We just think Alora should be resting." Austin groans a reply to his mum who rolls her eyes. That is what my men do to you, I think, with a giggle. "There is no need to change what she is doing until she feels like it. Her body will tell her what she needs," she says like it's an everyday comment but I'm blown away and my heart speeds up a little at the thought my mates couldn't wait to announce our news but as I turn on my mates to call them out for their d**k move, I realise they look as shocked as I feel. "Ahh, come on. I knew when Alora started being sick. I'm not stupid." she shrugs her shoulders. I don't think she was expecting the rant from her boys, and to be honest, I wasn't either. I've never heard them speak to her that way, Ever. "Why didn't you say anything.. you knew how worried we were." Aiden started to rant, and Austin joined in."You told us that she was fine and we were worrying too much." "Yeah, how could you keep that from us?" they just kept ranting, and I could see their mum was starting to feel guilty, but when I see tears starting to gather in her eyes, my temper reaches a whole new level. 'Stop them now,' Veda growled. I've never felt anger from her towards our mates, but seeing how they are upsetting their mum, I understand why. My wall shaking growl stops them in their tracks. "DONT SPEAK TO HER THAT WAY!" I'm fuming that I can't seem to calm down. This wonderful woman who gifted the world with my mates. She is their mother and our pups nanny, and they dare talk to her that way. She has a heart of gold and helps anyone she can. "Please calm down, baby." My growls are getting more powerful if that is even possible. I clench my eyes shut, not wanting to see them. "Calm down!! Calm down!!" came in between my growls. I opened my eyes and saw Caria wiping her eyes, and Chris was walking towards us, probably attracted by our commotion. "What is happening?" I heard Chris ask while pulling Caria into his arms. "Please, it's ok, baby, calm down." I moved my eyes to Austin when he said that. He was just making it worse. "It is not ok, how could you speak to your mum that way, You made her kind eyes fill with tears. That is not ok, that will never be ok." At my words, both mates put their heads down, and a low growl emits from Chris. I'm breathing hard, and I can't seem to calm down enough. Caria walks to me "thank-you darling," she hugs me, making the fight leave my body. I lift my eyes to my ashamed mates "we are sorry mum" Aiden said "next time you will be" Chris said at them and both mates side eyed each other, knowing their dad is serious, he's always serious when it comes to Caria. "I didn't tell you because it was more of a hunch," she explains, and I feel the disappointment from them both through our bond. Disappointment at themselves for treating their mum that way. "Well, it was right, Nanny," I say, smiling at her, and I know we agreed to wait, but I think they deserve to know. "Wow.. I can't wait, " Caria cried, hugging Chris, who in turn hugged me."I'm going to be a grampa," and even though his boys were in his bad books, he hugged them too. Before we knew it, we were all happy and chatting again. I do start to feel bad for acting that way, though. I would never want to treat my mates that way, but Caria is a beautiful and pure soul. They had no right upsetting her that way either.
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