
1372 Words
Alora POV "You're sure you don't know him?" I ask even though she has already told us the same thing twice. Sam is one of the last members to question, and so far, nothing, unfortunately. "No, Luna, I know most of the members, especially as I work in the kitchen, but there are a few I don't know. I'm sure we spoke in passing, but that would be it." and her answer does make sense. "Thank you anyway, Sam." I smile, and we move on. Only when we get to the door does she speak again. "Luna, Sally is due back from visiting her family in a few days. She would probably know him. She is one of the oldest omegas and makes a point of getting to know all members, especially those who seem to be more alone." That actually helps. "That's great, thank you," Caria says with a smile. "I hadn't even thought of Sally," Caria says when we head out of the front door. "Me neither. Hopefully, she could be the missing link?" I can't help but get hopeful. "We could ask her to come back early," Carrie suggested, but I don't think that would be fair on Sally "No we can wait a few more days, Sally is visiting her sister for the first time in years it wouldn't be fair of us to cut her visit short" I state not liking that idea at all and she might not know anything either. "Who's left for us to speak to?" I ask, and Caria looks at the list. We decided to split our tasks with Holly and Don. we wrote a list for both groups and worked through it. "We have the omegas that work the vegetable gardens to the south, then we are done." Caria said, but she didn't sound too hopeful. So far, it's been a bust. "Come on then, let's get it out of the way. I'm hoping Holls and Don have found something." I huff, and all three of us are off for our next round of questioning. I'm always blown away by the size of our pack. it's quite a walk to get to the south gardens. I'm also so impressed with how self efficient our pack is to. I know they call them gardens, but they are more like fields. Rows and rows of produce sprouting from the preserved earth. and looking at the people working here, I know we have our work cut out for us. I could see 15 weres working hard. fingers crossed, at least one of them knows Paul. "Ok, I think it will be beneficial if we split up," I say, looking at Caria and Carrie, who nod in agreement. 'Hey Veda, are you OK? you've been so quiet," I ask, but she seems to have locked herself away. I decided to leave her be for now. I'm sure if something was wrong, she would tell me. "Hello, Luna," a male voice pulls me from my thoughts. "Hi Henry, how are you?" I ask. I've met him a few times before. he's an older man who I had asked if he wanted to retire because he is of age, but he refused. "I'm very well, thank you." I can see the look in his eyes. He probably thinks I'm here to ask him to retire again, but I respect his decision. "Don't worry, I'm not here about retirement." I smile at him, and he visibly relaxes. "That's a relief," he laughed, causing me to giggle along with him. "What can I help you with today?" he asked, taking a drink from his bottle. "Well.. I was hoping you might know a Paul Timmson?. We are trying to find his family." I know it's a long shot, and I'm not filled with anything at the minute but defeat, especially when I look at Caria and Carrie shaking their heads at me as they leave one person and move onto the next. "Yes, of course I do, Luna," and I'm shocked. sounds daft, but I was getting to a point that nobody knew Paul. Well, not really anyway, and definitely not his family. "Really?" I ask in shock. "Of course, Luna," he says and takes another drink of his water. "What can you tell me?" I ask, hoping it's something more than we already know. "I remember the day that he joined. such a sad little boy." Henry had a sad look in his eyes as he remembered. "Could you come with me so we can chat in the office?" I ask, but he looks confused."It'd be just a few questions, if you don't mind?" I reassure him, and he nods in agreement and walks with me. 'Henry has some information.' I link Caria and Carrie, who are soon walking in our direction. Entering the office, both Chris and Lou look up. Chris thanks whoever is on the phone and hangs up. "Hi, Henry might be able to help us," I explain as I lead him to a chair. "Please have a seat. Would you like a drink or anything?" I ask, but he shakes his head no and holds up his bottle with a shake "no thank you," I give a small nod and take the seat next to his. "What can you tell us, Henry?" Chris asks, and Henry bares his neck."Alpha, it's good to see you." Henry is a lovely elder. He used to be a formidable warrior back in his day. He has always got time for everyone. "You too. How are you?" Chris asks as he sits back down. "I'm great, you know me always keeping busy." he smiled at Chris."That is great." Chris smiled back. "If there is anything you could tell us, we would be eternally grateful," Lou spoke. "Of course, I'm not sure what I can tell you," he answered, not looking hopeful. "Can I ask what it is about?" he asked, but we all shook our heads no. "I'm sorry, Henry, but it's not possible to tell you at the moment," I explain, and he takes my answer with a pinch of salt. "ok, what is it that you would like to know?" he asks now full of business. "Can you tell us what you know about Paul Timmson?" Chris asks, and with a nod of agreement, Henry starts talking. "I remember the day he arrived, such a young and sad boy. I was just leaving the garden when I heard sobbing. He was tucked behind a tree, crying his little heart out. After that day, he made regular visits to me. The longer he was here, the more he seemed to settle in, but after he had been here a few years, I thought it was strange that he would leave in the direction of the woods. I assumed he was just taking on an adventure like most pups, but I followed him one night, I could see him climbing up a tree to watch the stars. I made him jump when I asked what he was doing. He almost fell out of the tree. He was such a sweet and caring pup." Henry had a sad smile as he remembered Paul as a young boy. "Do you remember his family?" I ask as he takes a swig of his water, "he didn't have one. I was told he was an orphan from another pack, but when I asked about his family here, he bottled up and left. Every time I asked, he left, so I stopped asking. He would help me in the gardens, such a sweet boy. He stopped visiting when he was 13/14. He said he wanted to be a warrior, so I let him be. I know that drive to be a warrior because I had it too," He answered with a smile. "I was upset to hear of his death," he added with sadness. He truly did care for the boy that he had once known. I would never want to destroy his memories, though, and telling him what Paul did would do that. "We can't seem to find any information on Paul at all." I explain, and he looks as confused as us.
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