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Alora POV Henry has left to return to his gardening. He has helped, but he knew nothing else and so was thanked and asked not to speak of any of this to anyone and went on his way. "I feel terrible that I can't remember Paul or his family. I don't understand it, though, because I can remember everyone's details. That is one of the most important roles of Luna, knowing your pack, making sure everyone is taken care of, how did a young boy slip through the cracks, we have no idea if he was even looked after by his family. No wonder he turned out like that with no one one to guide him." Caria said, completely baffled with a tinge of guilt. stood in her mates arms with tears in her eyes. Chris held her, and their eyes glazed over, a telltale sign that they were linking. I'm sure he is reassuring her. "Something is definitely off with this whole situation," Carrie spoke, and she is right. This just isn't the norm in the slightest. "we are missing something, and whatever it is, it's something huge," I think out loud. "What else can we do? There is no trace of him anywhere, no family, no pack. Nothing." Lou spoke for the first time since Henry left, and he had a point. We have nothing to go on. "We need to think outside the box," Chris growled in frustration. We are all frustrated, especially after Paul's last words, or should I say threat. We all need to have a break, and I still need to check in with the orphanage. "Is there anything more I can do? I need to pop to the orphanage, I haven't had a chance yet," I say, looking around the room. "No, I think we all could use a break, I'll update Austin and Aiden," Chris said in defeat. "Maybe they found something too." I say hopeful. "I'll walk with you, darling," Caria says, kissing Chris cheek and walking towards the door with me. "Me too," Carrie quickly said, kissing Lou and heading out with us. 'Hey gorgeous, how are you both getting on?' I link my delicious mates, hoping they have found something, but with their reply, it doesn't sound like it 'hi baby, we are still asking but only a few warriors left' Austin explained and it doesn't seem good. 'ok, we found something and nothing at the same time,' I say in a huff. 'That doesn't really make sense, beautiful,' Aiden said, making Alora smile. 'I know. your dad is in the office he will explain everything when you are finished.' I say 'ok beautiful, are you OK?' Aiden asked 'yes. I'm just checking in at the orphanage, then I'll meet you back at the office,' I explain with a smile on my face at the thought of seeing them 'see you soon baby" they said as one and I cut the link. "I feel terrible. How could I miss him, especially as a child?" Caria asks, but I know she would never willingly ignore a child or anyone that was in need. There has to be more to it. "Honey, you were an amazing Luna. There is no way you would have been neglectful to anyone," Carrie spoke gently to her best friend with her arm around her shoulder. With a small nod from Caria, we carried on walking in silence. We check in on the orphanage, and all is good, I love coming here and having cuddles and smiles from the pups here. They all look so happy, and I couldn't be happier. It truly is their home and a happy one at that. We say bye to them all and leave. I feel so much better coming here and looking at both the wonderful women with me they did, too. Caria still held some sadness in her eyes, but it wasn't as intense now. "What do you think of grabbing our men some food before we head back?" I suggest with a smile, plus I'm super hungry too. "Sounds great," Carrie smiles, and with that, we change direction and head to the kitchen. "Hey, wait up," Holly shouts to us, and both her and Donna are running up to us. "Any luck?" I ask, but they both shake their heads no with a defeated sigh. "it's ok, you tried," Carrie said, giving them hugs. "What is the plan now?" Don asks."we are getting our mates food and heading back to the office," I explain as they both nod in agreement. all of us reach the kitchen as the trays which were filled with food for the pack were being brought back into the kitchen from meal time. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Whatever it was smells great. "Luna," Sam bared her neck as she spotted us. "Hi Sam, it smells delicious in here." I almost groan at not being able to taste whatever it was. "I realised you were all busy, I hadn't seen any of you at meal time, so I saved and covered some food for you all," she explained with a smile and I could have cried in releif. Silly, I know. "That was so thoughtful, thank you," Caria smiled. I realised I was looking for the food already. "You're welcome. The food is in the oven, keeping warm." I'd already opened the oven before she could finish. I'm not sure what has come over me, but whatever it is, it's making the women in my life laugh. "Please allow me, Luna." Sam came up behind me with oven gloves on. she pulls out each tray of food and places it on the side next to the cooker. Another omega, Giji, has put a stack of plates, forks, and knives next to the trays. "Would you like me to place it for you, Luna?" Sam asked, but I could see they were busy "No we can manage. Thank you, Sam." the lids were removed, and I almost moaned at the sight and smell. I grab a plate, "what do you and Chris like Caria?" I ask, but she just chuckles at me."I will do ours, Alora, thank you, You do your threes," and I didn't even double check with her before digging the serving spoon into the chicken pasta. I put a seving of pasta on all three plates and then added a spicy chicken breast, brocoli, and garlic bread. I put extra chicken and garlic bread on each of my mens plates. I move to the side and put our plates on a tray along with 3 dishes with jam rolypoly in and added custard. perfect meal. The only thing was that I was struggling to get them all on one tray. Giji helped me even them out onto two trays and helped carry one. "Thank you." I smiled at her, and she automatically lowered her eyes. "Anytime, Luna," she said softly, like a whisper. I stood back and waited, willing them to go faster. We were heading back to the office, food in hand, and s**t I forgot the cutlery. I stop ready to head back. "I've already got them darling," Caria chuckled, knowing what I had forgotten without me saying. "Thanks," I gave a small, embarrassed smile. I hear them all talking but wasn't paying attention to what was said. I hadn't even realised we had reached the office until I almost walked into Hols back. I have no idea what is happening, I must be really hungry. I walked to my gorgeous mates and placed the tray down, Giji placing hers next to mine and excused herself. Austin gave me his seat, and I was tucking into my food before anyone had a chance to start theirs. I could feel eyes on me, but I ignored them. my stomach was welcoming the delicious food, and I almost moaned. 'Your moaning is distracting, baby.' Austin linked me, and I finally opened my eyes to a room full of people staring at me. The men were shocked, and the women were smiling. I hadn't realised I was moaning, and my face was heating up. Thank the goddess, Aiden got everyone's attention "we might have found something" this got all eyes off me and I began to eat my food slower and quieter 'thanks' I linked Aiden who winked at me. Talking and eating with family and friends is great. "Apparently, it was suspected that Paul was being trained by someone even before joining the warriors. He was already a decent fighter when he was just a boy. he worked his way up through the ranks." Aiden explained."Has anyone admitted training him?" Chris asks, but they shook their heads "no not yet," Austin said, popping the last bit of chicken I'm his mouth. Everyone else was finished, but because I slowed down, I'd still got food on my plate. "That's a bad thing," Lou spoke, "yes definitely" Chris said, but I was confused. "How so?" I asked "well, if he had been trained and no-one is coming forward, it means it's possible that, that person could be a traitor too" Austin explained and I suddenly lost my appetite. I couldn't finish the chicken. my stomach started rolling, and before I could get to the toilet, I grabbed the little office bin and threw up, emptying my stomach. I felt the sparks from my mates touch. "What's wrong?" Aiden asked, kneeling next to me."I feel ok," I try to explain, but then it hits again. I'm heaving over the bin. "Let's call it a day, boys take Alora for some rest," Caria orders and starts collecting the pots up, ready to leave. "I'm so sorry," I groan, I can't believe I've thrown up in front of them all. "Feel better soon, babes," Hols said as they all walked out, leaving me alone with my two worried mates. "Maybe we should go to the clinic?" Aiden said, but I was shaking my head before he finished his words."No, I've probably eaten something that hasn't agreed with me." I try to pacify them. I see they are linking each other. I roll my eyes at them. I stand ready to leave. "I'm going to lay down, I feel so worn out," I say, bending down to remove the bag from the bin. "Leave it. We'll ask someone to sort it." "No, I'm not leaving it. I'll take it to the outside bin it will only take a few minutes," I say, tying the top of the bag into a knot. Austin grabbed the bag off me, and Aiden picked me up. "I'll sort that and meet you upstairs" he left before I could argue "I can walk" I yawn, thinking Aiden would let me down "you can but you're not" he smiled at me. I laid my head on him, and darkness took me.
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