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Aiden POV I'm never one to admit fear, but when our car was surrounded by rogues, I felt fear.. ..Fear at losing our mate. 'we would die before letting that happen.' Kyn growled at my thoughts 'yes we would,' and what I say is true because I'd give my life first. We would happily die to keep our mate safe, to keep her beautiful smile and loving heart in the world. We've faced battle together before standing side by side, and to be honest, I was on edge, even back then I had fear pulsing through my veins but watching both Alora and Veda fight brought me a little bit of comfort, knowing they could handle themselves and take enemies down with ease. Now, though, circumstances have changed, and it's an even bigger danger. Alora can not shift into Veda form, well actually they could shift but at a great risk to our pup, so I know she would never risk our pup, which means she will be a bigger target unshifted. The rogues would go for her, but don't get me wrong, I don't doubt Aloras' capabilities, and it would be their downfall for underestimating her. But if there were more than a few, then they might get the upper hand. When I looked at her sleeping peacefully, I vowed to do everything in my power to stop any of these bastards getting to her. As soon as she woke, I knew we would have to try and get them away from the car. Me and Austin came up with the plan to draw them away from Alora. When we came back to the car and saw our sweet, beautiful mate covered in blood, I wanted to shred every single f*****g rogue even though they are already with our goddess. We got to the door closest to her and I was so f*****g happy to see a f*****g piece of s**t healing while laid on the ground. I linked Austin, and he went straight for Alora while this bastard was mine. I dragged him away from the car and ripped him to pieces. Both me and Kyn took great pleasure in ending his life. I hated the fact that Alora was so close to those fuckers. Sat in her fathers car, now I can finally breathe. Walking along the road set my senses on high alert, and I would have stayed that way until we got Alora to safety. She is clearly worn out, her eyes are dark, and she keeps yawning. I'm actually surprised she isn't asleep from being exhausted, but she is still fighting it. Willing herself to stay alert. "So what issues are you having?" Vince asked full Alpha mode kicking in. I was angry at his outburst, but I also understood how it looked to a father. His daughter was in danger without the protection of our warriors and then walking into more potential danger because we didn't have backup. "We were out of the pack because of a rogue problem. While we were absent, it came to Aloras' attention that a pack member had been attacked. Alora had gone to question the pack member accused of the attack, and he attacked her. Alora kicked his ass," Austin explained, and two things happened both Vince and Yara growled, and Alora tensed up. I know she still felt guilty about what happened. I gave her hand a gentle reassuring squeeze. "That's my girl," Vince says, looking through the mirror at Alora, smiling with pride. "It was a mistake, dad," Alora almost whispered, causing her dad to frown with confusion. "My sweet darling, I can feel from here the guilt that exudes from you, but being Luna means you protect yourself and your pack," Yara says softly with motherly love. "That wouldn't have been a problem if I attacked him for that reason, but I didn't." I could feel shame roll from Alora, and I hated it. "What happened?" Vince asked as both of her parents are intrigued, "and honey, you didn't attack him. You defended yourself," Yara stated, not giving room for Alora to argue the fact. "I.. He.. I blacked out. I was inside my head reliving Sid." Alora tried to explain, and Vince almost stopped the car with a ferocious growl. He hates that scumbucket as much as us. "I'll f*****g kill him. Did he..?" Vinced choked on the question that he wanted to know but also didn't want the answer but the question itself effected both myself and Austin, we couldn't contain our anger, growls filling the car. "NO.. no, not me. It was the crime he committed against another. It just brought those memories back that I thought I was over." she placed her hands in ours to calm us down and gave her dad a small smile through the mirror, probably hoping to calm him too, I think Yaras hand on his shoulder was calming him down though. "Are you ok?" Yara asks her daughter with worry in her eyes. "Yes, I'm fine, I'm just disappointed in myself because it was the first action of Luna, and I failed." Yara laughed at that, "failed. That is far from failure, my sweet. My first action of Luna was horrendous, but I'm where I need to be. Being a Luna takes years to accomplish," and she leaned her arm through the gap of the front seats and gave Aloras knee a gentle squeeze. "Thanks, mum." Alora smiled, and I think her mums words helped. "Is the problem you are having?" Vince asked, looking perplexed "Well that's where it all started. He was held in the dungeons where he ended his own life but not before bragging about an attack." I explained "what have you found out so far, do you know if there's any truth to his words?" Vince asks, we turn right and I know we are almost there. "Not exactly.. We have a file stating when he joined our pack and why but it has been tampered with, we have no information on him" Austin explains further "What about your mum and dad?" Yara asks in confusion "They can't remember him at all, we think something is drastically wrong" I say and I can see both Vince and Yara taking in our words and thinking everything over. "Definitely sounds dodgy" Vince mutters to himself. "The only thing I can think of is asking Isla if she can sense anything magical. Maybe a spell but other than that I have no idea what it could be" Yara said after about 10 minutes of travelling in silence. Magic hadn't even crossed my mind at all but I will asking Isla when we return, we'll when she returns. She's practicing her magic at the witches coven. "Thanks it hadn't even occurred to us that it could be a magical block" Austin smiled and looked deep in thought 'we will chase it up when we get home' I linked him and I got a small nod of his head in agreement. "Baby are you OK, how are you feeling?" I stroked my thumb across her hand "I'm fine, I'll be even better after a shower" Alora smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes. 'I don't want to tell my parents of our amazing news in this state' she almost pleads with us in our link 'of course beautiful' 'whenever you're ready' we both replied at the same time and I feel the tension leave her. "we are here" Vince announced as he pulled up front of their impressive house. Kylie had face timed Alora after everything was settled but the video didn't do it justice. Wow it was massive, nothing like I thought a vampire clan would look like. I'd never actually been around vampires but with how the phsycho Achlys was it was a given, no one went where vampires were. I thought it would be surrounded be darkness and eerie but it was anything but that. It was light and airy, people mulling around and the whole place was alive. Laughter and talking everywhere. "Hi Alphas, Lunas and your guests, King Freddy has had to step out for a while and Queen Kylie is resting. I'm Lenny, I've been asked to show you to your rooms before Queen Kylie sees you" the man does a sweep across us all and double takes when he gets to us three "Is everything OK?" he asks with wide eyes. "Yes just a little trouble on the way" Austin smiles but I can see the man doesn't know what to say so he moves his attention to Vince "we can bring your bags up after we move your cars" he offers but I shake my head "we will take ours now so we can freshen up" and Austin returns to the car for our bags. "If you could follow me please" Lenny asked and turned around so we could follow him. Alora will feel loads better after a hot shower.

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