getting answers

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Austin POV Hearing about Lola and Cody has boiled my blood, I'm fuming that they have been attacked. There is no way they would have attacked at all because our order was specific, observed, and reported but nothing else. I also suspect that they were ambushed because they are great warriors. Something isn't right and we will get to the bottom of this f*****g s**t show and when we do whoever it was will pay. The rogues tone pissed me off, they have attacked our members and now has the audacity to ask what we want. I have to do all I can to hold Xav at bay. These fuckers have wronged us not the pther way around. Gage asked them to step forward. I see they are scared, but they don't need to be unless they are the peices of s**t that have injured our own, and with their hesitation, it makes me wonder what they have to hide. "Step forward now," Gage growled, and slowly, the weres moved forward. They are weary of the unknown, but that is our nature as werewolves. What does shock me, though, is the young daughter of Josey standing forward, too. She looks to be no older than maybe 13 years old. Her brown hair is up in a bobble, and her eyes hold not fear but determination and a hint of dislike. Standing in a line beside her are five men and one woman. I look at greyson and shift my head slightly so he knows to keep an eye on the mates behind me. 'What state were Lola and Cody in' I link Greyson because if there was lots of blood, we might be able to pick up their scents from the culprits. 'Bad.. Cody was unconscious and hardly breathing. His stomach was ripped open, and his head and neck were also bleeding. Lola had her back sliced open, her head was bleeding, and her arm was the wrong way. Clearly, it had been snapped.' He replied, unfortunately, with the state they were in, it sounds bad, and fortunately, we might find the people responsible. How sad to think that way, but it might be our only hope. It was asked for only the fighters because if they were not trained, then they wouldn't have been able to take our scouts down. Both me and Aiden are now walking to the line of fighters. The woman grabs a hold of the mans hand beside her but doesn't move other than that. They are obviously mates. We look closely at each person, looking for any evidence. I don't care how minute that evidence will be. If they were involved, we would find what we were looking for. Being Alpha wolves, we are stronger, with better eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell, and that's a good thing, especially today. I inspect them closely for any trace of blood but mostly Lola and Codys scents, which we should be able to detect with how much they bled. Their scent will linger but only for a few hours, even if they clean themselves up. I don't see or smell anything as I walk down the line. As Aiden does his search from the opposite side. We ask each wolf to turn, but still nothing. We meet in the middle, and we are both now facing the young girl. I was going to turn away because it's obvious that she couldn't have caused the damage to Lola and Cody, especially as they are great fighters. That's when a breeze blew in the opposite direction, and I get a faint scent of Lola. My eyes must have changed as Xav was coming forward at the disrespect of being lied to. 'She is a pup Xav calm down while we get to the bottom of this,' I say, and shut him out for a while. I look down at her, and she knows she has been caught. The closer I bend down to her level, I can smell them on her, only faint, but it's definitely there. Looking at Aiden, he does, too. I hear the growls behind me, and I know that even the most submissive and placid wolf would protect their pup with their lives. "Little wolf, go to your parents," and with that, she ran to them. 'Greyson, don't let them move, the rest of you hold your positions,' I say, opening a link 'yes Alpha' was their reply.'Gage, you're with me and Aiden, we will investigate the rest,' and we agree. If I'm honest, I don't think the rest would be involved, but we need to be 100% sure. From how Greyson described Lola and Cody, it must have been a fighter to take them down. I'd say it had to have been at least 2 wolves. Looking at the ones stood in the crowd were mostly she-wolves and pups with a few elderly so it's very doubtful we will find anything. We move towards them, and I see fear, and I see the pups start to cry. "We will be doing the same to the adults as the fighters, please step forward," Aiden said, clear for them all to hear, not that they wouldn't hear us with our enhanced hearing. They do that shakily, and we do the same investigation, and they are all clear. "Thank you, you can now go," Gage says, and they all move to stand near the makeshift tent. They don't leave and stay near the tent, waiting for the 3 weres stood near Greyson. We make our way now towards them, and our warriors follow us. They stand in between us and the crowd, basically forming a barrier while we deal with the mates and their daughter. "All of you passed the investigation except this pup here," Aiden explains, looking down on the young girl, who is now clinging to her mother. "That's impossible," her mother says in disbelief, "but it is, smell the scents yourself," I say, looking at her mother with anger. She dare tell me I'm wrong. Both parents lean in closer to their girl, concentrating on any other scent, but her own and their faces change. They smell what we smell. "What happened, Callie?" her mother asked with tears in her eyes, now holding the girl gently on the shoulders. The girl started sobbing with her head down. "We know you couldn't have done the damaged caused to them as you don't have your wolf yet, but we need to know what you had seen," Aiden said. We are both a lot calmer now as it is apparent that the camp had nothing to do with the attack, but the only one that does is a sobbing pup.
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