rescue mission

1194 Words
Austin POV Seeing the whole table laughing at Alora pissed both me and Xav off. Yes, looking back now, I can see that we may have overreacted a tad, but they are our friends, so they should have been concerned, too. My thoughts may have gotten the best of me and slightly ran away a little. What if something was lodged in Aloras throat, what if she couldn't breathe or even d.. no, I'm not thinking that ever again. I couldn't ever imagine my life without her. 'We would destroy all that had laughed,' Xav growled, fuming at those thoughts too. "Austin, what do you think?" My dad asked, but I was lost in my thoughts, I'd heard nothing since entering the office. "I was a little preoccupied. I didn't hear the question" s**t how unprofessional. I'm Alpha and I haven't been present at all. Dad gave me a look of worry, I knew it was because both me and Aiden take our responsibilities as Alpha very seriously. I look at the clock on the wall and realise I've been lost in my head for about 5 minutes. "Can we just start over?" I ask now fully focused 'hey man, are you ok?' Aiden links me 'yeah, I was just going over this morning,' I explain.'ok,' he replied and cut the link. "Ok, I was wondering what we should do about the rogues camp just outside our territory. From what I've heard, it's increasing in size," Dad asked. He still worries even though he has retired, and so I knew it wouldn't be long before he enquired. "We have scouts out as we speak, we've also heard it's getting bigger as time goes on." Aiden explains as he grabs a drink from the small fridge we have in here. "We are just waiting for reports before we take action," I carry on, explaining. We have been monitoring the situation for yhat last few weeks, but there have been no reports of violence or any attempt against our pack. It would be against all our rules. We have taken the oath of Alphas. Not only do we protect our pack, we also protect all weres if they need it. The only reason we are checking them out is the increase in number. Rogues don't tend to cluster in groups, and if they do band together, it isn't normally more than maybe 10. "Sounds like you have everything under control. Link me if you need me for anything," dad said and stood up, heading for the door. "ok dad," "will do," both me and Aiden said at the same time. Dad gave us a small nod and left the office, closing the door behind him. "Have we heard back from Lola and Cody?" I ask as they should have been back by now. There shouldn't have been any incidents because their mission was to observe at a distance discreetly and report back. "Not yet, Alpha," Greyson replied. It's so strange to hear him to call me Alpha, we have been friends since childhood but as soon as we are dealing with pack business or in the presence of another pack we are called by our titles to show respect. "We will give them another 30 minutes, and we will link them," Aiden said while looking through a file. "Ok, let's get some work done." I also take a file. We have some work to complete, and so we get to it. "Hey, have we received to follow up information from the river pack?" I ask as I can't see it at all. We asked for additional information about the pack. They want to form an alliance with us but only sent the minimum information "no not yet Alpha, do you want me to get in touch with them?" Gage looks up from his pile of work."Yes, we need all relevant information as soon as possible to make the decision," I say, not taking my eyes from the paperwork in front of me. I know I don't need to explain further because Gage knows what he is expected to do. "I'm done, I'll go and check on training." Greyson stood up and headed for the door. I glance at the clock and realise it's been almost an hour. "I'll link Lola and Cody now. We may need you and some of our warriors," I say, looking at Greyson."Yes, Alpha," was all he said, opening the door. "Be ready to go just in case," Aiden says, now taking note of the clock. 'Lola, Cody, what is your report?' I link them, but I'm not reaching them, I keep trying for a few minutes with no success. I shake my head at Aiden to let him know I can't reach them. "Ok lets go," Aiden says, standing up, "I can't reach them at all," I say, standing with them heading for the door. "I've linked Greyson to meet us at the gate with 5 of our best warriors,"Aiden explains, and we pick up speed. Something has to be wrong, an Alpha has the ability to reach his members via link. I can sense their wolves. Even if they can not answer, I still sense them, but with Lola and Cody, I feel nothing at all. I can't reach them through our link, but now I've pushed to reach them. I realise I can't feel their wolves at all. This is turning into a bad situation. We need to move fast. Usually, no connection would mean they are dead, but I haven't felt our bond snap, I haven't felt the weight of losing a pack member, thankfully. We head out to search for them, I just hope we are not too late. We get to the gate, and Greyson is stood waiting with our warriors. They all bared their necks to us as we approached them. "I have explained the situation and given them clear instructions," Greyson said. He has taken on his role as gamma with the same work ethics and greatness as his dad before him. Gage, too. 'Dad, we are heading to investigate the rogue camp. Can you watch over things until we get back?'' I link dad just to give him the heads up 'Ok, be safe,' dad says and cuts the link. "We have lost contact with our scouts. We move fast but stay undetected," Aiden explains "yes Alpha" they said as one. "We have no idea what we are walking into, so keep vigilant at all times," I say as I walk past them to the gate. We are moving with stealth, speed, and determination. We've been moving for around 15 minutes. We can hear noises ahead, voices too the closer we get. 'Be ready for anything' Aiden linked 'yes, and our priority is finding Lola and Cody,' I say in the open link. We move closer, but I know it won't belong before they pick up on our scents. "Greyson Jenny, Sedric, go left, circle around. Gage, Lois and Gaz go right. " Aiden nods his head left then right as he's giving the orders, and they are off, running in opposite directions.
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