Chapter 6

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Alaiza/Lilac's Pov I came out from the courtyard where I was staying because Alpha Jacob called the five women who were part of the Luna selection, including me. I didn't have any intention of attending, but I wanted to let the people who didn't want me here feel happy so I had no choice but to attend the meeting. When I arrived at the garden where Alpha Jacob chose to meet us five, I was the only one they were waiting for. They looked at me with a frown on their faces. Instead of being angry, I smiled as if I hadn't arrived late. "Are you able to see the clock, Lilac? We've been waiting for you for a while," Issa, from the Iron Pack, couldn't help but scold me. I looked at them, including Alpha Jacob. I saw annoyance on the faces of the women while Alpha Jacob's expression was blank. "I'm sorry for being late," I apologized to them. My apologetic expression only made them annoyed at me because they knew that I was just faking my expression. "The maid told me the wrong time, so I arrived late," I explained. I saw that they were waiting for an explanation from me. The three women gave me a bad look except for Ada from the Westwood Pack. Ada smiled at me. She doesn't look annoyed at me anymore when she hears my explanation. "Don't be angry at, Lilac. It's not her fault if she's late so let's just forgive her," Ada defended me. "Don't make excuses anymore, Lilac. You're just too spoiled in your pack, so you don't care if other people are waiting for you," Jana from the Cave Pack said spitefully to me. "I don't care if you believe me or not. Think about what you want to think because nothing will be lost on me," I raised an eyebrow before I sat in the chair intended for me. "You've seen the behavior of that woman, A—" "Shut up!" Alpha Jacob's voice was harsh as he interrupted Jana. "Now that everyone is here, you should all listen to what I have to say." "We are all ears, Alpha Jacob," Issa said with a sweet smile. In an instant, her annoyed face changes to a smiling face. In my opinion, she wanted to impress the alpha with her beautiful smile. Well, she has the guts to do it because her smile is really beautiful. Her smile is her best asset. "Of course, you all know why you're here at my manor, right?" Alpha Jacob began to speak to us. "If you want to become the Luna of my pack, the first thing you need to do is win the hearts of my pack members. My future Luna must be able to get along with other people, especially my pack members." While speaking, Alpha Jacob looked at me. I don't know if he really wanted me to get along with his pack members or if he just wanted to deliver a message to me that I would not become Luna of the Crescent pack because I would never get along with the Crescent Pack members. I avoided eye contact with Alpha Jacob. I don't want to see some emotion that sometimes I see in his eyes. And the Luna title is not important to me because my mission is more important. "For sure, there's a girl who won't pass and will be immediately eliminated in the first round because she's arrogant. I'm sure she won't be able to get along with many Crescent Pack members," Jana said as she looked at me. She was teasing me. "You're right, Jana. It's hard to get along with someone like her, especially since she looks like the daughter of a traitor in the Crescent Pack," Issa agreed. "Why are you so upset with Lilac? She hasn't done anything bad to you. In my opinion, she seems kind," Ada asked Issa and Jana. "Looks kind? Are you blind, Ada?" Issa taunted Ada. Before Ada could answer the woman, Alpha Jacob spoke again. "That's what I only want to say to all of you," he said. Earlier, he was just listening while Issa and Jana were hurling insults at me. It was as if he observed my reactions and responded to what they were saying to me. Maybe he still thinks I'm Alaiza, that's why he always looks at me. "Alpha Jacob, don't worry. We'll do our best so we can get along with your pack members," said Issa with a sweet smile, which was agreed by Jana. Ada only slightly smiled. After speaking, Alpha Jacob stood up and was about to leave but he stopped and turned to Issa. "And please don't mention Alaiza anymore or else, you won't like what punishment I will give to you." After giving a warning to Issa, Alpha Jacob left them. Issa's sweet smile disappears after she hears the alpha's warning and then throws me a sharp look as if it was my fault that she was scolded by the alpha. I just shrugged my shoulders and also stood up to leave, but Ada called me. "Do you have something to do now, Lilac? Maybe we can hang out around the Crescent Pack? They say the hills here are beautiful and fun to climb." Ada's face and voice were encouraging, still, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Maybe because I didn't come here to make friends with my competitors. "Maybe next time," I answered Ada. "Did you see her behavior, Ada? You want to be friends with her but she doesn't want to be friends with you, so don't waste your breath talking to her," Jana said to Ada, clearly upset because Ada wanted to be friends with me. "Good luck to all of you. I hope you can get along with the Crescent Pack members who are all narrow-minded," I said to Jana. After that, I quickly turned my back on them. I returned to my courtyard and was immediately greeted by Beth. "What did you talk about, Ma'am Lilac?" she asked me after looking around to make sure no one else was nearby. "Alpha Jacob wants us to get along with his pack members. But how can I do that if they all think my dad is a traitor?" I replied to Beth in a calm voice. "I need to act quickly. I need to get the jade pendant from Alpha Jacob before I get eliminated from the selection." Beth agreed with what I said and didn't speak again. I only stayed in my courtyard for a few minutes before deciding to come out from Alpha Jacob's manor. The sun wasn't too hot so I went to the low hill where Alpha Jacob and I usually hang out. When I reached the top of the hill, I closed my eyes and took in the pleasant breeze. Aside from the gentle breeze, there was nothing pleasant about the hill because it reminded me of the happy memories of Alpha Jacob and me that turned into sad memories. I don't know why I thought of going back to this place even though I knew I would only feel hurt. "Now tell me that you are not Alaiza, Lilac." I was startled when I heard the voice of Alpha Jacob beside me. I turned to him and saw that his eyes were narrowing while he was staring at me.
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