Chapter 5

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Alaiza/Lilac's Pov My heart raced as I watched Alpha Jacob walk towards me. His eyes widened, and doubt was evident on his face. "Why did you suddenly turn around when I called you Alaiza when your name is Lilac?" he asked me, his tone was cold. I didn't let him notice that I was caught off guard when I turned around and looked at him. I just raised my eyebrow and rolled my eyes in disbelief. "Of course, I turned to you when you called the name of Alaiza because I knew I was the one you were calling. Didn't Old Gavino and your other pack members call me first by that name earlier?" I quickly thought of an excuse. Doubt still lingered on Alpha Jacob's face. He stared at me intensely as if he was weighing my answer. After a minute of staring at me, he took a deep breath when he saw that he wouldn't get anything out of his doubt in me. "I'm sorry. Maybe I am just hoping that you are Alaiza." I sense sadness in his voice when he speaks again. Even the passing of sadness on his face couldn't escape from my eyes. I was momentarily taken aback. I couldn't believe that I would see such an expression on his face. Why is he so sad when he was the one who ordered his soldiers to kill me and my entire family? I couldn't help but feel angry when I remembered what he did to me and my my family. Maybe he just wanted to capture me, so he was pretending to be sad in front of me. I'm sure Alpha Jacob was just pretending to be sad, so my anger towards him increased even more. "Why do you look sad when you mention the name of that woman, Alpha Jacob? Isn't she the daughter of a traitor, that's why you killed her entire family?" I asked him with a controlled emotion. I wanted to see what kind of emotions he would display if I mentioned that incident. "No, she's not," Alpha Jacob replied with emphasis. "Not what?" I pretended not to know what he was referring to. I want to hear what he has to say about Alaiza. "Let's not talk about her," Alpha Jacob suddenly said firmly, he clearly didn't want to discuss that incident with me. Why? Does he feel regret that he killed me and my family? Even if he does, I won't still forgive him. "Okay, fine." I didn't force him to answer my question because I was worried he might notice that I was too interested in that topic. "Why did you call me using the name of another person? To tease me because I look like the woman they're calling the daughter of a traitor in your pack?" Alpha Jacob thought deeply before answering my question. "I want to make sure you're not Alaiza, so I called you by this name. But in my opinion, it's not possible that you could be Alaiza because except for your face, you have nothing in common. Alaiza is gentle and-" "Stupid and naive," I continue the words I think he would say about Alaiza. Suddenly, his face darkened and his eyes narrowed as he stared at me. "Don't talk to her like that because you don't know her." His eyes stared at me harshly. "Alpha Jacob, why are you so angry? I'm just telling the truth. She was stupid and naive because she loved the wrong man. Maybe if she had known from the beginning that the man she loved would kill her and her entire family, I'm sure she wouldn't love him. And maybe she wouldn't be at peace wherever she is now," I said bravely to Alpha Jacob. I wanted to tell him what Alaiza could feel that she loved the wrong man. Alpha Jacob's face darkened even more as while gritted his teeth. I thought he was going to get mad at me because of the anger I saw on his face, but what happened was different. Instead, his expression changed suddenly. It seemed that he quickly regained his composure. "You're not Alaiza but why are you interested in her life? It seems like you know more about her than me," said Alpha Jacob while staring at me. "And obviously, you don't like to be my Luna so why did you agree to join the selection for my Luna?" "You're right. I don't like to be your Luna, Alpha Jacob. But I can't obey the command of my older brother, so even if it's heavy in my heart, I need to come here because I am one of the female candidates that you chose to be your Luna," I replied to him in a weak but firm voice. "Now, if you will excuse me. I'm tired from the trip and I want to rest." After a few seconds of staring at me, Alpha Jacob left without a word and exited the courtyard where I was standing. "Whew! I can finally breathe again," Beth said after Alpha Jacob was gone. "We need to be careful because Alpha Jacob is too sensitive and observant." Like my maid, I only breathed a sigh of relief when Alpha Jacob was no longer in front of me. I didn't realize that I almost held my breath earlier when I was facing him, fearing that even my breath would be recognized by him. Beth and I entered the house. I sat on a chair while she examined all the utensils and facilities inside the house. "So, is it okay to live in this courtyard?" I asked Beth when she returned in front of me. I haven't entered all the courtyards inside Alpha Jacob's manor yet, so I don't know if all the courtyards are convenient for living. Anyway, it's impossible for the manor of Alpha Jacob not to be a convenient place to live. "Thumbs up, Ma'am Lilac. I haven't seen the other courtyards where the other ladies from different packs live, but in my opinion, this courtyard is the most beautiful among them. There's a beautiful swimming pool beside the garden," my maid said with a smile when she returned in front of me. "Your maid is right, Lilac. This courtyard is the most beautiful of all Alpha Jacob's courtyards. I have slept here before, so I know this place." Beth and I both looked at the woman who suddenly spoke behind us, she was none other than Luciana. I think she is still doubting my identity so she approached us without telling us her presence. She probably thought she could find my secret, so she did this. I feel angry at my cousin. She wants to show me that she is close to Alpha Jacob because she slept in this courtyard before me. "I know that, Luciana. The news about you stealing your cousin's boyfriend arrived in our pack. I thought it was just gossip. But it seems it wasn't." I gave her a sarcastic smile. "By the way, why did your wedding with Alpha Jacob get canceled? Did he bump his head so he woke up that's why he didn't marry you?" I added another sarcastic remark. Secretly, I couldn't help but smile when I saw the mixed emotions of anger and shame on Luciana's face. Even though she had nothing to do with what happened in my family, I was still angry at her because I knew she was one of those people who enjoyed the chaos that happened to my family back then. "Don't think that you're going to live in this courtyard because you are special to Alpha Jacob, Lilac. Be grateful because you look like my cousin or else he will give you the worst courtyard." Luciana's words were dripping with sarcasm. "Don't worry, Luciana. I don't think about that," I replied with a smile to show her that I was not affected by what she said. "Even if you've proven that you're not Alaiza, I still doubt your identity, Lilac. I will look for evidence that you are my cousin. So be careful with all your actions from now on," she threatened me in a menacing tone. I smiled at her. "Thank you for reminding me." Luciana stared at me with a fierce gaze before turning her back and leaving us without saying goodbye.
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