Chapter 7

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Alpha Jacob's Pov I saw Lilac leave my manor so I followed her stealthily. I was curious where she was going. My heart raced when I saw her going to the small hill, the place that witnessed the love between me and Alaiza. It was the first time Lilac visited our pack, even though she knew a lot about the events inside our pack, I'm sure she didn't know about this hill. But today, while she was walking, it seemed like she knew the way to the small hill. It is as if she had been here before. Except for Alaiza, no one else dares to climb this hill because all members of Crescent Pack know that this hill is my haven. I find peace every time I climb and stay in these hills until I let Alaiza come here. The two of us create many happy memories in these hills. When I first saw Lilac, I immediately thought she was Alaiza, just like Old Gavino's thought. But the two women were very different from each other, so I immediately assumed that Alaiza and Lilac were not the same person. However, there were some actions she made that made me doubt her identity, so I couldn't help but try her again. "What are you saying, Alpha Jacob? Don't you all know that I am not Alaiza?" Lilac's face darkened as she responded to my question. "If you're not Alaiza, why do you know about this place?" I still tried to corner her. My heart wants her to confess that she is indeed Alaiza, but there's a part of my heart that wishes she wasn't Lilac. Because if she is Alaiza, I don't know how to face her. I don't know how to explain to her about what happened to her family. There were many things I was trying to figure out before I could tell what happened. If she is indeed Alaiza, I won't be surprised if she doesn't want to tell the whole pack, especially me, that she's alive. Because she might think that I will kill her when I find out she's alive. I'm sure she hates me now because she knows I ordered the execution of her entire family. And maybe she came back to seek revenge against me. But if Lilac wasn't Alaiza, my heart would break again. Because until now, I still hope that Alaiza is alive. Even though I saw her dead body, a big part of my heart believes that she is still alive. Because the lifeless body I saw cannot recognize the face. The wound on her face is very deep as if it was intentionally inflicted so that the corpse cannot be identified. "Are you kidding, Alpha Jacob? Other packs know that there are many beautiful hills inside the Crescent Pack. And to calm your mind, Ada taught me this place. If you don't believe what I said, you can ask her if she didn't tell me about this hill." Lilac's voice was annoyed. I couldn't see any small reaction of surprise or worry on her face. I shook slightly. She's not Alaiza. Because Alaiza couldn't hide her feelings for me no matter how hard she tried to hide them from me. I can read her mind when I look at her in the eyes. But when I look into the eyes of Lilac, I see only anger and disgust in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I just can't help but think that— "If I were you, I would not think of Alaiza anymore, Alpha Jacob. First, you will have a wife when you choose the one who will be your Luna from our five. And second, if she is alive, I am sure that she does not want to meet you because she loves you," Lilac said in her language. Suddenly, I became quiet because everything she said was true. But what silenced me was your last word. Lilac's tone was angry as if what happened to Alaiza had happened to her. Instead of answering her, I ignored what he said. "Don't stay here too long because sometimes there are wandering bad members of other packs or maybe rogues in this place. On the other side of the cemetery is the boundary of another pack," I replied to him. If something bad happens to her while he is in my pack, there will definitely be a conflict between the Moon Pack and the Crescent Pack. Although I don't personally know the alpha of the Moon Pack, I know that Alpha Dax is also brave and skilled in fighting. I don't want to fight our packs because many pack members will certainly be affected. "Don't worry, I won't stay here long. I was just curious about what makes this place beautiful, and Ada told me to visit it," Lilac replied. I just took a deep breath and then walked down the hill. Alaiza/Lilac's Pov I looked at Alpha Jacob with a sharp gaze as he walked down the hill. No matter what he did, I would not let him catch up to me. I would not let him know that I am Alaiza. When he was out of sight, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I don't know what to do to get rid of his doubts about my true identity. "Did you come here to get Alpha Jacob's attention? You're so smart and cunning, Lilac," a female voice from the other side of the hill spoke to me. Even though I haven't seen the face of the woman who was speaking, I am sure it is Luciana. I looked at her with a scorching gaze. "Are you a dog? Your smell is so strong. You can smell wherever I am that's why you came." Luciana's face darkened. "No matter what you do, you will never be the Luna of Alpha Jacob, Lilac. You're unlucky because you look like Alaiza. Old Gavino will not accept that our future Luna is the daughter of a traitor." "Oh? Really? What if I'm the one chosen by Alpha Jacob to be his Luna?" I didn't hesitate to answer her. Luciana's face darkened even more. She was always so easy to anger. That's why she easily got mad at me back then even if she always started the fight. "Do you want to be like what happened to my cousin and her family?" Her voice gave a warning. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her. "Why, Luciana? If you can speak, it's as if you know what really happened to my cousin and his family. Are you involved in what happened to me and his family?" "Did you want to be like what happened to my cousin and his family?" Her voice gave me a warning. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her. "Why, Luciana? You speak as if you know what really happened to your cousin and her family. Are you involved in what happened to her and her family?"
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