Chapter 9

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Alaiza/Lilac's Pov I had a fever for two days. And during these two days, Alpha Jacob did not fail to take care of me. But I didn't appreciate his kindness to me because I still remember what he did to me and my family. And maybe he is kind to me because I look like Alaiza. He feels guilty for the sin he did to his ex-lover. I never told Alpha Jacob about the person who pushed me down the hill. I also don't know who pushed me so I just kept quiet. Although I suspected my cousin as the person who pushed me down the hill a suspicion is not enough to convict her. I am thankful to Beth because she is not only my maid but also my secret doctor. Beth is a good healer so Alpha Dax sent her to be my maid so she could help me when someone from my old pack tried to harm me using poison or other despicable methods using medicine. Fortunately, on the third day, I was fine so Alpha Jacob didn't have to take care of me anymore. Beth assisted with my needs and Alpha Jacob never came back to my room which I was very thankful for. I feel awkward by his presence especially when it's just the two of us in my room. I got a little bored staying inside my courtyard for three days so I went out. When I came out of the courtyard, I noticed the whole area seemed so quiet. The night is not yet deep. Usually, at this time, I hear the voices of Jana and Issa while talking in the garden. Because they want to get the attention of Alpha Jacob. "Where are the people living in this manor?" I asked myself in a low voice. I saw a maid walking not far from me so I immediately called her. "Where are Alpha Jacob and the girls who live in the other courtyard? Are they sleeping already?" I asked her curiously. "No, Ma'am Lilac. They left the manor together with Alpha Jacob. As far as I know, Alpha Jacob took them to mingle with our pack members. Tonight is the night of the blessing of the moon goddess, so everyone is having fun," the maid explained to me at length. I just nodded to her before I let her go. Alpha Jacob wanted the candidates to be close to his pack members so he brought them out of his manor to mingle with his pack members. He didn't let me go with them so that means it's okay that I can't get close to his pack members. It looks like I will be the first one to be eliminated among the five candidates. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. When I was sure that no one was looking at me, I quickly walked towards Alpha Jacob's courtyard. This is the chance I've been waiting for to enter his courtyard and steal his jade pendant. I entered Alpha Jacob's courtyard without anyone noticing me. I went straight to his room to search for his jade pendant. I know that I will not immediately find what I am looking for because Alpha Jacob is not that careless to leave that important thing anywhere. But I'm just taking a chance to find the jade pendant so I can leave his pack before he eliminates me as a candidate for being his Luna. "Where did he hide his jade pendant?" I've been searching inside Alpha Jacob's room for almost ten minutes but I still can't find what I'm looking for. I was still looking for the jade pendant when I suddenly heard footsteps walking towards Alpha Jacob's room. I looked around to find a place where I could hide. No one should see me inside Alpha Jacob's room. I don't know how to explain to the alpha why I'm in his room and what I'm doing here. And I'm sure Alpha Jacob could guess what my true purpose of coming to the Crescent Pack was. Suddenly, my eyes widened when I heard someone outside the room turn the doorknob. Maybe Alpha Jacob is back and he's the one outside right now. I quickly ran and hid behind a thick curtain. While I was waiting for the person outside to enter, my heart almost jumped out of my chest from the strong beating. I'm nervous. Not because I'm scared to be found out but because I am worried that I won't have a chance to steal the jade pendant of Alpha Jacob. Instead of Alpha Jacob, I saw Luciana enter the room. I frowned. What is her purpose for coming to Alpha Jacob's room? "Let us see if Alpha Jacob doesn't kick you out when he sees the contents of this basket. I won't allow the man I love to love you, Lilac," I heard Luciana say. My cousin placed a small basket behind Alpha Jacob's bed before leaving the room with a smile. Even though Luciana was gone, I remained hidden behind the thick curtain for a few minutes. I want to make sure that she will never return to Alpha Jacob's room. When I was sure that she would not come back, I came out behind the curtain and approached the basket that Luciana placed behind the bed. I looked at what was inside the basket. I was shocked to see the contents of the small basket. Ingredients of forbidden black magic. I shook my head when I saw two handkerchiefs knotted in each other. I recognized one of the two handkerchiefs because it was mine and I guessed the other one was Alpha Jacob's handkerchief. Luciana wants to frame me that I'm using black magic to seduce Alpha Jacob so that the alpha would kick me out of the manor and their pack. Alpha Jacob strictly forbade the pack to use black magic because it was against the goddess' commands. The punishment for anyone who violates this order is severe. But because I am from a different pack, Alpha Jacob cannot punish me and he will just kick me out of the pack. And this is what Luciana wants to happen. But I will not let her succeed in what she plans to do. I put the basket back on the back of the bed and then walked towards the door to go out. But to my surprise, the door suddenly opened. My eyes widened as I looked at the person who opened the door.
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