Chapter 4

1310 Words
Alaiza's Pov "The daughter of Amador! The traitor of our pack! Why is the daughter of that traitor pretending to be the younger sister of the alpha of the Moon Pack?" an old man exclaimed angrily, if I'm not mistaken, he is one of the two elders of the Crescent Pack. He is called Old Gavino. "Watch your words, Old Gavino. I am the sister of the alpha of the Moon Pack and not someone else pretending," I replied angrily to the elder. I showed them that I was offended by what the old man said. I turned to Alpha Jacob, whose face was blank. I don't know if he was surprised or wondering why I was still alive since he ordered his soldiers to kill me before. "Is this how your Crescent Pack welcomes guests, Alpha Jacob? If you don't want me here, I can leave right now. Just don't accuse me of being someone else to make me leave because it's very insulting. I won't force myself on you. Goodbye!" I turned around and walked out without a word, but I was secretly nervous because my plan might not work. My plans with Alpha Dax would surely be ruined. "Wait, Lilac! Come back here," Alpha Jacob commanded me sternly. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard Alpha Jacob's words. Beth and I exchanged a secret glance before we walked back in front of Alpha Jacob with my head held high. "Why, Alpha Jacob? Does the elder of your pack have anything else to say before I leave?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. I saw Gavino's gaze sharpen at me, but I ignored him. "I didn't know your patience was so short, Lilac. Is that how the Moon Pack people are?" Alpha Jacob asked me, his eyes narrowing. "At least we don't just accuse people without any basis, Alpha Jacob. And don't you know that it's very insulting to my character to be mistaken for someone else? Especially a woman who is a traitor to your pack?" I retorted to Alpha Jacob. "If you're not the traitor's daughter, why do you know my name when you just arrived in our pack?" Gavino asked. He doesn't believe I'm not Alaiza. He, and everyone else, need to lose their doubts about me because if they don't, I'm sure every move I make in the manor will be watched. I won't have a chance to sneak into Alpha Jacob's courtyard to steal his jade pendant. "I'm not stupid, Old Gavino. I wouldn't come to your pack without knowing anything about the people and events in your pack. I'm sure Alpha Jacob did the same. He investigated my identity and our pack before he chose my name to be included in his choices before he chose me," I answered Gavino bravely, who suddenly fell silent in his seat. "I apologize for what Old Gavino said to you, Lilac. If you don't know, you resemble Alaiza. The woman Old Gavino was referring to," Alpha Jacob apologized to me. I don't know if I was just hallucinating, but I saw a flash of sadness in Alpha Jacob's eyes when he mentioned my name. I shook my head. He couldn't be sad about my death because he was the one who ordered his soldiers to kill my entire family. "I can prove whether she is truly Lilac, the sister of the Moon Pack's alpha, or my cousin, the daughter of a traitor." I looked at the woman who spoke, none other than Luciana. I couldn't help but feel nervous. Maybe she would recognize me. I was sure I wouldn't leave this manor alive. "And who are you?" I asked Luciana, raising an eyebrow. "I am Alaiza's cousin. And I know her from head to toe, so I'm sure I'll know if you're just pretending or not," Luciana replied with a smirk. She approached me and grabbed the hem of my collar. "What are you going to do?" I asked and gave her a warning look. "If you're not Alaiza, we will know that when you show everyone that you don't have a birthmark above your right chest," Luciana said, her voice challenging me. "Do you know that what you want to do is a big insult to me, Luciana?" "Insult? We just want to make sure that you're not the traitor's daughter," Old Gavino said firmly, which was agreed upon by the rest of their pack members. I stared at Alpha Jacob, but he remained silent. He just kept looking at me as if he was also waiting to find out the truth. My heart seethed in secret. He also wanted to make sure that I wasn't Alaiza, because if he proved that I was Alaiza, he would kill me once again. "Well, Lilac? Why won't you agree to show us the upper part of your right chest so we can find out if you have a birthmark? If you don't have a birthmark, then you're not Alaiza." Luciana challenged me again. She seemed confident that she would find a birthmark on my upper right chest. "Okay. I agree to show you the part that you want to see. But remember, Luciana. There will be a consequence for what you're doing. You're going to humiliate me in front of many people, so you should be prepared for any consequence awaits on you for what you're doing," I said to my cousin, my voice challenging. "I'm ready, Lilac," she replied with a smile, then without warning, she pulled down my dress, but only enough to reveal the part of my chest they wanted to see. Luciana's eyes widened when she saw no birthmark on the upper part of my right chest. "Why is there no birthmark? This is impossible?" "Why is it impossible, Luciana? I'm not Alaiza, so it's only natural that I don't have the birthmark you're looking for," I told her after fixing my disheveled clothes. "Now, are you ready for the consequence I mentioned earlier?" Before Luciana could answer me, I slapped her face twice, very hard. Everyone was shocked by what I did, but none of them protested or defended Luciana. They were embarrassed because they were wrong. What they didn't know was that six years ago, I had removed the birthmark Luciana was referring to. With the help of Alpha Dax's doctor, there was no scar left on that part of my chest, so no one would suspect that I used to have a birthmark drawn on my upper right chest. Even Alpha Jacob knows that I have that birthmark because he once saw my naked body. But he didn't see it now so I'm sure that his doubt about my real identity disappeared. "Lilac has proven that she is not Alaiza. Therefore, from now on, I don't want to hear anything about this matter anymore," Alpha Jacob sternly commanded all his pack members. "Yes, Alpha Jacob," everyone answered in unison. "Good. Now let the women rest because I'm sure they're tired from the long journey to our pack." Alpha Jacob ended the gathering and sent his pack members home. He assigned each of us women from different packs to each courtyard. After Alpha Jacob said I would stay in the east courtyard, I didn't wait for him to finish assigning the other women to their courtyards and just leave without saying goodbye. "I was nervous earlier, Ma'am Lilac. I thought they would find out your true identity," Beth said to me as we walked into the east courtyard. "Sshh. Lower your voice, someone might hear you," I whispered to her. "Just a moment, Alaiza!" I stopped and turned around when I heard Alpha Jacob call my name. But my eyes widened when I realized I turned around when he called me "Alaiza" as if it were my name.
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