Chapter 3

1365 Words
Alaiza's Pov After seven years... "Are you ready to leave, Alaiza?" Alpha Dax asked me as he entered my room. Alpha Dax, the alpha of the Moon Pack, the man who saved me from the hands of Alpha Jacob's soldier who tried to kill me seven years ago. He brought me to his pack and had me treated by their doctor. Thankfully, their doctor was skilled and managed to save the life of my child in my womb. At first, I didn't want to accept my baby, but I realized that he was innocent of his father's actions and it was my fault that he was conceived, so I accepted him and loved him truly. "I'm ready, Alpha Dax. This is the day I've been waiting for, so I've prepared for it," I replied, my fists clenched tightly. After I gave birth to my son, Jac, Alpha Dax started training me. He taught me how to fight with different weapons and man-to-man combat. While I may not be as skilled as Alpha Dax and Alpha Jacob in combat, but still, I can protect myself now against my enemies. "Remember that you are not Alaiza, you are Lilac. The second youngest sister of the alpha of the Moon Pack," Alpha Dax sternly reminded me. "Don't worry because I will never forget who I am and what my name is," I assured him. We stopped talking when the door of my room suddenly opened and my six-year-old son entered. "Where are you going, Mom? Can I come with you?" Jac asked me with a pleading face. I smiled at my child and then carried him. "I can't take you with me, Jac. So just stay here. Don't be naughty to Nanny Aning so when I come home I'll have a toy for you." "A toy? Wow! I want that, Mom!" My child's eyes lit up with joy when he heard what I said but it was only for a moment because he suddenly became sad. "I thought when you came back you'd be with Dad." Alpha Dax and I looked at each other when we heard my child's words. He had long wanted to see or know who his father was. When he was only four years old, he already started to ask me who his father was. Even when I told him that his father was dead, he didn't seem convinced that I was telling the truth. "We've talked about this many times, Jac. And we'll talk about it again when I get back from my business," I just told my son so he wouldn't bother me anymore. I called Aning to get Jac and bring her out of my room. After my son left, I sighed deeply. "Don't you plan to tell your son the truth, Alaiza?" Alpha Dax asked me, to which I shook my head firmly. "He doesn't need to know that his father is a wicked and heartless alpha. He will only get hurt if he finds out that his father killed my whole family and almost prevented him from seeing this world," I answered him with a serious face. "Let's not talk about that anymore. Let's talk about my mission." "You're right. We should focus all our attention on this mission because the success of our revenge against Alpha Jacob depends on it," said Alpha Dax, then his teeth suddenly clenched and his fists clenched tightly. Alpha Dax had already told me why he hated Alpha Jacob so much. The alpha of the Crescent Pack killed his younger brother, Yani, so he hated Alpha Jacob deeply. But even though he wanted revenge, his soldiers couldn't match the strength of Alpha Jacob's soldiers, so he just waited for the right time until I came into his life. And we both had the same goal, to get revenge on Alpha Jacob, so we immediately clicked together as friends. Today is the day I go to the Crescent Pack for the selection of Alpha Jacob's Luna. I am fortunate because my name was chosen from the five women from different packs who were selected to be Alpha Jacob's Luna. We will live in his manor until he announces who he has chosen to be his Luna. I don't know why my cousin Luciana was removed from being the Crescent Luna. I don't care if I'm not chosen as his Luna in the end. All that matters to me is to get into his manor and steal the jade pendant he keeps hidden, which contains his wolf's spirit. Once I get it, Alpha Dax and I will surely succeed in our revenge against him. I could finally give justice to my family members's death. I know that Alpha Jacob and all the Crescent Pack members will recognize me when they see my face. But Alpha Dax and I have prepared for this. As long as I don't admit that I am Alaiza, I will remain Lilac, Alpha Dax's younger sister. And even if Alpha Jacob sends people to the Moon Pack to investigate my identity, they will find no details other than that I am Lilac, the sister of the Moon Pack's alpha. Once I made sure my things were in order, Alpha Dax had me ride in the carriage that would take me to the Crescent Pack. "Remember to take care of my son while I was away, Alpha Dax," I told him as I got into the carriage with my only maid, Beth. "Don't worry about Jac. He's safe in my house," Alpha Dax replied. "Take care of yourself because you're entering the territory of our enemy." I simply nodded in response to what he said. Then I instructed the coachman to drive the horse. "Aren't you afraid of what you're doing, Ma'am Alaiza?" Beth asked me as we were traveling. "No. Are you? If you're afraid, you can just not come along." Beth quickly shook her head. "I'm not afraid, Ma'am Alaiza. Even if Alpha Jacob kills me, I won't tell them your true identity." "Good. Just be careful so we don't get caught. And from now on, you will only call me Lilac. "If that's what you want, Ma'am Lilac," Beth replied to me with a smile. The journey took almost half a day before we reached the front of Alpha Jacob's manor. I'm sure almost all of the Crescent Pack members are inside Alpha Jacob's manor to see the five women chosen by their alpha to be Luna. Before I got out of the carriage, I covered my face with a red mask so that no one would recognize me. I wanted to surprise them all when I took off my mask. All eyes were on me because I was the only one wearing a mask among the women who arrived. Painful memories started to flash in my mind but I quickly shook my head to erase that memory so I could focus on my mission. "Why is the Luna from the Moon Pack wearing a mask?" I heard a man ask as I walked towards the four women who would be my rivals. "Maybe she is ugly. That's why she was wearing a mask. She is ashamed to show everyone her face," another member of the Crescent Pack commented and laughed at me. Everyone who heard the man's words laughed, but I just ignored them. I continued walking until I stopped in front of Alpha Jacob, who was frowning as he looked at me. "Good day, Alpha Jacob. I am Lilac from the Moon Pack. Our pack is delighted that I am one of the five women you chose to compete to become the Luna of the Crescent Pack," I greeted Alpha Jacob. I forced my voice to be casual even though the intense anger for him was slowly rising in my chest. "I am pleased to meet you too, Lilac. But could you please remove the mask you are wearing?" Alpha Jacob replied in a serious tone. I took a deep breath before slowly removing the mask from my face. I heard loud gasps from the people around me as they finally saw my face behind the mask.
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