Chapter 2

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Alaiza's Pov I ignored Jemma calling my name. I continued running out of the manor, my tears flowing non-stop. I went to the low hill that Alpha Jacob and I often climbed. It was on this hill where he confessed his love for me and where I reciprocated his feelings. "Aahhh!!!" I screamed loudly. I wanted to release the anger and pain inside my chest. I never thought he could hurt me this badly. Suddenly, heavy rain poured down as if sympathizing with me. I screamed again until I felt my voice hoarse. Alpha Jacob believes my father was a traitor, which is why he did this to me. He doesn't want me to be Luna because I'm the daughter of a traitor. But why didn't he even let me explain to him? And of all the women he could have chosen to replace me with, why did he choose Luciana, who is so envious of me, to be his Luna? I had been crying for almost an hour when I felt a presence behind me. I thought it was Alpha Jacob following me, so I turned around quickly. But it wasn't my beloved alpha that I saw, but my cousin Luciana. "I was right. I knew I'd find you here, Alaiza," she said to me with a mocking smile. I knew she had followed me not to comfort me, but to laugh and insult me. "What do you need?" I asked her in a firm voice, even though I could already guess what she was thinking. "If you don't have anything good to say, just leave." "You're still arrogant even after being humiliated so badly, Alaiza. Of course, you'll just be even more humiliated if you cry in front of me," she said with a smirk. I glared at her. "Get out of my sight before I lose my temper and do something bad to you!" "You're so scary, Alaiza. I suddenly shivered in fear of you," she said mockingly, obviously, she was not afraid of me. "If you hurt me, Alpha Jacob will surely punish you for hurting his Luna. Do you know what it feels like to be the Luna of our pack, Alaiza?" She gave me another mocking grin. My patience with my cousin was about to snap, but I held myself back. She would only be happier if I gave in to her taunts. "Do you think Alpha Jacob made you his Luna because he loves you?" I gave back her insulting look. At least this way I could get back at her for insulting me. "We both know why he made you his Luna, Luciana. It's because my family is facing a problem, so I can't be the Luna of our pack. You're just a replacement for me for Alpha Jacob." Lucian's face darkened suddenly, and her eyes flashed with anger while glaring at me. "No matter what you say, I am now the Luna of the Crescent Pack, Alaiza. This cannot be changed. And if I were you, I would go home and check on my family instead of crying on this hill. You know what the punishment is for those who betray our pack." My family suddenly came to my mind when I heard what Luciana said. I felt a great deal of worry because she was right. Because of the great pain I felt earlier, I had forgotten the death penalty that Alpha Jacob would give to my father. Without a word, I ran down the hill. I ignored Luciana's loud laughter because all I could think about was my father's safety. When I arrived at my house, I found my father lying outside the door, soaked in his own blood and seemingly lifeless. "Dad!" I cried out loud. I ran towards my father and strongly shook his shoulder to wake him up, my whole body trembling. My father opened his eyes and with the difficulty of breathing forced his mouth to open and speak. "L-Leave n-now, A-Alai-za. S-Save y-your-self. D-Don't c-come b-back to o-our p-pack," my father said to me before his last breath. "Dad! Wake up, Dad!" I shouted loudly. The door of our house suddenly opened and my eyes widened when I saw my mother and brother being killed by four men wearing the uniform of Alpha Jacob's soldiers. "No! Mom! Lester!" I screamed. It didn't cross my mind that I would be the next one they would kill. "Kill that woman! Alpha Jacob strictly ordered that we leave no one alive in the family of the traitors," said one of the four soldiers of Alpha Jacob. My heart shattered when I heard what the soldier said. I felt a mixture of pain and hatred at this moment. I never thought Alpha Jacob could be so heartless. I was wrong about him. When I saw the four soldiers approaching me after they killed my mother and brother, I didn't think twice and ran out of our gate. I ran into the dense forest. I had nowhere else to go but the woods because I was sure none of our pack members would help me. They hate me. They will surely want to kill me too. I didn't care about the pain of the sharp long leaves cutting my arms and legs just like a knife. All that mattered was that I get away and escape from Alpha Jacob's soldiers who were chasing me. I couldn't die like this. No one would avenge my family's death if I died too. I screamed loudly when I suddenly tripped over a large root sticking out of the ground. Even though I felt excruciating pain, I tried to get up. But then a sharp pain shot from my stomach down to my abdomen, causing me to sit down again. I covered my mouth with my hands and tightly closed my eyes as I writhed in pain. "You think you can escape us? We won't let you live because we are going to be punished by Alpha Jacob if we do that." I suddenly woke up when I heard that voice. My eyes widened in fear when I saw in front of me one of the four soldiers who killed my family. The soldier raised his hand holding a sword and was about to stab me when he suddenly stopped and then didn't move. My eyes widened even more when I saw a sword piercing his chest from behind. A moment later, he suddenly fell beside me, lifeless. I screamed in fear and my vision blurred. I didn't know what happened next because I fainted from a mixture of fear, exhaustion, and intense pain in my stomach. When I woke up, I was already inside a room and lying on the bed. I was about to get up when a voice suddenly stopped me. "Just lie down and rest. Don't be afraid because you're in good hands. You're safe now and the baby inside your belly," the man who entered through the open door said to me. I suddenly turned pale when I heard what the man said. "B-baby in my belly? A-Am I p-pregnant?" I asked the man with wide eyes and stammering. "Yes. The doctor said you're two weeks pregnant." The world seemed to collapse around me when the man confirmed I was pregnant. No! This can't be! I don't want to have a child with the man who ordered to kill my entire family!
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