Chapter 1

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Alaiza's Pov I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I feel like I'm pretty tonight. I was wearing a simple yet elegant white dress. The silk was cold and smooth and it followed every curb of my body. Even though I wasn't that good at putting make-up on my face but my make-up still turned out great. Or maybe what makes me beautiful is the happiness that is seen on my face, especially in my eyes. Alpha Jacob and I have been dating for almost four years and finally, in a few minutes, I will be recognized as the Luna of the Crescent Pack. I'm looking forward to our wolf pact tonight. The wolf pact ceremony is being held to determine whether two people are destined for each other. And I always prayed to our moon goddess that the two of us were the ones who were destined to each other. I really wanted to become his destined mate. "My sister is really beautiful! Alpha Jacob will definitely be mesmerized by your beauty when he sees you tonight," my younger brother, Lester praised me with a smile as he entered my room, followed by our parents. "We're happy that your dream will finally come true," my mother said with a gentle smile plastered on her lips. She hugged me tightly, and then my father hugged me also. My parents knew how much I loved Alpha Jacob, and they also knew that my only wish was to be with him and become the Luna in our pack. Even if he wasn't the alpha of our pack, he was still the one I wanted to marry. And even if the moon goddess gave me another man as my destined mate, I would beg her to make Alpha Jacob my destined mate. I love him that much. "Thanks, Mom. Dad. Lester," I said to them, tears streaming down my face. "Aren't you coming with me?" I asked because the three of them still hadn't put on appropriate clothes. My mom smiled at me. "Of course. Can we skip this opportunity to witness one of your happiest nights?" she said. "But we're only following you because the three of us have something to discuss first," my dad added what my mom said. I saw him exchanging meaningful glances with my mom and brother. I don't know what they're hiding from me, but suddenly I thought maybe they had prepared a surprise for me when I got home later. This is how my family is. We love surprising each other when there's an occasion. "Okay, I'm leaving now. Don't stay long because the ceremonies will start in a few minutes," I reminded them. When my parents nodded, I walked out of our house and headed to Alpha Jacob's manor. I decide to just walked because it was not far from our house up to Alpha Jacob's manor. As I walked on the road, I saw the looks on the faces of the people I had passed by. It was as if there was something different about the way they stared at me. I couldn't help but wonder if there is something wrong with my looks. Am I not beautiful enough? Our pack members knew about my relationship with Alpha Jacob, so they might have guessed what the ceremonies were about. I secretly smiled, shrugged my shoulders and ignored their strange stares at me. I'm sure that after Alpha Jacob announces that I will become the Luna of the Crescent Pack, the number of people who are jealous of me will increase. Especially the women who secretly like our alpha. But they are unlucky because they are not the ones who have captured the heart of Alpha Jacob but me. I stopped walking when I saw the gate of Alpha Jacob's manor. Suddenly, I felt scared. My heart is thumping so hard. What I was feeling now was different from earlier. It was as if my instinct was telling me that something bad would happen tonight. I suddenly clutched my chest. The rapid beating of my heart seemed like many hooves of horses were racing inside my chest. I took a deep sigh. I should not think of anything bad right now. Nothing bad will happen tonight. This is what I forced myself to think before I continued to approach Alpha Jacob's manor gate. I was close to the gate when suddenly someone called my name. I turned around and saw my best friend Jemma running towards me. "Thank goodness! I catch up with you Alaiza," she said, gasping for breath. "Why? Are you shy to enter the manor? Come on. Let's enter together," I replied with a smile. My friend had something to attend to earlier, so she couldn't help me with my makeup like our original plan, where she was supposed to do my makeup. I grabbed Jemma's arm but she suddenly stopped me. I turned my head and looked at her with questioning eyes. "Have you not heard anything yet, Alaiza? Didn't your parents and brother tell you?" she asked me seriously. Suddenly, the strange feeling I felt earlier returned. Jemma is usually cheerful and playful, but now her face is serious, so I'm sure she's serious about what she's referring to. I'm even more anxious now. "Is there a problem at my house that I don't know, Jemma?" I secretly prayed that whatever problem we had wasn't serious. Or maybe she's just pranking me. "While we were on our way home, I overheard my parents talking about your dad. I don't know the whole story, but almost all of our pack members think that your dad is a traitor, Alaiza. They say that your dad betrayed our alpha!" Suddenly, my whole body felt cold from what I heard. I was silent as if I had lost my tongue. Death penalty is the punishment for anyone who dares to betray our pack. My father knows this so I'm sure he will not do it. I suddenly remembered the strange gaze of the people earlier. I thought they were just guessing what the ceremony was for but it wasn't. They think that the daughter of a traitor and even our alpha's girlfriend are passing by. "I don't think my father can do what they accuse him of, Jemma. We know how loyal my father was to Alpha Jacob." I defended my father. "I know that Alpha Jacob will believe that my Dad is innocent so he will continue our wolf pact." Before my friend could stop me, I quickly ran towards the gate of Alpha Jacob's manor. The two guards guarding outside opened the gate for me to enter. Upon entering the manor, I hurriedly went to the courtyard of Alpha Jacob where the ceremonies were taking place. Upon entering the gate of the courtyard, all the pack members stared at me. They were all angry and looked at me with disdain as if I sinned greatly. When I saw Alpha Jacob among the guests, I tried to approach him to tell him that the accusations against my father were not true. But I stopped walking when Alpha Jacob spoke. The guests looked away from me and turned to him. Alpha Jacob held the hand of the woman next to him. She is Luciana, my cousin, and one of many women who also likes Alpha Jacob and is very jealous of me. "The reason why I invited you to attend this ceremony is to inform all of you of my upcoming wedding with Luciana, the future Luna of the Crescent Pack," Alpha Jacob announced to everyone. "I hope all of you will attend." I felt like my world suddenly collapsed when I heard what Alpha Jacob said. My eyes immediately filled with tears. My chest suddenly became heavy as if a big rock fell on me. Why did he do this to me? Is it because he believes that my father betrayed him? The guests knew that I was Alpha Jacob's girlfriend that's why they all looked at me again after hearing what our alpha announced. They were all smiling at me but full of insults. Not even one of them sympathized with me. "Get out of here, daughter of a traitor!" one of our pack members angrily shooed me away, which was followed by harsh words from other pack members. "You don't deserve to be the Luna of the pack!" "Family of traitors!" "Get out of our pack, you traitors!" These are just some of the hurtful words thrown at me by my fellow pack members. While they were throwing harsh words at me, Alpha Jacob was just looking at me with a blank expression on his face. The pain in my chest only increased because he did nothing to defend me. I saw Luciana smirking at me. She was happy that this unlucky thing happened to me. I couldn't handle the extreme pain in my heart and embarrassment so I ran out of the courtyard with tears streaming down my face.
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