Chapter Seven

4080 Words
I looked down at my schedule briefly trying to find my way to class B-32 for my first class of History of the Supernatural world with Professor Lathem. The five minute bell had already rang and I was still wondering idly around E-hall. I groaned, turning full circle wishing there was some kind of sign telling me, Hey go this way. Blinking in neon red so I couldn’t miss it. Unfortunately there was no sign and nothing else to tell me which way to go. Great.  “Are you lost?” A cocky sounding voice sounded from behind me.  “No. I thought I’d wander around the halls turning circles because it was fun.” I deadpanned turning to face the person behind me.  Damn it, damn it, damn it. This had to be Ryker’s twin. He was identical other than the eyes. Ryker had amazing red eyes, while his carbon copy had a startling grey color. It looked as if someone had captured the greyest of smoke and placed it inside his head. They swirled around his iris as if they were dancing on a breeze. His black hair was pulled back into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck, with small strands hanging loosely around his face.  “What do you want?” I sighed. “I’m really not in the mood for another Alistar brother.” “Caleb not make a good impression, I see.” He chuckled.  “Wrong. Neither of you have made a good impression.” I said, narrowing my eyes at him. “Now unless you want to help me find my class, go away.” I stormed past him, muttering under my breath about this damn Academy and its students.  “Whoa, wait a minute.” He said catching up to me. “What have I done?”  I looked over at him without breaking my stride and found genuine curiosity in his grey eyes. “It’s not what you did, it’s what you didn’t do.” I told him honestly.  “And that is?”  I stopped and turned on him. “You didn’t defend your family.” I snarled. “Your own twin. And don’t give me some bullshit about red eyes being a bad omen like Caleb did. That’s bullshit and you know it. You stand by your family. You support them, defend them, kill for them. You don’t leave them to the wolves.” I shook my head, stepping into his personal space. “Ryker is a good man, he deserves to have his family. I guarantee you there will come a day when you all will need him, but….” “Rose.” I heard Ryker bark my name from down the hall.  I growled at the guy in front of me, before turning to Ryker. “Hey Ryker.” I smiled, sauntering up to him.  “Darius.” Ryker said formally, tilting his head in acknowledgement.  “Ryker.” Darius grit out. I growled at Darius, my eyes narrowing on him.  “Rose, what class are you looking for?” Ryker asked me, his tone softening as he looked down at me. I handed him my schedule, not wanting Darius to know where I was going. “I’m heading there too.” Ryker smiled. “Follow me.” He hooked his arm through mine and dragged me away from his asshole brother.  “What was that for?” I demanded.  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” He told me. “My family isn’t one to mess with. They can destroy you without trying.”  “I’d like to see them try.” I scoffed. “They’re both assholes and nothing more.”  Ryker laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone verbally say anything like that towards my brothers. They’d lose their minds if they’d heard you.”  “Really?” I smirked, looking back over my shoulder to see Darius glaring at us.  “Rose.” Ryker warned, but amusement laced his tone.  I just chuckled as I turned towards Darius. “Asshole.” I shouted, flipping him the bird for good measure.  “Rose.” Ryker balked.  “What?” I shrugged, “They deserve it.”  Ryker just laughed as we turned the corner leaving a very pissed off brother behind us. I couldn’t help but laugh. That was one small piece of justice dealt. I wonder what else I could do to piss them off. Ryker would try and stop me, I knew that. But if there was something I could do without Ryker being near, then I would. Or maybe I could just leave it alone like Ryker wants. I really never intended on gaining enemies here so quickly. I still didn’t know what this Academy was about, and the classes themselves told me it all wasn’t what it seemed.  A few minutes after the bell rang we finally walked into the classroom. Which was all the way on the other side of the damn Academy. If I had to walk back and forth like this I would be mad. That is just too much walking for one day. Especially when all you’re doing is walking to class.  “Nice of you to join us Mr. Alistar. And who is this?”  “I’m Rose. It’s nice to meet you Professor Lathem” I said sweetly, holding my hand out to her.  “A girl with manners. How refreshing.” She smiled, shaking my hand. “You may sit beside Ryker. It’s the only empty desk in class.” She pursed her lips, seeming upset by the fact.  “Thank you.” I said, dragging a frowning Ryker behind me.  “Now. getting back to the subject. Who wants to tell me about the Salem witch trials?”  I glanced around the room seeing no one had raised their hands. Professor Lathem seemed disappointed in the fact so I sighed and raised mine. The professor furrowed her brows but called on me anyway.  “The Salem witch trials really depend on which version you’re asking. The human version was under the disguise of ridding witches from their midsts when in reality it was nothing more than a powerplay. A way to control the population through fear. Then there is the supernatural version which also depends on whose side you're asking.  The trials were nothing more than a war, or battle between the witches and the vampires. Vampires wanted to feed off the humans in Salem, but witches are magic users. They harness the power of nature, of balance, to practice their magic. And if the vampires started preying on the people of Salem it would break the balance the witches needed. And the witches vowed to protect the humans. Though some humans were burned at the stake it was mostly witches. And the vampires did this as a way to humiliate and degrade the witches and their ancestors. In the end neither side really won, both agreeing things escalated too far. The vampires moved on from Salem leaving the witches to clean up the mess.”  “That...that’s correct.” Professor Lathem muttered, turning back towards the board with a confused expression.  “How did you know all of that?” Ryker leaned over and whispered.  “My mom made me study everything regarding the supernatural world.” I shrugged. “I thought it was like an extracurricular thing since she homeschooled me. I didn’t know there were actual schools for it. Though it still makes no sense why they are teaching this in school.” “So as Miss. Rose has so graciously explained, Salem was a battle between witches and vampires. Back then almost every race had some quarrel with the vampires. Many had gone to the royal family asking for help. The vampires were destroying everything. They were feral, unable to control their thirst. Werewolves, witches, gargoyles and many others allied with one another to stop them. But it wasn’t until the royal family of reapers joined did we gain the upper hand.” I drowned out what she was saying, already knowing what she was teaching the rest of the class. Reapers were one of the most powerful of the supernatural world. Their ability to turn their form incorporeal makes them almost impossible to defeat. They had increased speed, strength and ability to heal themselves also adding to their strength. Reapers could also see souls, but could only take them if they were dead or close to death. If a reaper took a soul and absorbed it, it would increase their power. They could heal others they deemed worthy of a second chance but could not heal themselves. Their increased healing time was what kept them from fatal wounds should they come to pass. The rest of the classes were much the same. Things I already knew were being taught which made things increasingly boring and repetitive. I mostly doodled in one of my notebooks, answering questions here and there as they were asked. Apparently I had proven I had enough knowledge and concept of what was being taught that the professors didn’t mind me zoning out. Though they would call on me every once in a while just to test me.  Procedures of supernatural government were informative though. Something my mom never taught me was that the royal family had been killed. Leaving only a council to rule over them. The throne still remained empty, waiting for the lost heir to return to them.No one could even enter the palace unless they had the essence of a reaper. So it has stayed locked down tight since their deaths. Much to the council's dismay. I thought it was funny to be honest. If the whole family was killed, how is there an heir? Also, Ryker, Darius, Caleb, someone named Tristan, and another named Xavier, Theo and Elijah were to take over the council once they graduate or their parents hand over their seat. “Is that true?” I whispered to Ryker.  “Yes. But only one of us can take the seat.” He told me. “It has been a power struggle between me and my brothers for years. We all want the seat and the power it gives us.”  I just nodded, turning my attention back to the professor. He started going over things I’d already known again, making me once again, drown him out. I needed to talk to my uncle about this. I really didn’t want to keep going over the same things over and over. But then again I was with Ryker so far for all of my classes and I didn’t want him to have to sit through them alone again. Plus I can help him if he needs me to.  Finally lunch came and I was starving. Sitting through supernatural history, calculus and the government class was a total bore. So I was more than happy to get out of there and get some food. I was excited for my classes after lunch. I had defensive magic, then combat training. I’ve never had a defensive magic class, and sparring with the instructor sounded like fun. I haven’t had anyone able to land a blow on me in years.  “How has your first day been?” Lexi trilled.  “Repetitive.” I told her honestly. “My mom had already taught me all of it.”  “Really? Wow.” She said, stunned.  “Uh, I guess.” I said slowly. As we walked to our table I hoped that I could actually have a meal without anyone bothering us. I wanted to be able to sit down and enjoy my food without distractions from unwelcome people. Specifically the barbie and broody type. Curious, I cast a glance over my shoulder and saw the entire table staring at me. I shook my head and groaned.  “You shouldn’t have called him an asshole.” Ryker laughed.  “Pft. You wish. He is an asshole, and so is Caleb.” I muttered.  “Rose!” Lexi gasped.  “What?”  “You can’t say things like that.” “And why not?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Because they are the precious future rulers? Like I care.”  “You should.” Paris said, eyeing me. “They can make your life hell.”  “I’m sure they can.” I nodded. “But I can make theirs hell too.” The rest of lunch passed in silence. No one was willing to talk after our discussion about the guys. And I couldn’t say I minded. I enjoyed the silence. It allowed me to eat and keep my good mood about my next classes. No pain in the ass guys approached me, no barbies came and spt at Ryker. We were left alone for once. Not that I’ve come enough to know if it was normal for them to take an interest in others like they did me. They didn’t seem like the talkative type. At least not to people outside of their own little group.  After lunch Lexi gave us a wave goodbye as she headed to her next class, and Ryker and I went to defensive magic. I was all but bouncing on my toes in excitement. Not that I had magic, and I was assuming it was theoretical anyway since, you know, magic didn’t exist.  “Are you sure you're in this class?” Ryker asked skeptically.  I furrowed my brow, taking my schedule from my bag and checking over it again. Yup, it was there. Defensive magic with Professor Caspian. I handed my schedule over to him to show him, making the crease in his brow deepened. What was wrong with me having this class? I wondered. Ryker just shook his head, handing the paper back to me before placing his hand on the small of my back.  “I don’t know what your uncle has told you.” He leaned in and whispered. “But stay close during this class. Please.”  “Okay.” I nodded, noticing the all but desperate look in his eyes. I didn’t understand his reaction, or why he wanted me to stay close. But if it worried him that much then I could give him this. This time. Once I knew what this class was about, then I wouldn’t let him coddle me like this. I didn’t like feeling like I was being protected. Like I couldn’t protect myself. It just didn’t come natural to me, it never did.  Entering the class I stopped dead in my tracks. Professor Caspian stood at the front of the class, leaning on the edge of his desk. His ankles were crossed and his muscular arms held over his equally muscular chest. He wore black dress slacks with a whit button down shirt that still had the top three buttons undone. His blonde hair hung into his eyes as he looked down and read something on whatever paper was in front of him. I couldn’t see much from this angle but I could tell he had incredibly high cheekbones and creme colored skin. He had a stubble covered square chin and lips that were perfectly thick. The only thing I couldn’t make out was his eyes.  “Take a seat Mr. Alistar.” Professor Caspian’s deep voice said, never looking up from his paper. Damn he had a nice voice. It reverberated through the room, sending chills across my body.  “Uh, Professor Caspian.” Ryker said in an equally strong voice. “This is Rose. The headmaster's niece.”  The professor's head snapped up, his eyes zeroing in on me. They were the darkest blue of the midnight sky, and they instantly snared me into their depths. I bit my lip under his scrutiny, not uncomfortable but not entirely okay. His gaze was unwavering, intense and all consuming.  “Why is she here?” he asked, his eyes darting to Ryker.  “It’s on her schedule.” Ryker answered.  “She. Is perfectly capable of speaking for herself.” I snarled, suddenly angry.  His eyes locked back on mine, one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows raising in question. “Are you now?” He taunted. “Come here.” He demanded. His tone taking on a soothing yet powerful tone that didn’t leave room for questions. The power of his demand washed over me, urging me to comply. But I held my ground.  “No.” I shook my head, planting my feet and squaring my shoulders.  The professor stood to his full height, his brows raised curiously. s**t he was tall. Murmurs broke out around the room making me quickly glance their way before looking back to the professor as he prowled towards me. Ryker stiffened at my side, his arm wrapping tightly around my waist either possessively or protectively I wasn’t sure which.  As he reached me, he bent down towards me making my breath catch in my throat. He ran his nose from the crook of my neck up below my ear as he breathed deeply.  “You smell divine.” He breathed.  I balked, shoving him off of me angrily. “What the hell!?” I shouted. “Who in their right mind goes around sniffing people?”  “Forgive me.” He straightened out, wiping a hand down the front of his shirt. “It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable.”  “You’re telling me people find it attractive you go around smelling them?” I grit out. But I didn’t let him answer. I stormed away, taking one of the only seats left in the room. Eyes followed me as I went.  “What?” I shouted, my voice echoing in the room.  Everyone immediately diverted their eyes back to the professor. I growled, the sound vibrating my chest with its intensity. “Damn nosy ass people.” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest as I glared at the professor. He smirked back at me, taunting me. I plastered a sickeningly sweet smile on my face as I steepled my fingers together and perched my chin on them.  “Who can tell me what compulsion is?” He asked, his eyes still on me.  “Compulsion is someone making you do or say something against your will.” I answered, keeping my eyes on his deep blue ones. Why did the hot ones always have to be assholes? I whined.  “Correct Miss..” “Rose.” I answered. The professor smirked. Oh, he was enjoying this. I wonder if anyone else posed any kind of challenge for him or if they all just buckled under the weight of his eyes.  “Can anyone here show Rose how it works?” He asked, his eyes finally moving from mine to the rest of the room.  “I can professor Caspian.” Malibu Barbie’s voice rang, her hand waving back and forth chaotically.  “Very well.” He sighed, turning his attention to her.  Amy smiled devilishly as she made her way over to me. I raised a brow at her as she stopped, facing me down like a rabid animal. “Can I help you?” I asked.  “Bow, and kiss my feet.” Her voice held power it didn’t before, and it washed over me just like the professors had. But nothing happened.  “Is this a joke?” I asked the professor, pointing my thumb at Amy. “Does Malibu Barbie here really think I’d do something like that?” The entire class broke out in laughter, the professor included.  “Take your seat Miss. Frost.” He chuckled.  Amy looked from me to the professor, her eyes raging. Finally she made the most awful shrieking sound making me wince as she stomped over to her seat.  “Can anyone else demonstrate for Miss. Rose?” He asked. “Mr. Alistar?” His eyes landed on Ryker. Ryker sighed, angling his chair to face mine.  “Is today pick on Rose day and I didn’t get the memo? Next time someone send me the link, I’d be more than happy to shove it up your ass.” I snarled, my eyes on Caspian.  “Calm down.” Ryker said gently, his power like a warm summer's breeze. But I didn’t want to calm down. I wanted to be mad, to be furious this professor has decided to single me out since the start of class.  “No, I’m good.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I think anger is just the thing I need right now.”  Ryker’s eyes widened, his gaze shooting to the professor. “Unusual.” Professor Caspian said, rubbing his chin. “Try someone else.” he suggested to Ryker.  “Oh, please do Barbie over there.” I said excitedly. “Maybe a guinea pig would suit her better since Barbie didn’t work.”  Ryker laughed, but moved to do as I asked. I turned my chair to face them. Amy’s face drained of all color as he approached her. Her head started moving and forth, her eyes pleading with the professor. I glanced over to him and saw him smiling. He was enjoying this too. His eyes met mine briefly and he gave me a small nod before turning his attention back to the display. I smiled, shaking my head as I turned my attention back to Ryker.  “Stand on your desk and act like a chicken.” His power once again hit me, but I ignored it.  Almost instantly though Amy clambered up onto her desk and started clucking. Her hands went under her armpits, her elbows jutting out as she flapped them like wings. It even went as far as her imitating pecking the ground. What the hell? There is no way she would have made a fool of herself like that. But how could Ryker have made her do it? Compulsion isn’t real, it couldn’t be. I shook my head and stood from my desk. Grabbing my bag I shoved everything into it and darted out the door. My mind was racing a million miles a minute. What did I just see? Did he really just compel her? Did they really try to compel me? Why didn’t it work on me if it did on her? Would it have worked on everyone else? What the hell is going on in this school? Fast movement caught my eye, before Professor Caspian was in front of me blocking my path. I shook my head again. “Yeah, nope.” I said turning and walking the other way. But again he was in front of me in a flash. “Would you stop?” I shouted.  “Get back to class.” he said, though his tone held no power.  “Yeah, that is not going to happen until I go ask my uncle what the hell is going on in this school.” I bit back, moving to go around him.  He grabbed my upper arm in a tight grip. I growled at him. I hate being touched. I gripped his hand in mine, tearing it from mine. “Don’t touch me.” I hissed, tossing his arm back towards him with enough force he almost turned a complete circle.  “You let Mr. Alistar touch you.” He pointed out.  “Yeah, and he is my friend.”  “So only your friends can touch you?” he asked.  “Hardly.” I scoffed.  “Then what?” “Don’t you have a class to teach, professor?” “Yes, one you are supposed to be in.” He responded coolly, though he still followed me.  “So you’re just going to follow me now?” I asked irritably.  Caspian only smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief and amusement. He was enjoying this, enjoying seeing how much he irritated me. I just rolled my eyes and didn’t say anything else as I made my way through the halls to my uncle’s office. One way or another I would get the answers I needed, the answers I wanted. And he could either tell me, or I would find them for myself and no one will like it if I have to find the answers alone. 
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