Chapter Six

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I swear, I couldn’t have brought more attention to myself, (To quote Timone) if I dressed in drag and did the hula. The entire dining hall fell quiet as I walked in with Ryker. I didn’t let it bother me, but Ryker was a different story. The smile had fallen and his lips were pressed in a thin line. Muscles coiled so tightly I swear one wrong move and they would snap. And his beautiful red eyes had dulled, the shine no longer there from just a few minutes ago. I hated that these people had that effect on him. Hated that they had all but tortured it into him that he wasn’t good enough.  “Hey.” I whispered. “Don’t let it bother you. Let them stare like a bunch of robots on crack.”  Ryker snorted a laugh, the corner of his lips twitching up into a smile.  “See.” I beamed. “You can smile in front of them. You should smile more.” I said, my tone growing a little firm and more serious. “It would be a shame if the world lost that smile.” This time Ryker did look down at me, his brows furrowed in confusion. He was unsure, and by the looks of it suspicious. Were things so bad for him that anyone who is nice and compliments him, he wonders what their intentions are? Gets suspicious of them. I wanted nothing more in this moment but to kick his brother's asses. They should be there for him, defend him against these people who mean to bring him down.  I gave him a small smile, before turning and glaring at his brothers. Who just so happens to be looking at us like everyone else. I pulled my lip back over my teeth and sneered at them. They were pathetic. Family should always come first. Family is supposed to have each other's back, and is supposed to stand together no matter what. But Ryker's brothers, his twin, are all staring like I had a few marbles loose. Well screw them.  “Don’t worry about them Ryker.” I snarled, never taking my eyes from his brothers. “Let them stare, let them talk. They are not worth losing your smile, losing who you are.” I finally turned and looked up to him. “I don’t know why your brothers have joined in with everyone else and I honestly don’t care. Family sticks together and if they can’t do that, if they can’t see you the way you deserve, then screw them. They don’t deserve to be a part of your happiness, and they sure as hell have no right to take it away.”  “You actually mean that.” Ryker murmured.  “Of course I do.” I snorted. “I don’t say things I don’t mean.”  Ryker smiled and pulled me into a tight side hug, placing a kiss to the top of my head. His scent of cinnamon and spice filling and overwhelming my nostrils. I didn’t say it, but I wondered why he did that. It was oddly intimate for two people who just met a few minutes ago. But then again, I was also acting as if I had known him my entire life so who was I to judge. I was just happy to see him smiling again.  “What?” Ryker asked.  “Nothing.” I shook my head. “You smell good.” I shrugged, deciding to be honest with him.  “I smell good?” He laughed.  “Yeah.” I shrugged.  “You really don’t hold anything back do you.” He chuckled lightly.  “Oh, I hold back. I just speak my mind when I think the situation calls for it. And other times I am honest just to see how people react or just to be an ass and piss someone off. It really depends on my mood. Right now however I want nothing more than to stalk over there and give your brothers a piece of my mind.”  “Hey, it’s alright. Don’t worry about them.”  I narrowed my eyes up at him in exasperation. “Don’t turn my words back at me.” I said firmly, but playfully.  “Awe, why not?” He groaned, his shoulders sagging a little over dramatically.  “Just come on.” I laughed, swatting his shoulder.  We both followed Lexi as she led us back to her and her friends' usual table. They saw us coming, of course they saw us coming, because all eyes were on Ryker and me. They all completely ignored Lexi, which I was sure was getting irked about it. She wanted attention for herself. It made me wonder if she acts the way she does for attention. No. There is no way someone could fake that bubbly overly exuberant personality.  “Oh look.” A sickly sweet voice said from behind Ryker. “The red eyed freak found his own group of freaks.” She laughed.  Rykers body stiffened at her words. I looked over to where his brothers sat and saw them both just sitting there watching the encounter without getting up to step in for their brother. Yeah, I’m sure Ryker could handle himself, but still. They are family, they should stick together. And the fact they just sat over there like bumps on a log pissed me off.  “Go away Amy.” Ryker told her flatly, his eyes tracing over me instead of turning to her.  “Awe, don’t be so sensitive freak, I’m only telling the truth.” She laughed, and other perky girly laughs joined her. So this must be her band of mean girls. This girl was really pissing me off. She needed to mind her own damn business and leave Ryker alone  “Come on Rose.” Ryker said, leading me away from Amy and her band of merry tramps. “They just want to make drama.”  “Hey, I’m talking to you red eyes.” She sneered reaching her hand out and put it on Ryker’s arm to stop him. Ryker’s entire body stilled at her touch, his jaw ground painfully, and I. Well I’d had enough.  “Ryker, can you hold my tray for me please?” I asked as softly as I could. He gave me a tight nod and took my Tray from my hands. “Thank you.” I smiled, before rounding behind him and facing the wanna be Barbie group. I didn’t even say anything, I didn’t stop walking until I was right on top of Amy. Staring into her dull malice filled grey eyes, I pulled back and punched her. Her head snapped to the side and her body followed.  I smiled down at her after I realized she was out cold. Not a single muscle twitched. Yeah, she would have a big black eye after that. Serves her right. I looked from her to the rest of her group, daring them to try anything, say anything. One of the girls stepped up to me, her eyes holding fear and determination. I actually inwardly applauded her. She was standing up for her friends despite her fear.  “You really don’t want to do this.” I warned her.  But of course Malibu Barbie number two didn’t listen. She growled at me, her lip curling above her teeth, displaying a set of perfect white teeth. Except, her canines were longer than average, sharper. I didn’t know if she was a vampire, I could be reading it wrong but I wasn’t taking any chances. So when she charged me, I dropped low to the ground, swinging my leg out and knocking her feet out from under her. She tumbled to the ground with a shriek. Her back and head hit the cold stone floor with a crack. The girl groaned, rolling from her back and clambering to her hands and knees as she rubbed the back of her head with a wince.  “I warned you.” I shrugged.  The other two girls sneered at me, their eyes narrowed into slits. Their auras flared to life, blazing like an inferno. Oh, they were pissed. But I was more angry than them. Before they could charge me, I bolted forward, pinching the soft spot in their necks. They dropped like a sack of potatoes. I just shook my head.  I turned away from the pathetic group and faced Ryker’s brothers. But before I could take one step, a hand clasped down on my shoulder. I knew it was Ryker. His blue and yellow aura surrounded me.  “Don’t.” He said in a pleading tone.  “Why not?” I asked through clenched teeth, never taking my eyes from the two brothers. “They deserve so much worse than this pathetic group of girls got.”  “It’s not worth it.” He answered sadly.  My head snapped around, my eyes meeting his once again dulled red ones. “Never. And I mean never. Say you’re not worth it. This sad little act of drama may not have been our fault, and I handled it a lot better than I thought I would by the way. But your brothers…..” My hands balled into fists at my side, turning my hardened gaze on their group. “They’re a sad excuse for a family. Family sticks together no matter what. Family is all that matters. Blood obviously does not make a family though.” I turned from the now pissed off guys back to Ryker taking my tray from him. “Thank you for holding it.” I told him, trying and failing to soften my voice.  As I sat down, Ryker took the seat beside me and looked over the group warily. I could tell he was uncomfortable, and unsure about the group. I also knew there was nothing I could do to male him feel better. I’d only been here a few days and I knew absolutely nothing about any of them.  “Guys, this is Ryker.” I said, breaking the awkward silence that fell around us.  One by one the group introduced themselves. I could see the hesitation in their auras, see their fear. What was wrong with this damn Academy? Was everyone so biased and rude? Or was it just the people I’ve met so far? Because how everyone is treating Ryker was just downright cruel. And yeah, I admit, maybe I was missing something. Maybe I was missing a big something. But who cares? You don’t treat people this way.  “Uh...Rose.” Lexi stuttered.  “I know he’s there Lexi.” I sighed. “What do you want?” I asked without turning around.  “I want to talk to you.” Mr. Tall, dark and handsome said coldly.  “No.” The people around us gasped, I just rolled my eyes. People were so dramatic sometimes. “Now.” he bit out.  My hand froze half way to my mouth, the smell of eggs wafted to me from its tip. At this moment though, food could wait. I dropped the fork back onto the plate and stood to face the guy I’d once felt needed help, the guy I thought acted cold as a defense. Maybe I was wrong about him. MAybe he was nothing more than an arrogant asshole. “Excuse me? I think you’re talking to the wrong girl because I know you’re not talking to me like that. If you want to talk you get up off your high horse and ask politely like a normal person, you don’t demand it. Just like Malibu Barbie over there, I won’t take s**t from you either, I don’t care who you are.”  “Rose, don’t.” Ryker said, his voice strained as he stood at my side.  I crossed my arms over my chest. “And why not?” “It’s not wor…”  I turned and glared at him, making his stop short on what he was going to say. He just smiled down at me. “What I mean is, taking anything out on Caleb won’t help anything.”  “Ah, so his name is Caleb. At least I can stop referring to him as Mr. Tall, dark and handsome.” I mused. Caleb arched a brow at me. “What?” I shrugged. “I didn’t know your name, I had to call you something. And Broody guy just didn’t fit, even though you do brood quite a bit.” Ryker laughed, trying to cover it with a cough, but was sorely unsuccessful. Snickers were heard around us. What did it matter what I called him as long as I referred to him as something other than that guy from earlier. It didn’t matter, at least I know his name now. Caleb reached towards me, obviously aiming to grab me and drag me behind him. Oh, hell not. I backed out of his reach, fury covering me like a blanket.  “Do. Not. Touch. Me.” I enunciated each word in a growl. Caleb’s eyes actually widened a bit at my tone, making him cross his arms over his chest.  “Fine.” He bit out. “Can I talk to you? Please?”  I smiled mockingly. “See. Now how hard was that? Yes, we can talk.”  Caleb rolled his eyes and turned stomping out of the dining hall. I couldn’t help but laugh as I walked behind him, dumping my tray and putting it where it belongs on the way out. No one followed us, not even Ryker, but I could see the concern written all over his features. I tried to reassure him by smiling, but it didn’t work. Anyway, I wanted to talk to Caleb about how he treated his brother, and now was the best time to do so.  “What do you think you’re doing?” Caleb bellowed, rounding on me once we were far enough away from the dining hall.  “What the hell are you talking about?” I demanded.  “Ryker. What are you doing with Ryker?” “Making friends, obviously.” I said flatly. “Good thing too since apparently his own family can’t be bothered enough to stand by him.”  “That’s not what’s going on.” Caleb sighed.  “Then explain it because how I see it is your brother being the only person with red eyes is targeted by the majority of the school while you and his twin stand by and watch.” “You don’t understand.” “You’re right, I don’t and I honestly don’t care to. Ryker is a good guy, he does not deserve the treatment he is receiving.” “Red eyes in our world are a bad omen.” Caleb tried to explain.  “Your world? What the hell do you mean your world?”  “Your uncle didn’t tell you?” He asked surprised.  “Tell me what?” “Nothing.” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “But you need to stay away from Ryker.”  “No. I will not stay away from him. If his own family won’t even stand beside him someone needs to. What you and your brother are doing to him is wrong. I don’t care if red eyes make him the devil incarnate, family sticks together.” I turned and walked away without another word. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore, it wouldn’t make a difference. Caleb and his brother would act however they wanted to when it came to Ryker and I couldn't stop them. What I could do though was be his friend and be on his side. He needed to know he wasn't alone in the world. 
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