Chapter Eight

1980 Words
I knew where my uncle's office was and I wanted answers. I wanted to know why he lied about my name. Why this school teach such weird and off the wall courses? I wanted to know how compulsion was real and why it didn’t seem to work on me. And I wanted to know why he didn’t explain any of this before I came here. Because none of it made any sense to me. The echoing sound of the professor's footsteps beside mine made me grind my teeth. My fists were clenched at my side as anger and confusion steamed off me.   “Miss. You can’t go in there.” The woman at the front desk scolded as she bound to her feet. I turned my head and glared at her, making her sink back into her seat with a whimper as she focused her attention back on her computer. The professor smirked at me with a raised brow. What the hell is up with him and smirking? Did he not know how to smile? Or not to? Whatever, I thought as I burst through the doors to my Uncle’s office. His head snapped up in my direction, a look of confusion on his face.  “Rose? Is everything alright?” He asked, jumping to his feet, casting a glare back at professor Caspian.  “No, I am not alright.” I said dropping myself into a chair across from him. “I want answers. Starting with why you lied to the students by telling them my name was Calebs when it’s Blackthorn.” I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my brows, telling him it was his turn. Professor Caspian’s sharp intake of breath drew my attention to him. His expression was shock, and something I couldn’t quite pinpoint.  “You’re dismissed, Caspian.” My uncle sighed, dropping into his seat.  “Oh, no. Professor smirks a lot needs to stay. If I don’t get it from you, maybe he will tell me the truth. The FIRST time.” “It’s complicated, Rose.” My uncle sighed.  “No. Lying to me is complicated.”  “It’s not possible.” Caspian murmured as he looked at me like I was some kind of new species he’d never seen before.  My uncle sighed heavily. “I assure you, it’s possible.” His eyes moved to me and I stiffened. Whatever he was about to tell me was going to either be extremely good news, or news that will turn my already upside down word even more.  “Rose. You were raised in the mortal world by your mother. But the man you knew as your father was not your real father.” “What?”  “Your mother, my sister is, or was a supernatural though no one knows what she was. She kept that part of herself firmly hidden.Your father is a powerful warlock and was her destined mate. Her soulmate. They lived happily for a long time. But when she found out she was pregnant, she ran. No one knew why, until one day your father was called to the council hall where an infant boy had been dropped off. A note on the child said he was the father and even had a picture of the child with your mother for proof. It wasn’t until some years later your mother called and told me she had had twins. A boy and a girl. I’m surprised no one has figured it out yet though. That auburn hair is a trademark for the Blackthorn family.” “Wait, wait, wait, wait.” I said holding my hand up for him to stop talking. “You’re telling me that not only do I have a brother. That just so happened to be my twin. But I also have a birth father that is alive?” “Yes.”  “Who?” I asked. My voice low with hurt and anger.  “Who?” He questioned. “My brother.” I bit out.  “He can’t know. No one can know.” My uncle said urgently.  My head snapped up, my eyes meeting his. “I have a brother and father who are alive and you don’t want me seeing them? Knowing them?” I asked incredulously.  “It is dangerous for them to know you exist. You don’t understand what could happen.” My uncle told me sadly.  “You could be killed.” Cassius spoke up.  “Killed? Why?” I looked back and forth between the two of them.  “The Blackthorns sit on the council Rose. Your brother is the heir to your fathers seat. If they, or he finds out you exist, that means you’d pose a threat to your brother's seat. He is already a troubled boy, angry. There is no telling what he would do to keep it.” “I don’t want any council seat.” I told him, shaking my head. “I just want to know them,” “You’re brother sits with Caleb and his brothers. His name is Xavier. He looks much like your mother. But please do not tell him who you are.” “I can’t keep going by Calebs though uncle Jack. It’s not my name, and I don’t like lying and deceiving people.”  “I know Rose. It’s just for now though.” He assured me.  “Fine.” I huffed, standing from my seat.  “Professor, you will be Rose’s counselor.”  “What?” He and I both shouted.  “You need someone to look out for you while you’re here. And until you learn what you are and what magic you possess you’ll need a guardian. Who better than our very own defensive magic professor?”  I looked over to professor smirks a lot and wrinkled my nose. “But he’s so…. Well I don’t know, I haven't figured it out yet.” I admitted tilting my head as I studied the professor.  My uncle barked a laugh “Well when you do be sure to share, because no one else has figured it out yet either.”  Cassius growled at our exchange, but all I could do was laugh. “I shouldn’t have to be the ward of some child.” He hissed, his eyes on me.  I stood and walked to the professor. I didn’t stop until we were mere inches apart, just a hair's breadth away. I cast my eye up and down his entire being. “You, professor, don’t look that much older than me. You’re what twenty three? Twenty five?” I laughed mockingly. “Don’t patronize me professor. We all know I am no more of a child than you are.” I turned away from him and back to my uncle. “And you still haven’t explained what kind of school this is because it is not a normal school. No normal school has men that look like him.” I said pointing over my shoulder to the professor. “Most schools have nerds, pudgy kids, fat kids, lanky kids. But no. This one has muscled gods pretending to be kids.”  My uncle looked over my shoulder to Cassius who I was sure was yet again, smirking in my direction. “Yes. Well, that tends to happen in the supernatural world. We were blessed in the gene department. Rose, you are at a school for supernaturals. Vampires, werewolves, fae. All kinds of creatures come here to learn to control their magic.”  “I must have hit my head in the attack against my parents.” I mumbled rubbing the back of my head curiously.  “What attack?” My uncle asked, standing to his feet and staring me down.  Anger hit me as he asked, making me remember everything from that night. Their faces, their voices. I could even remember the smell of death on them. Glowing black eyes, pale skin. Their cheeks and eyes were sunk into their skull, Their manic laughter echoed in my mind.  “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to end up in an asylum for raving about vampires. But two vampires broke into the house. I wasn’t home when they got there. But when I did return I watched as they drank from my parents. Their bodies limp in those creatures' arms.” I closed my eyes to calm my breathing before opening them again. “I will kill them and I know how thanks to mom. Sun doesn't hurt them, wood, garlic everything the humans teach are useless against them, even fire. Only decapitation and ripping their hearts out work. And I will find them, I will kill them. I will rip their hearts from their chest with my bare hands and laugh as I mount them to the wall as trophies.” I snarled.  “You know, not all vampires are like that.” Cassius said softly.  I turned and looked at Cassius, his face pinched as he looked back at me. “Oh, I’m sure. I figure much like people there are good and bad ones. But those two are evil and they will die for what they did.” He nodded, his fists clenched at his sides. I turned completely and looked him over. Light skin, he was fast and cocky, slightly elongated canines. “You’re a vampire.” I stated. He nodded again, his eyes never leaving mine. “I have no intention of even trying to hurt you professor. And I’m sorry if my words upset you.”  His face turned to shock, his eyes going wide as he looked at me. I wasn’t sure why though. All I did was apologize. “Has no one ever apologized to you before?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. Cassius shook his head in response. “Why?” His eyes looked over to my uncle making me turn back to him. I arched a brow in his direction.  “Cassius is only here because his services and skill were needed. He is, or was a prisoner at Thorne penitentiary. He is delegated to go back after his mission.”  “Wait, what? Why would you send him back?” I asked, looking between the two. “What did he do to deserve to be released just to help, then be sent back like that? It’s cruel.”  “He killed other supernaturals.” My uncle answered casually. “Okay? Were they bad? Or evil? Or were they just your average everyday citizens?”  My uncle's brows furrowed. “They were criminals. Rapist, murders. But what he did didn’t make him better than them, it made him just like them.”  “Oh, no. I am not taking that bullshit as a response. I don’t know that man from Adam.” I said, waving my hand towards Cassius flippantly. “But what he did, regardless of how, probably saved countless lives. He killed people you all were probably going to kill anyway. He did exactly what I plan on doing. So tell me. How is it right to lock a man up for saving lives? And even better. Tell me how it’s right to let him go and have his freedom back for however long you all deem necessary to use him like a damn toy. Just to send him back as thanks?” I shook my head standing from my chair. “If this is how this new world I’ve been thrown into works. Then I don’t want any part in it.”  I looked between Cassius and my uncle one more time before pulling the door open and walking out. Cruel. They are all cruel and heartless. Using someone for their own gain just to throw them away when they’re done. I scoffed. Bastards. 
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