Chapter Twenty Two

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I hit the floor hard, the breath was knocked out of my chest leaving me gasping.  “You’re distracted. I have never been able to get that close, what’s going on?” Phoenix asked, pulling me to my feet.  I stood wiping sweat from my brow. “I just have a lot on my mind.” I huffed, sitting down on the bench and grabbing my water. It was true I was distracted. Distracted by him and Cassius. Distracted by the five dragons that still haven’t properly introduced themselves. And that’s not even counting the bond between Cassius and myself. I can still hear him whisper those five little words. Five words that will change everything.  “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, sitting beside me. His bare knee grazed mine, sending electricity through me.  I was caught off guard when like with Cassius his emotions shot through me like lightning. I felt his resistance, anger, depression, darkness. I felt his dire need to get away, his struggle as he fought whatever darkness resided inside him. But I also felt love. I felt compassion, tenderness. I felt him. But the man he wanted to be was buried beneath all the negative emotions that were drowning him.  “Professor.” I gasped shooting to my feet. This can’t be happening again. Why am I feeling other people's emotions? Does this mean I can never touch anyone again without feeling what they are? Will I ever be able to have contact with anyone again? Or was this something just between myself and Cassius and Phoenix?  “Rose? What happened?” He asked standing. He started to make his way towards me but I held a shaky hand in front of me. He stopped, but he watched me intently, concern filling his silver eyes.  “I...I felt you.” I whispered, shaking my head trying to dislodge the remaining effects of his emotions. Phoenix’s aura flared, colors swirling within it. Confusion, worry, suspicion. The darkness was creeping into it too, the black slowly making its way to the other emotions as it swallowed each one leaving anger and fury. At least that’s what will happen if he doesn’t calm down, if he doesn't get control.  “Phoenix, stop.” I begged, shooting towards him and grabbing his hand. “You can’t let the darkness win. You can’t lose yourself to it. It will consume you, turn you into someone you’re not.” He turned his head away from me, his brow creased and his lips in a thin line. “Phoenix please.” I implored. “Look at me.” I squeezed his hand, trying to ignore the emotions that were shooting through me. I focused on sending my emotions his way. Sending calm, care, I sent him everything I felt for him to try and get him away from the darkness. My confusion about him, the way I cared for him and worried for him. I sent everything.  As my emotions reached him the darkness started to shrink until it was nothing but a small dot inside his brilliant aqua aura seeming to glow. He turned to me, his silver eyes swirling with the emotions I sent to him.  “You have to fight it.” I whispered. “You can’t let it win, you can’t let it take you.” I felt tears stinging the back of my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them fall. I wouldn’t send my fear for him to him. I won’t let him feel my fear, my worry for him. He had enough to worry about without having to worry about me too.  “Why do you care? Why do you want me to fight?” He lowered his eyes and looked where I held his hands in mine. “I’m tired of fighting Rose.”  “Look at me.” I whispered, gently placing my finger under his chin and drawing him to me. “You are kind and gentle. I see how much you love teaching these kids to fight. But I see the darkness that wants you. I’ve seen it creeping around you just on the edge of your soul waiting for strong emotions it can feed on. It will consume you if you let it Phoenix. Don’t let it consume you. Please.” I looked away this time, emotions clogging my throat. “I don’t understand it, but I care about you and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I looked into his silver eyes. “I can’t lose you. Fight it, please.”  “You’ve bonded to me haven’t you?” He asked in a low voice.  “Yes, I think I have. But I have also bonded with two others and I don’t know how. I am so confused Phoenix, I am lost and I feel like I am drowning in a sea with no hope of escape. But I know if something happened to any of you, I’d lose myself, just as you are losing yourself.”  Phoenix smiled softly, his large calloused hand reaching up and pushing stray hair behind my ear. His hand engulfed my face as he cupped my face in his hand. Without thinking about it I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. He felt safe. He was warm and gentle. He was home, they all were. But right now, here and now, he was mine, he was safe.  “You are special Rose. Too special for me. I do not deserve a soul like yours. You deserve another like you, someone pure, someone strong. I am not that person. I am too damaged to bond with you.” “Don’t you dare talk down on yourself.” I scolded. “You are special. You are kind and gentle. You are strong and more worthy than you know. You deserve every happiness anyone else does. If anything I don’t deserve a man like you. So what if you’re damaged? Everyone has some damage inside them. I am damaged. I am half a person without my supernatural side. I have pain and hurt and betrayal in my past. I am not the perfect person you think I am.” I backed away and took a deep breath before lifting my shirt, exposing my scar. “I am scarred. I am not perfect. I have been hurt and hurt others. I have killed and I still want to kill whoever killed my parents. There is darkness in me just as it is in you.”  “Rose..” Phoenix whispered, his finger tips running across my scar feather light. “What? How did this happen?”  I shook my head, “That doesn’t matter.” I reached up and caressed the side of his face. “I need you to fight Phoenix. I need you to win.” I dropped my hand and pulled my shirt back over the scar before backing away from him. I needed to get away. I needed to think, clear my head. I needed distance from all of this, all of them. I don’t think I can handle anymore of this. It’s too hard, too confusing.  With a low muttered apology, I ran. I’m such a coward. I have to face this, have to acknowledge it. But for some reason I kept running. I didn’t stop, not for anyone who called after me. I heard Ryker’s voice call me, I heard Lexi and the twins. I even heard Caleb, which only made me run faster. I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want to talk to him or be alone with him. I didn’t want to be near him or anyone. I needed a break, I needed peace.  I finally stopped on the other end of the grounds. A place I haven’t been yet, but I really didn’t care. I was alone and that’s all that matters. I sat leaning against a large tree trunk, and hoped it would somehow cover me and hide me from the world. Wishing it would just consume me and give me peace of mind.  I didn’t know how to handle this. I didn’t know what to do. I cared for all of them but I don’t want to be with all of them. What am I supposed to do though? How can I fix it? Did it need to be fixed? Or was this always my destiny? To be with three men, to love and care for three broken men. But I am just as broken as they are. I’m just as lost. So what was the big deal? The big deal was it was three men. Three, not one. I don’t know how to be with one man much less three. A choked sob escaped me as I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face between them. I don’t cry, but here I am crying like a child. And over what? Men? My new life? Maybe it was because of everything and it finally overwhelmed me.  I know emotions need an escape, and mine usually come out in more physical ways. Anger would usually consume me when I become overwhelmed. But not this time. This time I just feel broken. I felt lost and alone, and sad. I didn’t feel like myself, I didn’t know who this new person was. I didn’t even know if I wanted to know. But whoever it was I would rebuild, make myself stronger and more resilient. I will make myself harder, more closed off. What choice did I have? Until my supernatural side came forward I had to protect myself.  “Rose?” A voice called from a distance. I quickly wiped the tears from my face and stood, waiting for whoever it was to come closer. “What are you doing out here alone?” One of the dragon brothers asked as he made his way over to me.  “I don’t need an escort to go across Academy grounds.” I said bored. “I needed space so I came here. What are you doing here? Following me?”  “Yes. It is our job now to keep you safe.”  “No. It is your job to keep Cassius safe.” I corrected. “My safety was never involved.” “There are five of us. Four watches your bonded, I watch you.”  “Fine.” I huffed. “At least tell me your name.”   “It is Ashley, but I am called Ash.”  “Ashley?” I questioned with a furrowed brow. “I have never seen that name on a man. I know it is a unisex name but actually seeing it is unusual. Don’t get me wrong I like it, it suits you. It’s just odd.”  “Yes, well our parents were somewhat odd themself.” Ash laughs. “My brothers are Remington, Jude, Vince, and Tobias.”  “I love those names.” I beamed “They are unique.”  Ash laughed, his face lighting up. Somehow his presence put me at ease. It calmed me. Not in the way the others did but almost like being with Ryker. He was just here, and knowing that somehow helped me. I may not know this man, but if he was here, maybe I could get to know him. What could it hurt? My mind, that's what it could hurt. I would get more confused, more twisted than it already is. The psychic said someone close to me wants to betray me. Would it be wise to add any more to my group?  He already pledged himself to me. I didn’t like it, but there was nothing I could do about it. So if he was going to be around, just shadowing me, why not get to know him better? Why not become friends? He said he wanted to watch over me, protect me. Not that I needed it. Well, maybe I do because Phoenix kicked my ass today and he never should have even got a hit in on me. I am distracted and being distracted could make me lose my life, or someone close to me. I couldn’t let that happen. No one should be hurt because of me.  “So how old are you Ashley?” I asked, sitting back down against the tree.  “Twenty.” He said sitting next to me.  “That seems young to already be part of the Embassy. How did that happen?”  He wrinkled his nose. “Because I am a dragon. Dragons are rare in our world. There are others more rare and powerful than even us, but as dragons we are considered more of a threat. They like to keep us under their thumb so they can watch us. Use us if the need arises. We are large and cause more destruction than you would believe.”  “They use you? Do you want to do the things they ask? Or are your forced to do it?”  “Unfortunately we are forced. Once part of the Embassy our freedom is gone. Being dragoons means we had no choice but to join the embassy. They stole our lives from us.”  My chest tightened, and I opened my power to him. His aura was a seafoam green. It was beautiful and magnetic. Deep blues swirled around him alongside the deepest of reds. This man was in pain just like so many others. He was sad and angry. No not angry he was furious at his and his brothers situations. And to be honest I didn’t blame him. How could someone think it was okay to take someone's life from them just because they were a stronger type of shifter? I’m sure if all of the people they’ve hurt, all the people they have taken things from, people they’ve used. If all of them came together they could render the Embassy to nothing but ashes. Maybe that’s what needs to be done. Maybe they need to be stopped. The council needs to be stopped. They are the ones who control the embassy anyway. They are cruel and merciless. Maybe it’s time I visit my father. I think we need to have a little chat about how things are done and how they should be done. He can’t just use people like this.  I gasped, clutching my chest as a sharp pain ricocheted through me. I couldn’t breathe. Scratching at my throat proved futile, as my lungs failed to get air. Then I realized this wasn’t my pain I was feeling. It wasn’t me who couldn’t breathe. No. I shot to my feet and ran. This can’t be happening again. What if I don’t get there on time? What happened to the dragons? Why were they not watching him? Did they betray me?  I reached the front of the Academy just in time to see someone throw an motionless Cassius in the back of a car. My blood boiled and my vision turned red. I will kill them if they hurt him. I just needed to get to them first. With that thought alone I was suddenly standing before the man who threw Cassius. His eyes widened at my sudden appearance and I just smiled cruelly.  I grasped his shadow tightly, and lifted him in the air. In my anger I twisted, snapping his neck. I didn’t care. I dropped the body with a snarl as the others approached. Wolf, tiger, dragon, vampire, cerberus, and a few others. There were so many I didn't know if I could handle them all. But a new power was radiating through me, a power I have never felt before. I looked down at myself and noticed I was no longer myself. Not completely. My body was incorporable. It looked like I was made of shadows or a dark kind of fog. I didn’t know what this meant or what this made me but I didn't care. I called upon this new power, and it answered.  My power reached out to each of them, grabbing hold of their shadows like a cobra. It squeezed the men, and I watched as each of them fell unconscious. I didn't kill any others. Just the one who harmed Cassius. But even with the men down I couldn’t calm down. My fury was rolling off of me like tidal waves. My body was trembling and my shoulders heaving. I needed to calm down, but I could feel the always present darkness surrounding me. It called to me promising to take my pain away, take my confusion. And right now, its call is stronger than ever. I wanted to give into it. To just let go. Maybe things would be better if I did.  “Rose!” His voice knocked me from my thoughts, the darkness retreating as my concern for him overpowered everything else. My power reached out to him and engulfed him. His aura became mine as my own reached out to him. They searched for any injuries, and I could see and feel everything my power and aura did. He had a few broken ribs, his cheekbone was shattered and his eye black. He had bruises all over. They hurt him. As my aura healed him my power grew with my anger. I could feel this new side of me becoming unstable. Its need to protect and defend its bonded coursing through me in waves of anger.  I turned towards the slowly awakening men who stared up at me in fear. I didn’t care to know why, but I did know they had to pay. They had to atone for their transgression against my bonded.  “They need to die.” A harsh and raspy female voice said inside my mind. “They hurt him, broke his bones. Now we need to break theirs.”  “Who are you?” I questioned, my anger still evident in my tone.  “I am Lilith. I am your supernatural. I am your reaper.” “Wait. I’m a reaper? I thought they all were killed.” I all but shouted.  “Yes but we survived. Your mother is not your mother and your father is not your father. We are born of reapers and witches. We are the only true hybrid to walk the earth. We have power over life and death. Power over both physical and shadow realms.”  One of the men stepped towards us, and without thinking I flung my arm out towards him, something within me sending him flying across the grounds.  “Rose, stop.” Cassius pleaded, his warm hand encasing mine as he pulled me down towards him. Down? Looking around I realized I was hovering a good four feet off the ground. What the hell? “You need to stop now.” He whispered, pushing my hair from my face. “I am fine, nothing happened.”  I growled. “They broke your bones. Bruised your body.” My voice was not my own. Instead it was mine and Lilith’s merged as one. It was creepy, and sent chills down my own spine. “They must pay for what they did. No one should dare harm a reaper’s bonded.”  “Rose, listen to me. This isn’t you. Control your supernatural side. Don’t let her take over.”  I furrowed my brow. “She hasn’t taken over Cassius. We are one. Two parts of one whole. We think as one and act as one. She is me and I am her. Her name is Lilith, and she is right. No one should harm my bonded. Never again will harm come here.” I turned from Cassius, my body once again levitating into the air, higher than before. A crowd has gathered now, everyone staring at me with a mixture of emotions. “This Academy is under the protection of the last remaining reaper. Anyone who wishes to cause harm to anyone who resides within these walls needs to leave. Now. The followers of the reapers will come soon. Their loyalty now laying with me. We will be protected, we will be safe.” I looked towards the shifters who came to take my bonded away. “You tell your council Cassius is off limits. He is not to be harmed, hunted or taken again. Now leave.” My voice projected across the grounds echoing around us like thunder. The shifters scrambled to their feet and ran towards their cars. They quickly jumped in and sped away. Their tail lights fading into the distance.  I descended back to the ground, my body reforming as it went back and forth between shadow and physical. My blood was still pumping in my ears, my heart thrashing wildly under my ribs to an almost painful rhythm.  “Rose.” Cassius whispered, his hand reaching for mine. “You’re a royal. The last living descendant of the reaper bloodline.”  The second his hand touched mine I felt myself calm. I guess I didn’t earlier when he grabbed my hand because he was still in danger. The people who hurt him still before us. But now, with them gone and him holding my hand I felt the anger slip away. I felt Lilith’s anger ease as she stared adoringly at Cassius through my eyes.  “Ours.” She said possessively.  “Yes.” I agreed.  Without thinking, I grasped Cassius and pulled him to me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and buried my face into his chest. His arms wound back around me, and he clutched me to him like a lifeline. I was so close to losing him. So close to never seeing him again. How could I let that happen? How could four dragons not be able to stop them? “What did I ever do to deserve you?” Cassius whispered against my hair.  “You’re you.” I answered. “That’s all you ever needed to do. Be you.” His arms tightened around me and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.  “Get away from her.” I heard my uncle bellow.  Cassius growled, his arms becoming iron tight around my shoulders. I could feel his aura blaze to life around us, and mine reared up to join his. “She is my bonded.” Cassius argued.  “It is against the law.” My uncle snapped back.  “That law is null and void as of now.” I said turning to face my uncle. Or who until now I thought was my uncle. “As the last living descendant of the royal line, and as the rightful heir to the throne it is within my power to withdraw that law. This man is my bonded, and he will not be kept from me.”  “Rose, think about this.” My uncle pleaded.  “There is nothing to think about. It is done.” I said turning away from him.  Well, my supernatural side finally made an appearance. She, we, are a reaper. The last of our kind. But I am not only a reaper. There is another side to me that hasn’t fully awakened. I am a hybrid. The first true hybrid. And now that what I am is out, the rumors will spread. People will come from all over to see me, challenge me, to join me. But I’ll be ready for them. I will be expecting them. And soon, the reapers' followers will arrive and the Academy will be protected from the council and the people within the Embassy. Until then I need to finish my classes. I need to graduate, I need to go and open the palace only a reaper has access to. The palace is rightfully mine. Everything within it, and the royal inheritance. It was all mine. And though money never really meant anything to me, having a place to call home, a place of my own was enough. I just hope Lilith can help with the whole bond issue because one of them is an heir. And by the looks of them, they are not happy with how things played out today. 
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