Chapter Twenty One

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The rest of the day was spent in a blur. I couldn’t remember what happened in any class and I ended up skipping combat. I didn’t think I could handle a class with Phoenix right now. Not after everything I’d learned today. I need to figure this out, and being around any of them would just confuse things further. I wonder if my supernatural would pick one when it comes forward. Am I only feeling this towards any of them because I find them attractive? Or because something deeper?  The harder I thought about things, the more I realized I really only felt protective of Cassius. But remembering after the incident with the boy I remember Caleb feeling safe, feeling at home. And Phoenix felt exciting, real and overwhelming. They each had their own special kind of effect on me, but there was still the fact Cassius was the one I wanted to protect. The one I couldn’t bear to lose. He was the one that the very idea of him being sent back to prison made my blood chill and a shiver run down my spine. But that could be because the others aren’t in any danger. They are free to do what they want, Cassius isn’t.  This is so confusing. Why was this so confusing? Was everything about this new world going to mess with my mind like this? I didn’t like it, not at all. It felt like the more that was thrown at me the more confused I became. I wish this could just be easier. Have one thing make sense, one thing that was thrown at me to not throw me for a loop.  Deciding to skip dinner I went for a walk around the grounds. In the time I’ve been here I still haven’t taken the time to explore. The wall still made me feel ill at ease, with the warriors that trail the top of it back and forth as if they always are expecting an attack. The weird iron gate that seemed like it could hold a grenade back was firmly in place and I got more than a few suspicious looks as I made my way around. I just waved at the guards and continued on my way. No need to gain even more unwanted attention.  The grounds really were beautiful. Flowers bloomed here and there all over campus. All different kinds of trees were scattered around, the people who first opened the school not really sticking to one species of tree and instead making it more beautiful by adding many others. A pond graced one area on the far side of the north campus. I was mesmerized by the shining blue water. Even the ocean couldn’t compare to the deep blue of this pond. And the best thing, it was completely hidden by the canopy of trees, obscuring it from view. A beautiful weeping willow was on the bank across the pond that looked like crystals were glittering from its vines.  I sat there hidden away from the rest of the world, a breath of relief whooshing from my lungs. I haven’t even realized the weight that was on me until now. Here, hidden under the canopy of trees, I felt I could shed that weight, if only for a little while. Until I had to go back, until I had to pick that weight up and place it back on myself, I would sit here. I would relax and breathe. Just breathe. I never knew this whole time I hadn’t been breathing. Not properly. Until now I have just been surviving, not living, not truly.  It made me wonder if I could live here. It made me wonder if I would ever be able to just stop and breathe here without having to hide myself away. If I had to keep hiding, keep distancing myself from everyone just to relax and breathe, was it worth it? Was it worth staying here if it meant I would never truly relax?  “I wish I knew what to do.” I muttered, laying on my back and putting my hands behind my head. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air, the scent of flowers and the subtle scent of cloves and mint. I wonder where those herbs are growing? It had to be around here somewhere if I was able to smell them. Oh well, it doesn’t matter.  “What are you doing out here?”  The voice made me freeze, the air clogging in my throat as it struggled to get to my lungs. What was he doing here? Did he follow me? Was this his space? Why did he have to find me out here alone?  “Breathing. Thinking.” I answered, raggedly releasing a heavy breath. His presence was sending my body into overdrive, the hair on my neck standing on end. Every part of me was hyper aware of him.  “Why here?” He asked coming to sit beside me.  “I don’t know.” I whispered. “I found this place exploring the grounds and it called to me. Here I don’t have to be the weird new girl. I don’t have to worry about what or who I am, I don’t have to worry about grades or anything else. Here I can just be me, whoever that is. I feel like I can breathe here, like the weight of the world isn’t on my shoulders.” I sighed, covering my eyes with one arm. “I don’t think I ever want to leave here.”  “Yeah, this place can make you feel like nothing else matters.” He said a chuckle in his voice. “But you have to know you can’t run from everything. It will all catch up to you.”  “I know. But not right now, not here. It can all crash back down on me when I step through the canopy. Until then I’m not going to worry about it.”  “Rose?”  “Hmm?”  “Why did you ask that in class today?”  My breathing hitched. “Because I felt that instant connection.” I admitted. “I feel that protectiveness and pull. But it’s not possible.” I shook my head lazily.  “Why not?” He asked, his voice strained.  I finally turned and looked at him, laying my arm across my abdomen. His lean and muscular body was leaning against a nearby tree. One knee drawn up to his chest and his arm resting across the top. The top three buttons of his white button down were open exposing his toned chest, and the sleeves were rolled up past his elbows. His blonde hair was falling into his eyes making me want to reach out and tuck it behind his ear. Here hidden from the world around us and under the setting sun his beauty really shone through. And I was fully consumed by him. I knew I shouldn’t be, I knew I needed to look away, avoid his question. But I couldn’t, I was entranced by him and his captivating midnight eyes.  “Because it’s not allowed.” I mumbled, shaking my head. “And I don’t know if it goes both ways.” I finally turned away from him and looked up to the pink stained sky. “And I feel a draw to two others. But I don’t want a bond with three men. I want one man and no more. Even if having a bond with more than one was possible it wouldn’t be fair. Not to me and not to the men involved. All of them deserve a woman who would worship them, stand by them, and love him and him alone. It isn’t fair to have to share her affection.” I looked over to him and saw concern and admiration shining in his eyes. “It wouldn’t be right Cassius.”  “Can you tell me who these three men are?” He asked carefully, his voice lowered as if he was hesitant to ask.  I shook my head and released a humorless laugh. “Why didn’t you answer the question in class?” I changed topics.  “What question?”  “The one the girl asked. If you’ve found a bonded or not.” I didn’t look over at him, and kept my eyes on the sky.  “Because it is not any of the student body's business to know my personal business.” He answered grumpily.  “And my personal life is up for debate because?” I questioned looking over at him from the corner of my eye.  “Because you are my ward, and it is my job to look after you. Guide you, protect you.”  I didn’t expect the twist in my stomach, or the sharp pain that pierced my chest. That wasn’t the answer I was expecting, or the one I wanted. I guess it made sense though. He was a professor and I was just his pupil. Why would he ever think of me any differently? It was naive of me to even hope for anything different. I guess I should give up on him, not think about him anymore. But could I?  “That is not a good enough reason.” I say, standing and dusting off my clothes. “My personal life is just that, mine. It is no one else's business.” As I walked away my chest kept tightening painfully. I didn’t want to leave him here, not like this. But I didn’t have any other choice. “Whatever your answer may have been, Professor, I wish you the best. You deserve to be happy. And I hope that one day you will find it.” I pushed the canopy aside to step through.  “Silas.” Professor Cassius called out to me, making me pause.  “Excuse me?” I turned back to him.  “My name is Silas.”  Silas Cassius. What an odd name. “Why are you telling me this?”  “I would like you to call me Silas whenever we are alone, or not around the student body.”  I smiled, but I knew I couldn’t do that. It would just make things more confusing and harder for me. “I’m not sure that’s appropriate, Professor.” I shake my head sadly. I turned without another word, leaving him staring after me.  I really didn’t want to leave him. I wanted to run back to him and tell him everything. Tell him he was one of the three men. But I knew I couldn’t. Not until I knew if he was bonded already or not. I would never step in between a woman and her man. It was wrong, and it wasn’t my place. I wouldn’t want someone to take the man I cared for from me, so why would I possibly do that to someone else?  The grinding of the iron gate caught my attention as I walked around the corner of the building. One, two, three...Five sleek black cars drove through and stopped at the front doors to the Academy. My uncle was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for them, his hands clasped behind his back, his face stern. What was going on?  I ducked behind a nearby bush, peeking through the brush as the men approached my uncle. They were all dressed the same. Tailored black suits with a white button down and black tie. They wore shiny black dress shoes and dark sunglasses. They reminded me of the movie men in black. But these men had a predatory aura around them. They were hunters, and they were looking for their prey. I just wondered who they were looking for. I edged closer, staying out of sight as my uncle shook their hands and welcomed them to the Academy.   “What brings embassy ambassadors to my Academy?” My uncle asked sternly.  The men all removed their sunglasses as one, and I was blown away by their appearance. They didn’t look much different than any other supernatural. They were all unfathomably beautiful. But what took my breath away was all five of them looked exactly the same. Even their auras were a similar color of dark and light reds. Their size told me they were shifters, and by the looks of it large shifters.  As I concentrated further on them, their shadow images twisted and reformed. A shadow of an animal taking place where their human shadow should have been. But it wasn’t just any shadow, any animal. Large dragons stood in the men’s shadows. Their wings outstretched, encompassing the land around them. They were dragon shifters. But how was I seeing this? “We are here for the prisoner, and the new student that has joined your Academy.” One of the men spoke. Mine and my uncle's body stiffened. What did they want with me? And why were they after Cassius?  “What business does the embassy have with my niece?” My uncle growled.  “She has an unknown supernatural within her and is considered a threat until her origins are found.” “No. You will not take her. The embassy has no jurisdiction here. As long as she is on my campus then she is safe. You can not lay a hand on her.” My uncle sneered. “You all need to leave. Now.”  “Give us the prisoner.” Another demanded stepping up to my uncle. The man’s body trembled slightly, the dragon shadow flapping its massive wings and snapping its large jaw.  “Professor Cassius is still needed. He is my niece's guardian and advisor.”  “Silas is the property of the Embassy. He is to leave with us. Now.” They all stepped forward showing a united front as they faced my uncle. I could see a slight shimmer in the air around my uncle and assumed he put a shield between him and the dragons.  “Let me go Headmaster.” Cassius appeared behind my uncle. Cassius stepped forward and the men seized him harshly. Slamming him against the ground and twisting his arms behind his back. I heard as Cassius grunted in pain. My blood was boiling, as fury tore through me. No. No he can’t go, they can’t take him. I won’t let them.  I snarled as I barreled out from behind my bush and threw myself at the man holding Cassius. The man flew across the yard landing harshly on his neck. The four others turned to me, inhuman growls spilling from their throats. I knew I had to take them down before they shifted but I have never faced a supernatural one on one for real. We just practiced in combat. And even though I was a skilled fighter, I wasn’t confident I would win this. But my mind wasn’t working on logic. One thought spurred me on as I attacked another of the dragons. Protect Cassius.  I dodged one of the men's attacks as I lunged for his brother, my fingers digging into the back of his neck hitting a pressure point there. The man dropped. He would stay paralyzed until I fixed him. That’s what I loved about that pressure point. It could incompasitate an enemy for however long I needed. Rendering them unable to move unless I fixed them. Two down, three to go.  “What did you do to him?” One of the men sneered at me.  I didn’t answer, instinct driving me. I reached out and grabbed the two closest men’s shadows. I don’t know how I did it, but I did. And once my hands had their shadow in my grasp, they stilled, their bodies going rigid. I squeezed the shadowed dragons by their throats and watched as the men before me turned blue. The dragons struggled, but without them being in their physical form they couldn’t truly fight back.  I saw the third man coming at me from the corner of my eye, and I slung my arm dragging the shadow with me and in turn the man it was attached to. They crashed into each other with a sickening crunch that made acid fill my stomach. Once they were all down, I released the shadow in my grip, the man fell to the ground gasping for air, his hands clutching his throat. I just growled at them as I moved to Cassius crouching down and freed his hands from whatever they had put on him.  “You heard my uncle.” I hissed. “The Embassy has no power here. Leave.”  The five men struggle to their feet, their gold eyes staring at me in awe and fear. “Who are you?” One of the men asked, approaching me slowly. I growled, shoving Cassius behind me. Crouching low to the ground I prepared to fight him again. “I will not attack again.” The man said, putting his hands in the air in front of him.  “Rose..I hav..”  “No.” I barked. “You will not go with them. I will not let them take you.”  “I have to go.” Cassius said lowly.  “No.” I roared. “These dragons will not have you.”  “How do you know what we are?” One of the others asked, stepping beside his brother.  “I can see your animal form in your shadow.” I said.  “In our shadow?” He questioned looking between each other. Their eyes finally met my uncle’s. “Headmaster. We would like to stay and help keep an eye on her.” The first man said, stepping forward.  “No.” I interrupted.  “We don’t mean any harm.” Another man said. Damn it I need to know their names, I was tired of calling them this man, that man the other man. It was annoying.  “You came to take me and Cassius.” I snarled. “What makes you think I would trust you anywhere near him?”  “Rose. What’s gotten into you?” My uncle finally stepped forward.  I shook my head. “I don’t know. All I know is I won’t let them take him.”  “She’s bonded to him.” One of the dragons said quietly.  “What? No.” My uncle rasped looking at me confused.  I ignored them “Why do you want to stay and watch me?”  “You’re powerful.” One admitted. “Even now, not knowing what you are, you fought and won against five dragons without using your supernatural or magic. Once you emerge your power would be unfathomable. We would like to pledge our loyalty to you.” “What? Why?” I balked, straightening myself out.  “Everyone seeks power. Either to obtain it or serve under it. You are that power for us. We will watch over you and protect you until you emerge. After you do, we will serve under you.”  “What I did wasn’t power. It was combat skills I’ve trained in for over a decade. The shadow thing is new. I’ve never used shadows against anyone before and even now I don’t know how to replicate it.” I admitted.  “If you can get through five dragons with only combat skills then you are unmatched. Five dragons can take out a quarter of an army alone. And yet you plowed through us with ease.” “Because you weren’t shifted. I bet I would never have a chance against a shifted dragon.”  The men shook their heads. “Others will come.” He ignored my comment. “For you and for him.” His chin jerked to Cassius. “He is set to go back to prison. His time is up.”  “No.” I growled, anger once again flaring.  “We will watch him if you wish.” The dragon bowed his head to me and the others followed suit.  Maybe I should take them up on their offer. Five dragons watching over Cassius wouldn’t be a bad thing. They could keep him safe, keep him from whoever else would come. I would still protect him, watch him. But my cards were all on the table now and the fact that I'd bonded to him was out in the open. That couldn’t be a good thing. A student bonding to a professor? I bet it was unheard of. And I couldn’t, wouldn’t risk Cassius being sent away.  “Fine.” I said through my teeth. “But. If I find out any of you have laid a hand on him, I will come for you.”  “Understood.” They all said in unison.  I looked them over carefully, their auras blazed with truth and confidence. At least they seemed honest enough. I turned around and faced Cassius and my uncle who were both staring at me in disbelief. I shook my head, striding past both of them. My uncle grabbed my forearm stopping me from getting past.  “Rose. How could you bond with a convict?” He muttered.  I pulled my arm from his grasp and glared at him. “I didn’t even know what a bond was until today. So you have no right to judge me or who I bonded to. Anyway. I’ve told you before. Cassius did not deserve the punishment he was given. He saved countless lives by killing those people. Bonded or not, I will not stand by while an innocent man is being targeted.”  “She’s honorable.” I heard one of the dragons whisper to his brother.  “She defends the innocent.” The other replied.  “She is strong.”  I tuned them out, not wanting to hear what else they had to say. I wasn’t honorable. If they knew what I wanted to do when I heard Cassius in pain they would look at me with disgust instead of awe. Because I wanted to kill them. I wanted to rip their hands from their bodies so they could never hurt him again.  “I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you uncle.” I mumbled. “But what’s happened has happened.” I looked over my shoulder to Cassius who was staring back at me with emotions I couldn’t describe. “The bond seems one sided anyway.” I said turning back to my uncle. “So it should fade soon.” The thought broke my heart. I felt it splinter as the words passed my lips. “I’m going to bed, I’m tired.”  “Rose, wait.” Cassius called out to me.  I turned to him and smiled. “It’s okay.” I assured him. Looking at the dragons I hardened my eyes. “Look after him.” I said. “No harm is to come to him.”  “No harm shall come to Silas.” He assured me.  “Tomorrow all of you need to introduce yourselves properly. Names and ages.” I told them.  “As you wish.” They tilted their heads.  I sighed, running my hand through my hair tiredly. Why couldn’t things be simple?  “Rose.” My uncle said, his tone hard. Strained. “What is that?”  I furrowed my brow and looked to where he pointed. When I ran my hand through my hair the hem of my shirt rose, exposing a portion of my scar. I quickly straightened my shirt. “Nothing.”  “That’s not nothing.” Cassius growled, coming to stand beside my uncle. The five dragons joined them, their arms crossed over their chests.  “Leave it.” I hissed. “It is none of your concern. Any of you.” I brushed past them, my muscles coiled tight, my fists clenched at my sides. No one should ever have seen it. I’ve kept it hidden for years and this one slip could ruin everything.  “Rose please.” Cassius’s voice said right before a blur rushed past me to stand in front of me. “Please tell me.”  “No.”  I tried to walk around him again but he grabbed my hand. Tingles rugged through me as his emotions slammed into me. Worry, fear, confusion, despair. They wrapped themselves around me like a vice. “Cassius.” I whispered, my eyes squeezing shut as I tried to block out the intensity of the emotions.  He let me go, withdrawing himself and his emotions from me. I instantly missed his skin on mine, but the absence of his emotions sent relief through me. How does he deal with that on a daily basis? They are so strong, so consuming I felt like I could drown in them.  “It’s not one sided.” Was all he said before he blurred away.  I stared after him stunned. Those four words sent a wave of joy and confusion through me. It’s not one sided. The bond. He accepted it. We were bonded and there was no going back now. But, how would this work? How could we be bonded and not be able to be together? How awkward would this make being in his class? How hard would it be seeing him around campus knowing what I do now? And what about the other two? I was still so confused about them. Whatever happens from here I knew would change everything. And I honestly didn’t know if I was ready. 
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