Chapter Eleven

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The next day was much the same. Professors teaching what I already knew. Students giving me glaring looks. Some curious, some frightened, and some outright hostile. I guess making enemies of the heirs wasn’t smart. I didn’t exactly plan on making enemies of them, it just happened. They were asses, and I pointed it out. Nothing more and nothing less. They got off easy if you ask me. I wanted to beat their ass, but Ryker asked me not to. Lexi even grabbed onto me begging me not to be stupid. Mathew and the twins agreed so I didn’t do anything more.  “Rose.” Professor Cassius called.  “Hmm?”  “Would you like to give a shot at compulsion?” He asked, perching against his desk. His trademark smirk in place.  I shrugged “Sure. Who do I practice on?”  “Anyone.” He motioned to the entire class. “Most everyone here has mastered their mental shields. Stronger supernaturals can break through the shields easily. But the more powerful the supernatural the more powerful their mental shields.”  “And how exactly do I compel someone?”  “All you do is infuse power into your voice.”  “Infuse power.” I muttered to myself as I stood and glanced around the room.  “You could always try and compel me.” Ryker said volunteering himself.  “Maybe someone with a less powerful mental shield Mr. Alistar.” Professor Cassius said flatly.  “Might as well test her strength.” Ryker shrugged like it was no big deal that he had a mental shield the professor didn’t think I could penetrate.  “Well, I have nothing to lose.” I said shrugging and turning to Ryker. “Though I have no idea what I am supposed to try and compel you to do or say.”  “I trust you.” Ryker winked.  “It must be something he wouldn’t normally do.” Cassius added.  “And what would that be?” I looked between Ryker and the Professor.  Cassius laughed. “Anything really. All he does is sit there.”  I looked around the room curiously before turning my attention back to the professor. “Is violence allowed?”  The professor raised a brow, a smile tilting the corner of his lips. “Yes.” He finally said. I smiled as I turned to Ryker.  “Rose.” He warned.  “What? It’s not like it’ll work anyway, it’s just practice. Plus, it’s towards Amy and she deserves it.” I shrugged. Ryker laughed, and the whole room stopped what they were doing as they looked at him. Smiles lit up everyone's face as they listened to it. “Told you that you should smile more.” I whispered, elbowing him in the ribs. “Now, back to the compulsion. Sorry not sorry if this works.” I told him honestly.  I turned and angled my body directly towards his and focused my eyes into his. I evened my breathing and slowed my heart despite my nerves. I concentrated all my efforts, my sole purpose into my words. “Go slap Amy across the face.”   To my complete and utter shock, Ryker stood. His eyes going wide as he looked down on me. But that’s not all. I heard more than one chair scrape across the floor as students all over the room stood. A loud SMACK, followed by an ear piercing screech drew my attention to Amy, where it seemed everyone was heading.  A large red hand print was imprinted across her cheek. And I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. I knew I needed to stop this, because who wants to be slapped by an entire class of people? But there is also the fact that many of them probably wanted to slap her but have been too scared to do so. So all I did was lean back against my desk and crossed my arms over my chest to watch the show.  “Stop this.” She yelled at me, as she ducked multiple strikes.  “How about, no.” I said simply.  “Professor!” She screeched, the sound bouncing around the room.  I turned to the professor, who just so happened to be staring at me with his jaw clenched. His eyes looked strained, and his muscles quivered. His hands were balled into fists, and his normally orange aura was stained with grey. Then I realized he was fighting the compulsion as well. Fear, shock and an odd wave of protectiveness for the man skittered through me. What would happen if he slapped a student with his record? Nothing good.  “Stop!” I shouted, pouring everything I had into the command. I kept my eyes on Cassius, my heart beating out of my chest. When he closed his eyes and his body drooped, I breathed a sigh of relief. I did not want to get him into trouble. “Uh...I think I’m going to go now.” I said slowly, then bolted out the door. Bookbag and everything forgotten, I’d come back for it later.  I ran as far and as fast as I could. Only coming to a stop outside under a large oak tree. I dropped down heavily at the base of the tree. Closing my eyes I leaned my head against it, catching my breath. What the hell just happened in there? I only meant to compel Ryker, not the entire class, and certainly not the professor. How did I compel him anyway? He literally taught defensive magic, so his mental shield should be all but impenetrable. So how did I do it? And how did I compel Ryker when no one thought I’d be able to?  It didn’t take long before I felt a presence in front of me. Blazing orange aura laced with red, his usual blue and some yellows. He was angry, but also oddly concerned. I wonder what he was concerned about.  “Please just leave me alone.” I groaned, not even opening my eyes. “I feel bad enough without my professor reprimanding me.”  “How did you know it was me? You haven’t even opened your eyes.” He said, his tone hard.  “I felt you.” I admitted. “Everyone has their own aura, their own unique soul color. And they each have their own essence, their own feeling. I can feel and see everyone's aura. So I both felt you, and saw your aura in my mind. It’s hard to explain correctly, and I don’t even understand it. So..”  “You see auras?” He asked, dropping down beside me.  I opened my eyes and looked over at him. His face was grim, and lines lined the corners of his hard set eyes. He didn’t believe me. I could see it in his eyes, his posture. I could see it in his aura. I just sighed and shook my head. Leaning my head back against the tree I closed my eyes. “Yeah, I can see auras. Your natural color is orange. But it is almost completely blotted out by blue. Which tells me you’re sad. More than sad, really you’re in despair. But you’re also in pain. And right now, you’re angry and concerned.” I lifted my head and looked at him again. “Is that about right?”  “Impossible.” he gaped.  “No, not impossible. Confusing, yes. But not impossible. Don’t ask me why I can see them because I don’t know. I’ve just always been able to see them. Learning to interpret them on the other hand has been a struggle.” “You can’t tell anyone about this, you hear me.” Cassius said urgently as he grabbed my hands pulling me just inches from him. “Not even your uncle. This ability is more than just rare, it’s unheard of. No one can know.”  “Except you.” I said, trying to pull my hands from his slowly tightening grasp.  “I will not breathe a word, you have my vow.”  “But why? And can you let go of me?” I asked.  “Sorry.” He murmured letting go of my hands. “And because I was delegated as your guardian. And you are the only one who has ever stood in my defense. So for however long I have left here, I will guard you.”  “I don’t want a protector though.” I shook my head. “I can protect myself.” I stood up and looked down at him. “I won’t tell anyone, but I want you to do something for me.” “And that is?” He arched his brow.  “I want you to fight. Fight for the freedom you deserve, because you do not deserve to go back to Thorne Penitentiary. You didn’t deserve to go in the first place. Just fight. You deserve at least that.”  I then turned and walked away. I didn’t understand why I felt a connection with him, or why I wanted to save him from going back to prison, I just did. He seemed like a really good man. A little cocky, and maybe just a little arrogant. He like to pick on students and flaunt their ignorance, but it worked. It embarrassed the students so badly they worked harder to know what he was talking about so that they weren’t embarrassed by him again. It was brilliant, demented, but brilliant.  Ryker was at my door when I got to my room. He had his hands collapsed behind his back and was pacing to and fro, his head down, eyes on his feet. His blue and yellow aura was swirling with greys, tinges of red, and golds. He was anxious, worried, scared and a little angry. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him or why he was acting like this. But I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. I hadn’t meant to compel him. I didn’t think it would work. But instead of compelling just him, I managed to compel the entire class.  I bowed my head, keeping my eyes on my feet as I approached him. I was so scared he’d be angry. I was ashamed of what I’d done to him. I never, never wanted to make him do something he didn’t want to. I would never want or be willing to take someone's free will away from them. I will never compel anyone again.  “Rose!” Ryker’s relieved shout made me look up just in time for him to barrel into me like a boulder. I grunted on impact, his freaking rock solid figure knocking the breath out of me. His arms wrapped around me, completely swallowing me. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his midsection and pressed my face into his chest. “I’m sorry Ryker. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t think it would work.”  “It’s not your fault. No one could have ever guessed you would have such a powerful ability to compel someone. We know now, so we can avoid it unless necessary.”  “No.” I stepped away and shook my head furiously. I walked around him and unlocked my door. I looked over at him. “I will never. Never. Do that again. I refuse to take anyone's free will again.” I huffed. “Do you want to come in?”  Ryker smiled sadly, nodding as he made his way past me. I didn’t go up the stairs. I just plopped down on the couch in the entry room, and kicked my legs up onto the couch. “Take a seat.” I mumbled, covering my eyes with my arm. He picked my legs up and sat down, laying my legs across his lap. “No one has ever compelled so many people at once before.” Ryker told me as if it were the most normal thing in the world.  “I guess there is a first time for everything.” I grumbled. “Wish it wasn’t me though.”  “It means that whatever you are, whatever kind of supernatural you are, you are powerful. Unique. Like you told me, be proud of that, embrace it.”  I moved my arm enough to glare at him playfully. “Uh...Nope.” I said popping the P. “You can’t do that. No, fair I call foul. Those are my words. You can’t use them.”  Ryker laughed. “What I mean is no matter what you are, you will be special. More powerful than even the council members. Once you learn what you need to know, you could rise through the ranks like it was nothing.”  “But I don’t want to rise up the ranks. I don’t want power or attention or anything like that. I just want to be me, be free. Not restrained by politics or government.” Ryker furrowed his brow. “Everyone wants power.”  “Well I don’t.” I mumbled, covering my eyes again.  “Even if you don’t want it. People will come after you just because you hold more power than they do. They’ll want to prove themselves. And the best way to do that is to defeat you.”  “Great. Just what I wanted.” I snarked. “I never should have come here. I should have just stayed in South Carolina and used my inheritance to buy a house and finish school.” “Do you really wish that?” Ryker asked, a hint of hurt in his voice.  I braced myself up on my elbows and looked over at him. His eyes were lowered, and lips pursed. I had upset him. “You know. Just because I wish I never came here doesn’t mean I’m not glad that I did. I don’t regret meeting you Ryker if that’s what you’re afraid of.” I moved my legs and scooted over to sit beside him. “I am proud to be your friend. And I am so happy you’re here with me now. And I will always be your friend, always remember that. Okay?”  “How did I come to get so lucky to have met you? I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re so outspoken, passionate about your beliefs. Adamant people do what’s right and not what they want.” He shook his head in disbelief. “I am glad you’re my friend too.” He checked his watch and wrinkled his nose. “I should go. It’s getting late.”  “There is a spare room right there if you’d like to stay. The kitchen is over there if you want water or anything. My room is upstairs.”  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” I laughed as I got up and locked my door. “I’m sure. Now go lay down.” I shooed him towards the door. “I’m going to shower and go to bed.”  I hugged him briefly before turning and heading to my room. Ryker was so sweet, and I didn’t mean to hurt him with what I said. Ryker, Lexi, Mathew, the twins and even professor Cassius all have made some kind of impression on me. I liked them all despite their odd mixture of personalities. So in a way I am glad I came here. I have people I hope will become close friends. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad. I could figure out what I was and what my so-called powers were. I can learn to master them, then move on. Create a life for myself here in this new world. And who knows. With all my knowledge I could become a professor here after I graduate. 
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