Chapter Twelve

4376 Words
By the time Friday came and went I was starting to get angry. Well more irritated than angry really. Because my bike still hadn’t arrived. It should have been here by now. Not to mention that again it was Friday, and I finally got to leave campus. There is a town nearby I am dying to explore. And I wanted to go shopping. I needed some shampoo and things like that to get me through another month or so. Having long hair could sometimes suck. My auburn hair fell to my waist in loose waves. Always in the way, always a pain in the butt. But I refused to cut it. My hair was one of my favorite features. That and my teal/aqua colored eyes. They stood out vividly against my lighter skin and darker hair. I was taller than most girls, maybe five foot eight inches. Compare that to some of the people here , especially the guys, and I might as well be a dwarf. I also still haven’t gone back to combat class. My uncle found out of course and told me I needed to go back today. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to have to face professor Phoenix. Last time I saw him he was looking at me with fear. I didn’t want to see that in his eyes again, not directed at me. I liked professor Phoenix, he was cool, fun to spar with and I had ruined it. Who knows though maybe he had gotten over it and wants me to come back and spar with him again. “Rose! It’s time to go to class.” The Twins shouted at me simultaneously. It was creepy when they spoke together like that. They either planned it, or they had some kind of twin telepathy thing going on. “I’m coming. I’m coming.” I muttered under my breath. I don’t know why but my friends have all taken turns coming to get me for breakfast and class. It could be because I sometimes slept through my alarms. That could or couldn't be on purpose, I’ll never tell. I grabbed my things and bound down the stairs before throwing my door open. I greeted the twins as I locked my door behind me and followed them to class. They didn’t have history of the supernatural world with me but still walked me to class all the same. I was quickly becoming irritated by it because it was like I was never alone. Like they never let me out of their sight. Which was odd considering I’ve only been here a week. Who does that? Was it normal for supernaturals to follow each other around and I just didn’t know about it? I wasn’t following anyone, and I certainly haven’t had the urge to follow anyone. Which was a good thing. I loved being alone, like my solitude. “So. Why are all of you always coming to get me and walk me to my classes?” I asked, never turning to look over at them. I didn’t want to hurt their feelings, but I still wanted to know. “Uh… We’ll let Lexi or Ryker explain it to you.” Paris told me hesitantly. I nodded, because what else could I do? I couldn’t exactly hold them down and demand answers. Would have been fun with anyone else except the people I have grown to care for. “Rose.” Mathew and Ryker said at once, smiles crossing their faces as they saw me coming. “Uh, Hi.” I said taking my usual seat beside Lexi in the dining hall. Food was already spread across the table for everyone ready and waiting for me to arrive. What the hell was going on with them? I am perfectly capable of getting my own food. Not that I wasn’t grateful because I was. They even had coffee waiting for me, But why? “What is all this?” I asked, looking between all the people around the table. “We wanted to thank you.” Lexi beamed, bouncing up and down in her seat excitedly. “For what?” “For coming here, for standing up to Amy and her friends. To the heirs. They all mostly leave us alone now, only bothering us if we get in their way.” Mathew told me sheepishly. “Wait. They mess with you too?” I asked Mathew, stunned. “They did. Until you came along.” “Is that why everyone has been walking me everywhere? Because you don’t want to be caught alone if you run into an heir?” “No.” Ryker told me instantly, waving his hands in front of him quickly. “That is a more confusing thing to explain.” “I’ve got time.” I told him taking a sip of my coffee. “Well I walk you to class because I enjoy it.” Ryler told me first. “But the others.” He motioned around the table “See you as their leader.” “Leader?” I balked. “In the supernatural world all supernaturals naturally bond to someone of greater power than themselves. Almost like being an alpha among the werewolves. They don’t actually pick the one they bond to though, their magic does. And everyone here has bonded with you.” “What does that mean?” I asked slowly. “It just means that you now have allies for life. The bond won’t just break, it can’t. Like I said their magic chose you, so only their magic can stop the bond. So now, you basically have friends for life. Allies and comrades.” “But..I...I don’t...Why me?” I stuttered. My eyes raked across everyone sitting around me. “Because you’re more powerful than we are.” Lexi said. “And you’ve defended us.” The twins chimed in. “And we like you.” Mathew added with a shrug. “Our magic seems to agree.” All I could do was stare at them in shock. I didn’t want to be anyone's leader. I didn’t want to be bonded to anyone. But as they told me that I could see the proof of the bond. I hadn’t even thought about the change in their auras. Auras change all the time. But their auras now help hints of purple swirling around inside theirs. My aura color, as if they bonded to my soul. I really didn’t like that thought. I didn’t want to be bonded, and I sure as hell didn’t want a soul bond. I looked over to Ryker with wide eyed panic. “It’s alright.” Ryker laughed. “You’re not responsible for them or anything like that. It’s just a bond. It won’t change anything.” “Except our magic is now mingled.” I said. “I didn’t even know I was supernatural or that I had magic. How can I bond to someone by magic if I never knew it existed?” “You may not have known, but it was and is still inside you. It was just dormant until you came here. Being raised in the mortal world as a supernatural can lock your magic down. It's like your magic senses where you are and shuts down to protect yourself and us from being discovered. Now that your magic is waking up, people will feel your power and be drawn to you wanting to bond with you. Others will sense your magic and be determined to challenge you and prove to your bonded people, themselves and the people around them that you are not as powerful as everyone believed.” “Ugh!” I groaned, throwing my head back. “I told you I didn’t want to fight or challenge anyone.” “That’s not a choice for you to make though Rose.” Ryker told me gently, pulling me into a side hug. “It should be.” I pulled away and stood up. “The bonds I may not like but can handle and can probably learn to live with soon. Once I get the grasp of all this. But fighting, challenging people. I don’t want it. I don’t want power. I don’t want recognition. And I don’t want to draw anyone other than all of you. You’re all my friends. I don’t want complete strangers coming to me because their magic leads them.” With those last words I turned and walked away. I couldn’t stay there. Not sitting down and being still. I had to walk around, I had to move. This was all too much too fast. I may have studied the supernatural world, and know quite a bit more than my classmates. But this..This was too much too fast. I want to get to know about myself first, what and who I was, Before creating any kind of weird soul bonds. I needed to talk to my uncle. Or I needed my motorcycle and to just get out of here for a while. I was beginning to feel trapped. And I really didn’t like it. I didn’t like it at all. Walking into History of the Supernatural world I breathed a sigh of relief. No one was here yet, which meant I could just sit down, lay my head on the desk and think. Think about my parents, this school. Think about everything I have learned that was real that I thought was fiction since I've been here. Learned the truth about my own family. So many secrets being kept, so many lies being told. Power plays and shows of dominance. It was all just too much for one short week. And no one here seems to have taken that into consideration. I didn’t know all tis s**t was real. Give me some damn time before creating bonds. Before pitting me against my own brother. Lying to him about who I was. Not letting me go to my birth father. But no one seems to want to let the dust settle before throwing more on the air around me. I was suffocating, choking on everything going on around me and I just couldn’t keep up. “We need to talk.” a deep voice said as he came to a stop in front of my desk. “No we don’t.” I groaned. “You need to leave me alone. I don’t want anything to do with you or your group of psychopaths. I don’t want to fight or argue or talk. I want to be left alone. I want people to stop just assuming that I am okay with everything then pile more on top of me.” I looked up into his endless blue eyes. “I want to just get through the year and graduate so I can just be free of all of this.” “You’ll never be free.” He told me, shaking his head. “This is who you are now, the world you live in.” “No. It’s the world I was thrown into unprepared. The world I never even knew existed even though I studied it. A week ago, all of this, all of you were a story parents told their children at night to keep them from misbehaving. And now. Now I am apart of that, and I never asked to be.” “You can’t choose what you’re born as.” “Good because I don’t even know what the hell I am. You’re a vampire, Ryker is a vampire. Lexi and the twins are witches, Mathew is a werewolf. Hell even my uncle is a warlock, and Xavier is a warlock. I know what almost half the school is now. Damn it I just met a f*****g gargoyle yesterday. A gargoyle. The demon looking creatures outside the Vatican. But no, those aren’t real gargoyles. Real gargoyles can turn at will, not as night falls. And they look like they normally would except they grow wings. It’s all just too damn much.” I dropped my head back down onto the desk. A loud THWACK! Sounding across the room. Caleb sighed, dropping into the desk beside me. “You have to give it time. No one expects you to just fall in line and understand everything.” “But I do understand. I know almost everything there is to know about the supernatural world. It’s the knowledge that it actually exists that is stopping me. I just can’t grasp it. My mind just won’t absorb the fact even though the proof is right in front of me. Even after I managed to compel my entire damn defensive magic class.” “Let go and stop thinking about it so much. You’re trying too hard.” “Whatever.” I lifted my head and saw his eyes had softened and the tension left his shoulders. His face was no longer in a stoic and harsh looking mask. I couldn’t imagine the toll it took on him to keep that mask on. “What did you want to talk to me about?” “Ryker.” “Don’t start this again Caleb.” I pleaded. He shook his head. “You were right.” He told me, honesty ringing in his voice. “I’ve watched him with you. He hasn’t smiled like that in a very long time, and I honestly haven’t heard him laugh since we were children. You’ve turned him back into the brother I once knew. Before you came he was always angry. He took his anger out on us and others around him. That's how he got his reputation here. Yes, his eyes had a lot to do with it too, but his action also spoke volumes. Now I understand why he acted the way he did. We all abandoned him. Until you.” “Basically you are admitting to turning your back on him and making him a complete asshole. Then I come, making him happy again where he is smiling and laughing and you all of a sudden want to be the brother you were always supposed to be. Is that right?” Caleb just nodded, his lips pressed into a fine line. “So why are you telling me instead of him?” “I wanted to thank you.” His tone was scratchy and rough. I bet he has never admitted that to anyone before and it made me chuckle. “Just go to Ryker. Apologize and make things right with your brother. It’s his decision what he wants to do.” Caleb nodded as he stood and walked away. I watched him go, curiosity eating at me like acid. I wanted to know how the conversation went. I wanted to be a fly on the wall so I could watch and probably laugh at Caleb when Ryker tells him off. But a part of me knew Ryker wouldn’t turn him away. Ryker wanted his brother's attention, wanted to actually be a part of their group and be included in the things the heirs did. He wanted the power and popularity it brought him. The day went by quickly and I soon found myself in my gym clothes and twisting my hands in front of me nervously as I waited with the other for Professor Phoenix. The class had dropped in numbers significantly. I bet he got rid of all the people only here to drool over him. And I was one of three girls left. Last time there were at least fifteen girls. The boys' numbers dropped too. Twenty boys now turned into ten. Making the entire class consist of only thirteen people. Small, but convenient. Should be easy enough for him to teach. As Phoenix came into the gym, my breathing once again halted. Damn it. I forgot how hot he was. And his muscles. Running into Ryker by accident felt like hitting a wall. I bet running into him felt like hitting a damn block of steel. He was solidly built, and I was sure all that muscle was earned the hard way. And I'd be damned if I didn't want to run into him. What? No. He's a professor. Stop thinking like that. I reprimanded myself. And you would think the scars took away from his hotness, but they didn’t. Not to me anyway. To me they were a badge of honor. Just like I told Caleb. Scars show people what you’ve been through. What you survived. They show how strong you are not only on a physical level. But strong of character, of heart. And it shows emotional strength. I just wish I could take my own advice on my scar. But mine wasn’t the white line kind of scar, or even the red ones. No. Mine was long and jagged. The red puckered out in a gross looking way. I was ashamed of my scar, and I never wanted anyone to see it. “So you’re back.” Professor Phoenix said coming to a stop in front of me. “Only because my uncle demanded I come back.” I told him honestly. “I was more than happy to change my class. I already know how to fight anyway. And I can use any weapon. So combat and weapons aren't really necessary for me.” “From what I hear, none of the classes are necessary for you. If I were you I would ask the headmaster to go ahead and take the exams. You know you’ll pass.” “Wait. I can do that?” I beamed up at him. His body tightened a fraction of an amount when I smiled. Did I have a creepy smile? Did I do it wrong? What the hell? “Yes.” He said simply, then turned and walked off. Uh...Okay then. That wasn’t awkward at all. “Today you will all partner up and practice what we’ve been doing all week. We will add more to the attack combinations next week or when all of you can do it without thinking. Complete it like it is second nature. Rose, you’re with me.” “Are you sure?” I asked, walking towards him. “You didn’t seem too keen on it earlier this week.” “I was just caught by surprise.” He told me gently, his eyes softening as he looked at me. Telling me there were no hard feelings and he didn’t blame me. I could see no sense of fear or wariness in his silver eyes. “You don’t even know how good it is to hear that.” I breathed. “I’m glad I could reassure you then.” He smiled. The man smiled and I about melted. Melted. I’ve seen him smile before, but it was still one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve seen. And his dimples. How can a man like him have dimples? It wasn’t fair. No one should look like him. It was illegal. Well maybe not but it should be. “Rose!” Phoenix barked my name, startling me out of my thoughts. “Hmm? What?” I blinked up at him trying to clear the haze I had fallen under. Phoenix chuckled. “I asked if you were alright.” “Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Just zoned out for a minute there.” I said, blood rushing to my cheeks. “I saw that.” His smile deepened. “Now come on.” He motioned for me to follow. “I want you to help me teach the class today.” “Wait. What?” I asked, my brows creasing. Did he just say what I thought he did? He wanted me to help teach his class? I was a student not a professor. I mean yeah, I knew how to fight but I’ve never even attempted to teach anyone before. I wasn’t sure I had the patience to teach combat. Learning to fight was fun, exhilarating even. But it was hard. “I said I want you to help me teach the class. Those pressure points will come in handy in a fight.” I stilled. “No. I can’t do that.” I murmured. “Why not?” He asked me, making his way back over to me. “Professor pressure points are dangerous. If you put even the slightest more pressure than necessary you can kill someone. Put too little and it won’t have any effects. Some pressure points aren’t lethal but a lot are. The one in the neck.” I pointed. “Where I got you last time. Is one of those that if you press even a fraction of an inch too hard, it will give you an aneurysm, killing you instantly. I can’t teach that to a bunch of kids who could use it just for fun. One prank like that could lead to more deaths. Teaching it could kill someone. Believe me I know. I was forced to practice that. With every pressure point until I got it right.” I closed my eyes and shuddered at the memory. “I’ve killed someone before by accident like that when I started. I won’t allow a bunch of kids to have that kind of power. No one should be able to play God and decide who lives and who dies.” “You’re right.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Teach me then? A few that could incompaciate an opponent but not kill them.” I nodded. “Alright.” I approached him and lifted my hand out towards him. “Give me your hand.” I said as I looked up at him. Damn it, why did he have to be so freaking tall? He put his hand in mine and I had to force myself to keep talking. “Right here.” I pointed. “The soft spot between your thumb and index finger is one. Put just enough pressure and it will drop your opponent to their knees. They will lose all sensation in that side of their body.” I rubbed the area I was talking about to show him. His hands were rough and calloused. Proof he has spent a life working with his hands. Heat radiated off of him in waves. Stop. Get it together. I told myself sternly, dropping his hand quickly. No. Nope. Not doing it. Nu-uh. s**t. stop it. Phoenix picked my hand back up, placing it in his, causing my heart to race. What is he doing? Why? Please stop. I begged inside my head. “So this spot right here?” He asked in a low tone, his thumb rubbing over the spot I told him about. I nodded my head, unable to get any words from my mouth. Why was he affecting me like this? Yeah the man was drop dead gorgeous. But s**t. Did he have to send my body into chaos too? At one simple touch? “Do you mind?” He asked, pulling me from my thoughts once again. Ever since I started learning pressure points they trained my body to handle them. I couldn’t stop the effects. But they also didn’t hurt me physically anymore. “Sure.” I whispered, keeping my eyes on my hand in his. His hand moved ever so slowly over mine, tracing against my skin along the way sending shivers down my spine. Angling his fingers just right between the fingers I told him, he pitched down. I gasped, my knees buckling from under me. He jerked his hand away from mine like he’d been burned, before grabbing me under the arms and hauling me to my feet. “See?” I breathed with a pained smile. “Easy.” He furrowed his brow at me. “Maybe” He replied as he carried me over to the bench and sat me down. I was perfectly capable of walking. The effects of that pressure point lasting only seconds after you let it go. But I didn’t complain. In fact I had to fight myself not to burrow into him like a damn fox. And he smelled so good. Like smoke and rain all in one. A combination you would never think to put together, but one that worked in his favor. Was this why Professor Cassius liked smelling people? If so I didn’t blame him one bit because I could smell this man all day. Oh, ew. That is so wrong. I cringed. “Are you alright?” He asked, kneeling in front of me. His features a picture of concern. I had to stop myself from reaching out to him and cupping his cheek. “I’m fine.” I said, looking down so I didn’t have to look him in the eye. Wrong. Not allowed. Stop it. He’s a professor. But then, why do I feel as if I’ve known this man forever? It didn’t feel wrong or forbidden. It felt right. “Good.” The relief in his tone made me shudder. But I froze all in the same breath as he placed his large hand on my knee. “Sit here and take a break while I go check on the progress of the rest of the class. I nodded, once again rendered speechless by the man. Following him with my eyes as he walked around the other students I wondered what was going on with me. I caught Ryker staring daggers at the professors back, his lips pursed and agitation clear in his posture. When he looked back over at me, it looked like he stared at me with hurt in his gaze. But why? What had I done? I tilted my head to the side in confusion as I watched him. He just cast me a sad smile and shook his head. I’d ask him later I guess. For the rest of the class I just sat and watched as the others trained. They were doing well I guess. Ryker obviously ahead of everyone else. This class would be both fun and overwhelming at once. Guess I better get used to it.
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