Chapter Ten

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Back in my room I threw myself onto the bed with a groan. I knew I shouldn't have used pressure points so early in the class. And now, I’ve scared the only person who was worth anything to spar with. Phoenix was exhilarating to spar with. He was fast and light on his feet despite his size. He was extremely good when he fought, which really shouldn’t be a surprise considering he is the combat professor. I wonder if he was the weapons professor as well, or if it was someone else. I skipped the class though , so…..Yeah.  I was still wondering why my mom wanted me to come here. I wasn’t a supernatural, she would have told me if I was. Wouldn’t she? Unless she wasn’t sure. But if she was supernatural and my birth father was supernatural, then wouldn’t I be as well? It wouldn’t make any sense to be normal, not when my twin was apparently a warlock like my birth father. Which I really needed to get off my butt and go find my brother. But what was I going to say when I found him? Under what pretense was I going to befriend him?  I couldn’t tell him who I was, though I wanted to. I hated lying and deceiving people. And he had seen the way I have been with Ryker’s two brothers. So I was at a loss. Surely he would side with his buddies over me, that would only be the logical thing to do. I know I would side with the people I knew and grew up with over some random stranger that approached me.  Professor smirks a lot wouldn’t be of any help. He was delegated to help me maneuver this new world, help me learn what I could as quickly as I could. Speaking of which, was he following me? How in any scenario was that appropriate? So what if this was my first day of class, he had no excuse to follow me around like some crazy stalker. And how did I not notice him? I never missed someone following me. Auras were powerful things and I could normally feel and see one near me if I’ve seen the aura before.  To be honest, Professor Caspian had a very strong aura to begin with. It was a brilliant orange. Bright and strong like the sunset on a brisk Autumn day. But he also had streaks of blue so pronounced that some of the orange was invisible in some areas, completely drowned by the intensity of the blue. And it was a dark blue. He was a very sad man, though he didn’t show it. How he managed to keep such deep sadness at bay was baffling. I closed my eyes. Why were auras so confusing. Blue means sadness in some, where others, blue was their original color. If blue was their soul color then whenever they are sad, a different kind of blue blazed within it to try and tell me they were sad, but sometimes the difference is hard to tell. I’ve also met someone with a blazing red aura. The angry color flaring around them like wildfire. But, they were not angry. Red was just their soul’s color. It was all so aggravating. One good thing about this was, I couldn’t see my aura. Not the emotions in them at least. I knew my soul's color was vibrant purple. Like lilacs.  My uncle’s aura was so many colors I didn’t know which was his soul’s base color. He had a rainbow of colors swirling around him, and I couldn’t imagine the stress he was under to handle all of that. I mean, I guess I knew being the headmaster wasn’t easy. Why would it be? He had to control hundreds of supernatural teenagers. He had to talk to angry parents and council members. Who I am willing to bet, get their way regardless of anything my uncle may tell them. I really shouldn’t have gone off on him today. I’ll have to go and apologize later. I’ll go after dinner. Food always came first. Add on top of that, that I didn’t get my coffee, then I was a bit cranky. I would have to make sure to get a coffee pot in here soon. Until then I will be sure coffee was the first thing I got in the mornings from now on.  Checking the time I saw it was close to time for dinner. I just had an hour. So I walked over and opened the doors to the terrace, and stood on it, looking down over the students here. They all amdered around smiling and laughing like they didn’t have a care in the world. They were grouped together in their little cliques making me wonder if they chose their friends or if they stayed strictly in their group of supernaturals. Like witches stay with witches, dragons with dragons and so on and so forth.  I furrowed my brow. I really hope that’s not how things were. I didn’t want to make friends based solely on what kind of supernatural they were. It didn’t matter. As long as they were good people, then what did it matter? And why would they segregate anyway? Were there turf wars I should be made aware of? Bad blood between two or more of the groups? Mom never told me about any bad blood between groups. And since they were all sent to the same school that made it seem even less likely. But, how would I know?  A knock at the door drew my attention away from the teenagers below me. I sighed, moving back inside and closing the door. I wonder who was here before dinner? I thought I had told Ryker earlier that I would see him at dinner? Oh, nope. I told him to come by my room if he wanted to talk later. I really shouldn't have done that. I should have just told him we would talk at dinner. But alas, I hadn’t. As I made my way down the stairs to the door though, the glowing yellow aura told me this was not Ryker. Or my uncle, or the professor who was supposed to be looking after me. Who was at my door?  Opening it revealed one of the boys who sat with Caleb at his table. He had brown hair, and startling hazel eyes, a golden halo ringing the black of his iris. He had a light complexion with a little bit of a tan, and a cleft chin. This must be Xavier. My uncle was right. He looked a lot like my mom. Our mom. It’s too bad he didn’t know her. But what was he doing here?”  “Can I help you?” I asked, making sure my body was angled in front of the door so he couldn’t just barge in.  “You insulted my friends.” He said, pulling his lips over his teeth. His features read anger, but amusement danced in his eyes making me wonder if he was mad or amused. Could people not be more open?  “I didn’t insult anyone.” I said with a shrug. “I just told them the truth. If they didn’t like it then oh, well.”  “You got some nerve coming in here acting all high and mighty.” He sneered.  “No. In fact. You’re here in my doorway acting high and mighty. I suggest you get your head out of the clouds and come back down to earth now. Because I will not bow down to you or anyone else. I don’t care if you are an heir to whatever chair the council holds. Xavier Blackthorn.”  “You know me. Good. Then you know I am the son of councilman Blackthorn.” “So? Your point?”  Xavier growled as he stepped forward putting himself merely inches from myself. “You need to learn respect.”  “And you need to learn the purpose of personal space.” I spat back at him, shoving him. He stumbled back several paces in shock. I just smirked at him, then slammed the door in his face. These people and their superiority complex. What is with them? Who cares if they are some kind of heir. “Ugh. I hate people.” I groaned, making my way back up the stairs and into my room. I stripped out of my hideous uniform and took a quick shower. I quickly dressed in black leggings, a deep red high neck crop top and ankle boots. “Ah. That’s so much better.” I sighed, turning to and fro in the mirror. I hated having to wear high neck clothes all the time. But it was so much better than showing off my scar and having people pity me and ask unwanted questions. I had easily kept it hidden this long. And anyway it was none of their business. Another knock at the door had me throwing my head back and groaning. “What?!” I shouted. My voice echoed down the stairs and to the main entrance.  “Uh, Rose? It’s me, Ryker. I thought I would walk you to dinner.”  I smiled, grabbing my phone and shoving it into my pocket before bounding down the stairs. Between him, Lexi, Mathew and the twins, I was more than happy with my little group. I didn’t need all the attention and fanfare being an heir gave you. So even if or when my birth father finds out of my existence. When or if my brother Xavier did. I wanted nothing to do with their council seat. I just wanted to be me, be free, be happy. They could have their power and constraining lives.  “Hey Ryker!” I smiled, throwing the door open.  “Hey. You seem in better spirits than when you left combat training.”  I winced. “Yeah. I don’t think I made a very good impression. Phoenix was quite afraid and wary of me.”  “You’re wrong. He was asking someone to go after you and bring you back, but no one could find you. When he asked me, since you told him we were friends, I told him no. If you wanted to be alone then I wasn’t about to go after you. But he expects to see you back in class tomorrow. He said he had plans for you.”  “Great.” I wrinkled my nose. “Well, nothing can be done now. Come on, let's go eat.” I said locking my door and hooking my arm through his and pulling him along. “I’m starving.”  “You’re always hungry.” Ryker laughed as he allowed me to pull him along.  “Hey.” I shrugged. “A girls gotta eat.”  Ryker just laughed. His smile brightened his whole face as mirth and happiness danced in his red eyes. It was then I noticed the color changed with his moods. When he was angry, they got dark and dull, almost lifeless. When he was happy they brightened and almost glowed with his joy. His sadness dulled them but not anywhere near as badly as when he was angry. But this. The way he is now. Laughing and smiling, his eyes glowing with the happiness he is feeling, is how I wanted to keep him. He has had way too much unhappiness in his life. Has been alone way too long. 
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