#Chapter 14 – Second Test

2118 Words

Unfortunately, my determination to take a little space from my mate and concentrate on raising my rank is immediately foiled when Luca comes sauntering over to our table with a tray full of food. “Hey,” he says, grinning at Rafe and Jesse with the trademark stunning smile that flares his dimples. “I come with a peace offering.” Rafe raises his eyebrow as Luca takes a plate off his tray, sliding it onto the table. I take a sharp breath as I focus on the pair of little raspberry pastries Luca brought us – the tray was completely empty by the time Jesse and I got through in line and it broke my heart –  But Luca? Luca got two. “What for?” Rafe asks, smacking my hand when I immediately reach for one. I hiss, more in surprise than pain, and pull my hand back. “I didn’t mean anything when I

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