#Chapter 13 – Getting Priorities Straight

2096 Words

I sigh and drop my head back on my pillow as I finish my sandwich, curling up tight and pressing my eyes shut, going over every moment of my conversation with Luca in my head. Thinking about his handsome face, the way his eyes fell to my mouth, the way the shiver ran down his spine –  The fact that I did that to him… This is… I sigh, feeling suddenly overwhelmed. Because this is getting into some dangerous grounds, isn’t it?  Some wonderful grounds, my wolf corrects, curling into a little crescent and tucking her nose warmly beneath the edge of her tail. Sneak back over – let’s see if we can make him go all shivery again!  No, I growl inwardly, shaking my head. Because as much as I’m completely distracted and fascinated by my new connections, I have to resist the urge to explore the

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