#Chapter 15 – First Bout

1790 Words

“Ari,” Rafe hisses, trying to get my attention in the sparring circle next to me.  But I can’t take my eyes off of Jackson, who stares at the floor in front of us, rolling his shoulders back. God why is he even stretching – it’s not like he’s going to have to expend any energy at all to push me out of this circle – he could probably just growl at me and I’ll run screaming out of it myself – “Ari!” Rafe hisses, and I snap my attention to him. “You can’t forfeit,” he whispers hastily, searching my face to ensure I understand. “If you do, you’ll be disqualified. Just – try not to fall, all right? Just engage once, stay on your feet, and let him push you out –“ “Begin!” the Captain shouts at the front of the room. Rafe hesitates, glancing between me and Ben, who steps into the ring, his st

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