#Chapter 63 – Week End

1843 Words

“Wait,” I say at breakfast, half a piece of bacon already on its way to my mouth, “what do you mean we don’t have class tomorrow?” “It’s Friday, shrimp cousin,” Jesse says, smirking at me. “Are you aware of these things they call weekends?” “Don’t be cute, Jesse,” I snap, glaring at him, which only deepens his smirk. “I just didn’t know the Academy acknowledged them. I mean, it didn’t when we were candidates out in the barracks.” “Probably to prevent brawls,” Rafe says, pouring himself another cup of coffee as Ben, between us, nods in agreement. “Can you imagine those barracks if they didn’t keep us busy every day?” “I think we should have a party tonight,” Luca says, raising an eyebrow and looking around at us. “Get our hands on some contraband liquor? Really let loose?” “Get ourselv

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