#Chapter 62 – Stalemate

1805 Words

Alvez smirks at me and lets me know that he’ll send word about time and place, and then we’re released.  Jackson nods to me, grabbing his bag. “I’ll send word too,” he says, standing up from his desk and looking towards the door. “Wait,” I say, reaching towards him, wanting him to stop and talk for a minute. Not because I have anything to really say, I realize. Just because…I want to talk to him. “Won’t you just come to dinner, like you did before?” “You’re already a packed house for dinner,” Jackson says, smirking at me. “Maybe we can…go outside for once. Try to talk to those birds.” And I smile up at him, my spirit twisting a little with excitement. Because even though it was kind of a disaster the last time I met Jackson alone outside, this time? Well. I think I’d kind of like it.

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