#Chapter 64 – Outside

1501 Words

I’m absolutely buzzing with energy as Jackson and I emerge through the castle door and out into the sunshine. I keep stealing glances up at him, which he either doesn’t notice or pretends not to, his defined features set in their usual harsh lines. I, however, cannot keep the smile from my face.  We walk in silence for a little bit, me struggling to keep up with Jackson’s long stride. I laugh, after a moment, when he starts to outstrip me.  “What?” he asks, glancing down and a little backwards towards me. “What’s funny?” “Would you slow down a little?” I ask, grinning up at him. “You’ve got longer legs than I do.” He does slow then, allowing me to catch up as he glances down at his legs as if needing to see them for proof of their length. He frowns at me as we continue along the path.

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