5. This one in unique

2175 Words
DIEGO’S POV :- “Sir. Are you sure about this? She’s your nephew’s mate. This might get you in trouble with your father.” “I don’t care. I just need to win this war and show Caleb what happens when someone messes with Diego Winston.” “But she refused.” “Just wait and watch, Seth. Wait and watch..” With a smirk on my face, I let that girl go. I know after the plan Caleb made, there’s no way he’s letting his mate go. And that will leave that girl with only one choice. Come to seek my help. It’s just about time... A couple of days passed by with no sign of her. There was even no news about Caleb. Everything was calm, just like the silence before the storm. I knew something was on its way and finally, I found out what. “Sir. An invitation card came on the king’s behalf.” “Invitation? For what?” “Your nephew’s engagement party. This Saturday.” “Engagement? All of a sudden?” “I did some digging and found out that Caleb pushed your father to hold the engagement early. They are going to announce the wedding in it. But I think it’s not about just that. He has other plans for that day because he insisted on inviting the media to that party.” Oh! I see. So, this is how he is planning to defeat me. “What will you do now, sir? In my opinion, you shouldn’t go there. It’s better to just ignore it.” “No, Seth. If I don’t go to that party, Caleb will think I got scared of his treats. And he will get the courage to try to snatch what’s mine. I have to attend that party. I just need that one person’s consent to change the whole scenario.” Two more days passed and I began to think that maybe my guess was wrong. If that girl, Zara, hadn’t come to ask for my help yet, she might not be coming at all. Did she change her mind after everything..? “Sir. Miss Zara’s here. On our right.” Finally, success... Returning from the office on a rainy day, I saw Caleb’s mate waiting for me at my gate. The way she was soaked, she looked desperate for my help and had been waiting for too long to see me. Exactly what I wanted. “Stop the car.” Seth stopped the car right before we drove inside the gate. I opened the door of the backseat where I was sitting and waited for her. “I’ve been waiting for you for..” She came near the car and peeked inside the open door, instead of getting in. “Get in.” “What? Oh! Okay..” She was hesitating at first, but then gave up and got inside, sitting on the edge of the seat far away from me. “I’m... I’m sorry to ruin your car seat. I..” “Seth.” With my order, Seth started the car and she almost came down the seat due to the sudden jerk, but caught herself up somehow. It almost made me laugh but I suppressed it. “Ella. Take Miss Zara upstairs and get her cleaned before she gets sick.” I ordered the old maid of my house to take care of her once we made it inside. “Of course. Come, sweetheart. Let’s get you in some dry warm clothes.” “No. It’s okay. I’m fine. I’ll leave in a few minutes anyway. I just came to talk.” Okay? She doesn’t look okay while shivering in cold. The crop top and jeans she’s wearing are now sticking to her body, completely wet. Her ni*ples are perked up through that top, and water droplets are travelling through the bare part of her chest and her stomach, vanishing below her navel area, making my throat dry. “Get her a towel.” I had to look away from her to bury my wild s****l desire. Ella got her a towel and while she wiped herself dry, I got myself a glass of whisky to avoid getting attracted to this human girl. She looked really hot while drying her wet hair. I just want to bury my face in her neck and smell the earthy scent of her up close. “Want a drink?” Taking a seat I offered her the drink I was having once she was done cleaning herself up. “No. Thank you. I don’t drink.” “So? What do you want to talk about?” “I... I came to meet you to say that... I accept your offer. I need your help to break up with Caleb. He’s arranging an engagement party this Saturday and I want it to stop before it happens. I don’t want to get engaged to a cheater like him, who slept with my cousin.” So Caleb’s a cheater too? How many talents is this boy hiding behind that innocent face? “Really? I thought you told me you can take care of it yourself?” “I know and I’m sorry. I was wrong. I need your help.” “What made you think that I’ll be willing to help you after how you refused the last time?” “I know you will help me because you made that offer to me, yourself. I didn’t ask for your help back then. That means there’s some grudge you have against him and it’s the right opportunity to let it out.” A smirk came up on my face to hear her. “You are way smarter than I thought. Okay. I will help you as I said. But do you remember what I asked for in return?” “Yes. You want me.” “So, you’re ready to become my mistress. You know what that means right?” “Yes. But you have to promise me that you will take care of my family, my job will come first then everything, and you will never ask me to sleep with someone else.” Sitting there silent, I gave her conditions a thought. Will I be okay to let my mistress work? We’ll see... “It’s a deal. So, should we begin now?” Spreading my legs and leaning back on the couch, I patted one of my thighs. “Come and sit on my lap.” I’m hungry to have her body that’s been teasing me since I brought her inside my house. “What... What do you mean?” “You know... Do your part of the deal. Make me happy. Come on.” Hearing my command, she covered her front with the towel she was holding. But I didn’t have the patience to see her innocent acts when I already got the proof of what she was capable of on our first night. So, pulling her hand, I brought her into my chest and nuzzled her neck, taking in her intoxicating smell. My hands reached her perfectly shaped hip, pulling her closer to rub my rod on her lower stomach. “What are you doing? Stop..” The last word came out more like a moan when I kissed her jaw, increasing her temperature. But finally, when my hands reached her bre*sts, she pushed me away from her. “Stop... We’re not doing anything before you take care of your part of the deal. I will do it once it’s over between me and Caleb. Until then, you have to wait. I don’t want to take the risk of you backing away from the deal once you got what you want.” Why am I not surprised that she will say that? “Fair enough. I’ll wait.” Letting out a sigh, I slumped back down on the couch, hanging my head back with my eyes closed to calm my already throbbing nerves. “So.. what’s the plan? How are you going to stop this engagement?” After a few minutes of silence, we both were able to talk again. “I will come up with something in time.” “So... Now that it’s settled, maybe I should leave now. It’s getting late.” “Take my car.” “It’s okay. I can..” “I wasn’t asking.” That shut her up and she turned around to leave before looking back at me again. “If you don’t mind, can I ask your name? I mean... Now that we are in this together, I have to call you by something. Besides, I have no idea who you are.” A chuckle came out of me to realize that she just agreed to become a mistress of someone she didn’t know. That much desperate she is to get away from Caleb. “It’s Diego. Diego Winston. I am the owner of Infinite Black Mesa.” “You’re... You’re the CEO of IBM? The one among the world’s largest top ten companies?” I gave a slight nod that made her jaw drop. “Take my number. We might need to stay in touch.” “Yes. Yeah... Umm.. One second.” She pulled out her phone from her back pocket but instantly frowned. “Sh*t! I forgot. My phone. F*ck.. It’s destroyed in the rain. I can’t believe this.” She kept struggling to turn the phone on, shaking it and rubbing it dry. But I don’t think it’s going to help. That little device was practically leaking like a broken tap. “Let me see.” “Hey! That’s mine. Give it back.” I practically snatched her phone out of her hand, and she started jumping to take it from me. But before she could, I pulled out the SIM from it and dropped the phone. “What the hell? You broke my phone.” “It was already fried. Here. You can use this now.” Inserting the SIM on my phone, I handed it over to her. “Use it? But.. This is your phone. I can’t take it. I’ll buy a new one or something.” “It’s okay. You can keep it. I have another one. My number’s already there. But only call me in emergencies.” “But it’s an iPhone’s new model. I really don’t think I should take this. It’s really expensive. This phone costs a lot more than I can ever earn.” “Just take it and go. The car’s waiting for you.” I always thought that women like expensive gifts. But I was amused to see this little one refuse such a gift. This one is really unique. Before long it was the day of the engagement and I was getting ready in my best attire to attend my nephew’s engagement. Zara’s been calling me for the seventh time since morning and I just received her sixteenth text. “Are you even there? At least give me a reply. Caleb’s here to take me to the hall. What should I do? How are we going to stop this?” To admit the truth, I don’t have a plan yet. I’m just waiting for Caleb to take the first step to break whatever he’s planning to do. Until then... “Go with him. Do as they say. I’ll stop it in time. Trust me.” After that, I didn’t get any text or call from her again. So, she’s really trusting me with her future and her life? No wonder why people always use her. Getting in my car, I headed straight for my father’s courthouse where the party was held. I made it there early but didn’t go in. Sitting in my car, far away from the entrance, I kept my eyes open for Caleb’s every move. Soon enough, I saw Caleb reach the courthouse with his mate, who was looking like a princess in a beautiful gown. Caleb was lucky to have such a pretty mate. But unfortunately, he doesn’t know how to value pretty things. It was only a few minutes since he went inside the building when I received a call from him. “Hello, my dear uncle. Where are you? We’ve been waiting for you impatiently. You know it will feel really bad to start without you because this party is more about you than me. I really want to see your face when the video of your talent will be presented on a big screen for all our guests. It’s an honour you shouldn’t miss.” I couldn’t help as a low growl came out of me in anger. How dare he to tease me like this? “What? I’m getting you mad? There’s nothing to be mad about. You can stop all of it with just one little yes. Think about it. Does only a billion dollars worth risking your hard-earned reputation? Think fast. You’re out of time.”
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