6. Ceremony of my doom

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ZARA’S POV :- Sitting in Diego’s million-dollar BMW, I kept recalling the event that just happened in that luxurious villa. I still have no idea if the deal I made was right or wrong. Now all I can do is pray to the goddess that I won’t regret this decision later. Once again when I reached home, Emily opened the door for me and gave me a grim look. “What were you doing this late? And who’s car just dropped you off?” “Don’t worry. I wasn’t f*cking your boyfriend. And as you can see, it’s not Caleb’s car.” Instantly her expression changed into horror. “You... You know about our affair? So, it was you who got into his house that day.” “Caleb didn’t tell you? I thought he tells you everything. Why do you think I want to break up with Caleb so bad, all of a sudden?” She turned away from me to hide her embarrassment. “Emily. If you love him that much, why don’t you tell your parents about it and get married to him in my place? That way we both will get what we want.” “It’s not that simple. You have no idea how complicated things are between us.” “Maybe I don’t know how things are between you two. But one thing I know for sure is that he is using you just like he’s using me. No matter how you treat me, you are like my sister. So, for the last time, I am warning you. Get away from him while you can. He will destroy your life. He doesn’t love you.” “Shut up, you s*ut. What do you know about love? Caleb and I are made for each other. Your marriage is just a lie. Once he gets what he wants, he will throw you out of his life and I will become his wife. He promised me that one day we will be together and I trust him.” She pocked my chest twice hard to prove her point. But I know the truth and her confidence in Caleb made me only smirk at her. “Fine then. We will see how you end up at last. Good night.” Waving my hand once as a bye, I climbed up the stairs to go to my room and locked myself in. In a blink, the day of the engagement came and still there was no news from Diego. He didn’t reply to my calls or texts, which made me really anxious. Is he even going to help me break off this engagement? For the ceremony, Caleb’s mom sent me a dress to wear that she chose herself. It was something that my uncle could never afford. So, when it was almost time, I put on the turquoise blue, an off-shoulder gown that had little gems embroidered in it along with long nets on both arms that looked really pretty. The dress almost had no back but hugged my body perfectly on the front, and the way it was all fluffed up on the ground, it almost looked like Cinderella’s gown for the prince’s ball. Putting up my hair in a rose bun, I did light makeup on my face and looked almost like a princess myself. I can’t believe I was getting ready so meticulously for a marriage I didn’t want. I was almost done when I heard my aunt scream from downstairs. “Girls? Are you done or not? Caleb’s here to pick up up.” So, it’s time for the drama to begin. Putting on my heels, I climbed down the stairs to find Emily hanging around Caleb’s neck in the absence of her parents around. She also looked pretty wearing a sexy silver gown. But as soon as Caleb’s eyes fell on me, his whole attention shifted on me, ignoring Emily who was still trying to get compliments from him. “Umm... We should get moving. Everyone waiting for us.” Caleb pushed Emily away from him before going out on his own and this time her eyes fell on me. Instantly a scowl came on her face and she stormed out of the house in anger. I got out to find two cars standing outside our house. My uncle and aunt were already standing there, waiting for us. They climbed up the other car while Emily took the initiative to get in Caleb’s car only to get stopped by him. “Emily. You are travelling with your parents in that car.” “But why? Why can’t I come with you? I am going in this car with you two.” “Emily. Behave. There’s going to be media there. We are going to make our first appearance as a couple. You can’t be there with us in front of the media..” “But..” “Do as I say.” A low growl from Caleb broke Emily’s heart and she went to sit with her parents with teary eyes. Even I was disappointed to see how he behaved with the one he claimed to love. I sat in the backseat of Caleb’s car with him while a driver drove us to our destination. The big king’s courthouse. The ride with him was really awkward and silent. I avoided looking at him as much as I could. “You’re looking really pretty today.” I heard his comment but still didn’t look at him. “You should say that to Emily, not me. She will melt for your sweet words, I won’t.” “Are you still mad at me for that little incident? Why can’t you just forget all that and move on? We are going to announce our wedding today and in just a few months, we will be real mates and a married couple.” This time I looked straight into his eyes. “You did something unforgettable, Caleb. I will never forgive you for that. And there won’t be any wedding. It’s all going to stop soon.” “Fine. Keep dreaming until you become my wife then.” We didn’t speak to each other after that and after an hour’s drive, we were stopped in front of the courthouse right after the sunset. The entire building was decorated with flowers and lights from outside and twenty-thirty people were standing in front of the gate with cameras. It’s the king’s grandson’s engagement. It’s an exclusive news for the paparazzi. One mistake and it will become breaking news. “No matter what you do, don’t do anything that ruins our reputations. Don’t forget that it’s the king’s workplace and he won’t forgive any mistakes. Smile and be on your best behaviour.” Caleb gave me a last warning before getting out of the car. Sitting in the car, I looked at the media outside and got anxious. It’s not like I have a camera phobia. But I have never faced such a crowd with so many cameras pointing at me. I’m nervous that I might make a mistake in front of them and get trolled by the world. Caleb opened my door and as soon as I stepped out, the camera flashes almost made me go blind. The shutters were clicking all around me, freaking me out. In the middle of that, I didn’t notice that Caleb had his arms wrapped around mine and passed a wide smile at the cameras as if we were really a happy couple. “Smile... Smile like you mean it.” He whispered it to my ear, making me quickly put up a fake smile. But in reality, I was breathing heavily and shaking like a leaf. After an eternity, Caleb finally started walking and I could breathe properly once we got inside. There were many guests inside as well, but they were not as scary as the ones with cameras. “Ah! There they are. Our future bride and groom. Zara! How are you, sweety?” Caleb’s mother and father came to us with a smile and gave us both a kiss on the cheek, but they completely ignored the rest of my family. “I’m fine. Thank you.” “Look at you. I was worried that this dress might not suit you because you never wore something this expensive before. But, boy I was wrong. You can make a human look pretty with money too.” As always, she started insulting me for being a poor human. Although she behaves nicely around me, I know how much Caleb’s mother hates me from inside. “Celine. I think we should take them to the king now. He’s been waiting for them for a long time.” “Of course. Come.” We followed them to where Caleb’s grandfather was. Even though his grandfather is the lycan king himself, he is the only one in Caleb’s family whom I like. He is actually nice to humans like us and deserves to be the king he is. “Father. Look who we have here.” The king is an old guy in his sixties. All the hairs on his head and beard have gotten completely white. But still, to this day, he is more energetic and lively than we kids are. And the most special feature of his is that bright smile of his. “Ah! My little ones. I was just waiting for you! Zara. You are the most prettiest girl in this entire party today. You look gorgeous.” “Thank you, my king.” I bowed to him respectfully, making him laugh out loud. “Always so formal. You are such a good girl, Zara. I am so glad that you are going to be a part of my family soon.” He patted my head gently, blessing me for the future that will never come. “Good evening, sir. It’s an honour for us to become relatives of the great king himself. Thank you for accepting our child in your family.” My uncle and aunt went forward to greet the king with a flattering smile. “The pleasure’s mine to have Zara as my grandson’s mate. She’s so sweet and kind. You did a good job on raising her.” They shook hands and my uncle was really proud of the compliment. “Mom? Where’s uncle? I thought he agreed to come.” “He did. He promised that he would be here. Maybe he’s on his way.” I heard Caleb and his mom talk about Caleb’s uncle, the future king who lives in a foreign country. I didn’t know he was coming to join us too in this party. “Let me give him a call. I’ll be back in a minute.” “Be quick. We have to start the ceremony now.” Caleb went to call his uncle. His parents and grandfather got busy greeting the guests, leaving me with my family who were busy admiring the huge building and its decorations. So, taking advantage of their distractions, I quickly sent a text to Diego- “Where are you? It’s starting. Please... Hurry up.” A few minutes later Caleb returned and let us know that his uncle would be here soon. In the meantime, the king also returned to begin the ceremony. “My little ones. Come with me on the stage. It’s time to make the announcement. And Celine, Louis, bring the rings with you.” My hopes shattered at this point. If Diego’s not here yet, he’s not coming. No one’s going to help me escape Caleb’s clutches and he’s going to end up as my future today. “Come on. It’s time. I’ve prepared a surprise for you at the end of the ceremony. You’re going to love it.” Caleb tried to hold my hand to take me up on the stage romantically, but I pulled it away from him instantly. It made him feel insulted as he looked around to see if anyone noticed it or not before gripping my wrist tighter. It was so tight that it created a bruised handprint there. “Don’t play any tricks. This is not a joke. If you try to insult me or embarrass me in front of our guests, it will be your last day on earth. Don’t test my patience.” With his final warning, he dragged me all the way up on the stage the begin the ceremony of my doom.. 
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