4. You are a nobody

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ZARA’S POV :- Being embarrassed of my condition and scared of his growl, I sat in front of him with my mouth shut, in fear of getting my head ripped off by this cold-hearted lycan. What important discussion does he have to be so rude about? “I heard that you tried to reject Caleb. Do you really want to break up with him?” I looked at him confused. Is this what he wants to talk about? “Yes.” “If you’re that adamant, then I’m willing to help you in it. I can help you get rid of him and I will help you with your family business like Caleb’s doing. But. I need something in return.” “What do you need?” Sitting up straight he looked deep into my eyes, making my skin crawl. “You. I need you.” My jaw dropped in shock. I can’t believe he had the dare to make such a vulgar offer to me. “What do you guys think I am? Just because you are lycans and in a very high place in the society, you think you can make a deal of me for anything? There’s no difference between you and Caleb. Both of you are selfish and arrogant who only thinks about themselves. Why don’t you understand that I’m a living person? I have feelings. I have emotions. I get hurt too. Please... I don’t need your help. Thank you for that offer but I will find a way out by myself. I need to go. And stop following me around now.” I got up and got out of his cage as fast as possible. A few days passed and to my surprise, no one forced me to contact Caleb and apologize. They just ignored me completely. But little did I know about the storm behind the calm. “Zara. Someone’s here to see you.” Emily came to my room one morning to give me the news, and the way she was staring at me, it seemed weird. “Who is it?” “I’m not your servant. Come and see yourself downstairs.” She walked away, swaying her a*s at me after saying that, leaving me in confusion. “Who could it be..?” It took me only two steps down the stairs to find out that it was none other than my ex-mate, Caleb. And I instantly knew if he came to meet me all the way to my house, it was something serious. “Ah! There she is. The future bride. I can’t believe how fast this is going. She was a baby just yesterday. And now she’s all grown up and going to start her own family. This is so exciting, isn’t it honey?” My aunt looked really cheerful today and pretended to be happy about me. I couldn’t help but snigger to see her lame acting, which wiped that fake smile from her lips. “Zara. Caleb came to let us know that his grandfather, King Jackson, arranged your engagement this Saturday. He wants to keep it simple with very few guests. You should be grateful that after the tantrum you threw, Caleb still wants to make you his wife. So, be thankful and apologize to him now.” My uncle thought just because he came to my house, forgiving me for trying to reject him, I would be glad to accept him again. Little did he know that what this bastard did to me was unforgivable. “I thought I was already clear about this. I am not marrying him. I am not going to keep any kind of relation to him. It’s over.” “Zara! Don’t be an i***t. Caleb’s a good guy and you are his mate. What else can a girl want than a mate who will love her more than anything in the world? You are blessed to have him.” “Am I? Caleb? How much do you love me? What can you do for me? How f*cking loyal are you to me? Can you say that in front of everyone, please?” Caleb’s face turned red in anger as I asked him that question in front of my family, who thinks he’s a great guy. “Yes. Of course, I can. But I prefer to prove my love to you privately. Can you come outside for a minute, if you don’t mind uncle?” “Of course not. Zara. Go with him and fix whatever misunderstanding you two have gotten into. We will wait here.” I had no intention to go anywhere or talk to him. But Caleb caught a hold of my wrist and dragged me out into the backyard of the house. Pushing me against the wall, he caged me in between his hands and stared right into my soul through my eyes. “What are you doing? Who do you think you are? You are a nobody. So, stop acting like a celebrity and do as we say. This Saturday we are going to get engaged and that’s final.” “If I am a nobody, then why don’t you leave me alone? Do you love Emily? Then why don’t you marry her? Just leave me alone. I don’t want to be with you anymore after what you did to me. How many times do I have to tell you that, to make you understand?” My voice hitched in my throat as he grabbed my cheeks and pressed them hard. “If I had a choice, I wouldn’t even look at your disgusting face. But you are the only one who can give me access to that throne. So, if you don’t want to die, shut your f*cking mouth and do as I say. Trust me. I can kill your whole family for that place. So, don’t test my patience and be there on time this Saturday. I will come to pick you up.” With his final words, he left me in the backwards and left. He has now gone to an extent to threaten me with the lives of my family. What am I going to do now? How am I going to save myself and my family from this trouble? I have to find a way as soon as possible... “Uncle, please. I don’t want to marry him. He’s not the right one. He doesn’t love me. I can’t live my entire life in that marriage. It’s not even a real marriage. He’s just using me to become the king.” For the next two days, I tried my best to make my family understand. But they weren’t ready to listen. “So what? If he becomes the king, you will be his queen. Who cares if he doesn’t love you? Think about what you will have once you become a queen. Think what we will get once we become the king’s relatives. You should be with him on this mission, helping him with his plans. Not make things harder for him. You are his mate, so act like a mate.” “Why don’t you understand? I don’t want his money. I don’t want to be a queen. I just need him to love me as his life partner. If he thought of me as his mate, I would have done anything for him. But he doesn’t want me. He hates me..” “Really? What makes you think that he doesn’t love you? What did he do to make you feel like he doesn’t want you?” “I caught him cheating on me. I saw him in bed with..” I was about to tell Emily’s name. But when I looked at her horrified face, I recalled that she was also being played by Caleb like me. And if I tell her parents that she’s the reason for all the problems, they won’t even mercy their daughter. I have already gotten the proof that nothing matters to them more than money itself. “You caught him cheating. So? It’s not that big deal. Caleb’s a Lycan. A human can never satisfy his needs. He’s going to do it the rest of his life even if he marries you. You just have to accept it and move on. Besides, no one can take your place for him because you are his mate. The goddess herself created this bond between you. It’s unbreakable.” “But I don’t want to be cheated on anymore. I don’t want to be used..” My voice is now becoming lower because I am starting to believe that nothing I say will change their minds. “Patrick. Enough. She’s not the one for sweet words. Let me handle this. Listen, you little b*tch. We have listened to enough of your naggings. Your wedding is in two days and you are going to behave nicely there. I don’t want you to create any kind of disturbance on that day. This marriage is meant to happen and it will happen at any cost. Even if that means we have to force you into it. Don’t let us make you regret any of the future actions you take.” With my aunt’s last command, that discussion was over. I have tried my best to convince my uncle and aunt to not force me into this marriage. But none of my pleas reached their ears. They won’t help me. So, that leaves me with no choice, except.. I have to take that stranger’s offer as my last resort. He is the only person who offered me any help to get away from Caleb. Even though the compensation for his help is way too much, it’s far better than being stuck with a beast, for the rest of my life. I thought about my decision for the entire night and in the end, I came up with the conclusion that it’s better to sleep with one man with no hope of love, than to share my bed with different ones with the hope of earning my husband’s love. I won’t be heartbroken every day, or abused, or cheated on... So, I went to meet that guy right away. I don’t have much time in hand and I hope he’s still willing to help me. The only problem now is that I don’t know who that stranger was. I only remember his house where he kidnapped me. No name, no address. With the memory of the way I returned through and a pure guess, I finally reached the villa by foot. It was already cloudy when I left the house, and by the time I discovered the huge white villa, it was pouring heavily. So, I tried to hurry and ran inside to get some shade when two security guards stopped me. “Excuse me, madam. How can we help you?” “Oh! I.. I came to meet your boss. The one who lives in this house.” “Sorry. You have to be specific.” “You know... The one... Tall, huge, long hair, rude..” I was describing him with my hands more and words less. “You can’t go in. No one’s home.” “Are you kidding me? Can I at least wait for him inside? It’s really pouring here.” “No. This is not a public shelter. You can’t get in without permission from our boss.” “Come on... It’s so cold out here. I’m not a stranger and I am not here to steal anything. He knows me. I was here just a few days ago. You have probably seen me walk out of the house.” “We’ve seen many girls like you try that trick. It’s not going to work. Now please, step aside from the gate..” I can’t believe it. Did they just insult me because I’m a human? Stomping my feet in anger, I went to stand under a tree beside his house. What should I do now? Should I wait for him, or should I leave? No. If I leave today, I might never get the courage to return again. And I need his help desperately. Leaning against the wall, I waited for two hours in that rain. I was completely soaked from head to toe and cold. But thankfully right before I finally gave up, I saw a BMW stop near the gate. He’s finally back.
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