3. Interesting girl with interesting name

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DIEGO’S POV:- “Uncle Diego. I’m so glad that you came back home. It’s been years since I last saw you. How have you been? You look better than..” “Come to the point. I know you’re here for business. So? What do you want?” “See... This is why you became a multimillionaire business tycoon in your own effort. You know what people want just by one look at them. Let’s come straight to the point, then. I need your help. My business is going a little low nowadays. So, it would be a great help if you invest something in it to push it up a bit. And don’t worry. I will repay you for that with something special in return.” “You mean you want me to invest in my dad’s business, right?” “Yes. Of course. Grandfather’s business.” “How much?” “Let’s discuss the amount later. First, I would like to offer you the return gift. I will arrange everything you need to have a good time for the weekend. From the booze to the woman. And after enjoying the little vacation, you can decide the amount you see fit. I guarantee you. You won’t be disappointed by my arrangements.” That was the deal I made with my nephew Caleb. He knows well that I don’t give anything for free. I needed something in return and he offered me a good time. But I had no idea that he was planning to offer me his mate to impress me. My name is Diego Winston. The 37-year-old son of King Jackson Winston, and the future king of our country, Corize. I went against my father’s beliefs at a very young age and left the house to start a business on my own. I became an outcast to my own family because I wasn’t ready to follow someone else’s rules. In a very short time, I joined the business world and made a place of my own, creating rules for others to follow. That’s why everyone fears me now. Everyone knows me by my name and not by my father’s. I like to keep everything in the right order by any means necessary. But my life came off the track right the moment I agreed to the deal with Caleb, going against my own rules. ‘Never fall for anyone’s sweet words or innocent face’- That was one of my rules. As Caleb said, he sent a driver to pick me up from my office on the weekend. I was taken to a bar where some girls kept me busy on a private counter and I drank to my heart’s desire. And after the driver dropped me at the hotel, I found a beautiful girl sleeping in my bed as a sacrifice. I knew this was the woman Caleb talked about satisfying me for the night. Although that girl looked really young, she was pretty. Her long black hair, fair skin, rosy lips, and perfect thin body were enough to turn me on. Or maybe it was the effect of the drink I took at the bar that I just couldn’t stop myself anymore. Usually, I don’t prefer sleeping with a helpless girl or an unconscious girl. But something about her was unique to make me attracted to her. So, I started doing what I was meant to do and she cooperated. But I had no idea that she was a virgin, and I was doing it against her will seeing her response to my touches. Every time her hands pulled me closer and clawed my back in pleasure, it aroused me even more. Her soft body, whimper-like moans, and heavy breaths were igniting my desires to an extent that even my wolf lost his control and took over me to calm his needs. It felt like heaven when we ravished her soft cotton-like body and tight pu*sy through most of the night. Even though it was Sunday, I got a call for an important meeting and had to go to work. But leaving a human in my room, felt unsafe. Most of all, I don’t trust Caleb enough to leave one of his wh*res in my living place. But when I woke her up, I found out that she was not his mistress, but his mate. I have heard that he found his mate a while ago, but a human? “Good morning, Sir. Ready for the meeting?” “No. Seth? What do you know about Caleb’s mate?” “Sir. Her name is Zara Bradley. She’s an 18-year-old high school dropout, used to work as an waitress but curranty unemployed. Her parents died 10 years ago, leaving her with her uncle Patrick Turner, his wife, and his daughter. They came to live in her house to take care of her, eventually claiming all of her father’s property and business in their names. When they found out she was the mate of your nephew, they forced her to drop her studies to take better care of her mate and learn the ways to live in the royal family. Using her as an advantage, they took a good amount of money from Caleb to pay off their debts and keep their dying business running for more than a year now.” “She’s eighteen? She’s too young to be in this mess. What about my family? Why did they agree to accept this human girl?” “It’s your father. He wants to respect the goddess’s wish, making everyone accept the humans as a family. Caleb is just using her to impress your father to earn the place of the future king. Their marriage is in a few months. The date’s not fixed yet.” “Hmm.. So, she’s just a toy for everyone then. Interesting. Keep an eye on her all the time. I want to know if she’s truly as innocent as she looked or was she using her talents to frame me as her mate.” “Yes, sir. But I think she’s going somewhere in a hurry now.” I looked at the way my personal assistant was looking, to find that girl getting in a cab. “Follow her.” Seth immediately ignited the car and started following the cab that was going towards Caleb’s house and waited aside when she went inside. “I think she’s trying to break up with him. Oh no... He’s going to kill her. We should stop him.” Seth was about to go out to save her when I stopped him. “Don’t. It’s their personal matter. Let them solve it. Let’s go. We have a meeting to attend.” “But..” “I said go..” He didn’t say anything else and started the car. But before we got out of sight, I saw Caleb let go of his mate’s throat and walk away, and I released a breath of sigh. This is one interesting girl with an interesting name. Zara. So brave and strong. She reminds me of someone I used to.. “Seth. Set up a meeting with Caleb tonight. I have to know what’s going on in his mind.” Seth fixed our meeting at a privet cabin of the Macaberry Cafe and Caleb was there before me. “Uncle Diego. The only person I was keen to see. Please, take a seat.” I could see the nervousness behind his fake smile, to know why this sudden meeting. “Umm... Waiter. One Latte for me, please. And for you, uncle?” “One black.” Giving our orders, we sat down silently till it arrived. “The coffee here is famous all over Corize.” I can see the restlessness to start the conversation in him. “You know… They say the choice of a cup of coffee speaks a lot about what kind of woman you like. I like Latte. Which means I like my woman to be sweet and soft, easy to handle. And you like black. That means you must like your woman strong and hard to please.” The corner of my mouth tilted up a bit to hear his pun. “I have heard that you already found your mate. How is she?” I finally opened my mouth and he was a bit taken aback by my sudden question but composed his attitude instantly. “She’s great. She’s amazing. What can I say… She’s my mate.” “Sweet and soft. Easy to use, right?” The smile on his face came down as soon as he realized I knew the truth that, the woman he sent me to please was his mate. “Let’s come to the point now. What do you want?” “Money. A lot of money, and I need it desperately.” This time, he was truly serious. “How much are we talking about?” “A billion.” As he said that, I sat up straight with wide eyes. “A billion dollars? I could buy your entire business with that money. What made you think that one night with your mate would make me give you that amount? She isn’t worth it.” “But the throne does.” I was confused as a smirk crept up on his lips. “I really don’t want this news to go out in public. Especially to Grandpa. I can’t imagine how he will react when he finds out that you slept with my mate. My future wife. He will surely disown you, taking away the title of the future king with it. That would be such a horrible thing to do.” I couldn’t stop as a growl came out from inside me. So, this was his plan all along. If I don’t agree to give the money, he will use his mate as a threat to me. “You won’t dare to do such a thing. And why would even Dad believe you? How would you prove that I slept with her?” “Oh! I’m not that rookie player to not keep proof of your passionate night together. I planted a little camera in your room that captured everything. I have all the proof I need to make my point to Grandpa. You have no choice now. It’s just a billion. It’s nothing to you. Just give it to me and we will be on our separate ways with our lives. It’s that easy.” I banged my fist on the coffee table hard before standing up straight. “If you didn’t try to trick me like this, I might have considered helping you with your business. But after what you did, there’s no way I am giving a single penny to you. Do what you want and I will do what I can. Let’s see who wins this war. I will see how you pull this off.” With that challenge, I left him at the cafe and went straight to my villa. “Seth. Where’s she?” “She’s at a pharmacy, sir. I think she’s hurt.” “Pick her up. We need to talk.” Passing my order, I cut the call and waited for Caleb’s mate, in my living room. 30 minutes later, two bodyguards dragged her inside the villa as she struggled to get herself free. “You! So, it was you who ordered them to bring me here. Are you stalking me now?” “I wanted to meet you.” “This is how you meet people? By getting them kidnapped by some giant men in black and shoving them into a car forcefully? Are you in the mafia or something because I’m about to tip the cops on you and they’re going to take down your a*s.” “Take a seat.” I motioned my men and they set her free. “Look. Whatever happened that night was a mistake. I know Caleb made a deal with you or something. But I’m not part of that deal anymore. So, let me go. I just want to go home. My family’s waiting for me.” “Yeah! I know how much they must be missing you looking at the swollen cheeks of yours. Sit down. We need to talk.” She covered her cheeks instantly, to try and hide it from me. “F*ck you. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to see your stupid face. I told you that I’m not a part of the deal anymore, and you can discuss with that bastard about it. I’m leaving.” She screamed at me in embarrassment and tried to leave, but the guards stopped her. “You already f*cked me and I know you enjoyed it a lot. Now SIT DOWN!” The way my voice shook with the last command, she flinched and sat down instantly on a nearby couch, like an obedient girl.
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