7. Zara is my woman

2084 Words
ZARA’S POV :- “Everyone gather around the front of the stage, please. We are about to begin the engagement ceremony now.” So, the ceremony began with a heart-touching speech from the king to all the guests, thanking them for attending the party today. Then he spoke a few words about us and how we met just to create an atmosphere. His speech reminded me of a few lost memories and I recalled how I first fell for his lies- I was still in school, going on top of my classes. My academic score was so high that I was selected to represent our school at an education award ceremony in our city. The awards will be given by the king himself. That is where I met Caleb who was also one of the VIP guests. He saw me there and recognized me as his mate. And after it was over, he stopped me and took me aside to talk. That’s when I found out that I am the mate of a royal lycan. The grandson of the king. King Jackson saw us somehow and before long, the news spread of us being mates. Caleb was happy to have me. He expressed his love for me by claiming that he didn’t care who I was or what my status was. I became the most important part of his life. When my family asked me to stop my studies and drop the idea of building a career to learn the ways of royals, Caleb stood up for me. He promised me that I could continue both even after our marriage. And that is how he made me fall in love with him. At that moment, it seemed like I found the perfect life partner for myself. But who knew that he had this darkness inside him all along? “On the next September 20, the day of our beautiful bride’s birthday, we will join hands of these two love birds, fulfilling the moon goddess’s wish. I hope all of you will be present that day to give your blessings to the new mates to have a happy married life and bring a healthy little soul into the world very soon.” Breaking out of my thoughts, I looked up at the king with wide eyes. Is he talking about us having a baby together? With a ringing noise in my ears, I looked around to find a way to run. It was the only option left for me now. But all my ways were closed by the people who came to witness the end of my life. “Caleb. Zara. Please share the rings with each other, with a promise to be loyal to your mate for the rest of your lives.” Caleb took my shaking hand in his and with a sly smirk on his face he was about to put it on my finger when all of a sudden, a loud voice echoed through the silent hall, startling everyone standing there. “Stop. Stop this right now. There won’t be any engagement today. Everyone get out. That’s an order..” I felt a gush of air enter my lungs to see Diego enter through the main door. He was wearing a black suit jacket and trousers, his slick hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, almost looking like a villain of the story. “Diego? What nonsense is this? How dare you to speak with our guests like this?” The way Caleb’s grandfather shouted out at him, it looked like they knew each other very well. Taking the reputation of Diego, it isn’t a surprise. “I am doing this to save your own a*s. Get everyone out or you’ll regret it later.” “Diego. This is a special day for you nephew. You should be happy for him, blessing him and his mate on starting a new life together. Not create a drama in it.” Wait, what? Did I just hear right? Caleb is Diego’s nephew? “I am happy for him. But not about the fact that the girl he is with, belongs to me. Zara is my woman, not his.” A gasp filled the entire hall as soon as he said that. But this is not what I expected. I didn’t want him to expose our matter in front of everyone like this. “No. She’s not your woman. Just because you slept with her, doesn’t mean she belongs to you. She’s my mate and I won’t let you take her away from me. Grandpa. I didn’t mention it to you before because I thought it was just a mistake. But I’m forced to say it now that your son tricked my mate into sleeping with him. I have the proof of it if you need it.” I felt like fainting from the sudden reveals. I slept with Caleb’s uncle and agreed to be his mistress to break up with his nephew. Diego is the future king of our country. The king’s only son. How didn’t I know this before? “That’s enough. Both of you, stop. I would like to talk to three of you in privet.” “There’s nothing to talk about. I’m here to take my mistress and I’m leaving with her.” Diego walked up the stairs and near us. He took my hand in his and pulled me right into his chest in one go, hiding me from the world. “I won’t let you take my mate. She’s mine. Give her back. We are getting engaged today and that’s final.” Caleb tried to pull me back from his arms, only to get a warning growl from Diego. “Get your hands away from her.” “Diego. Let her go. She’s not yours. She’s Caleb’s mate. And if you try to take her forcefully, you’ll have to challenge me first.” Another gasp filled the place hearing the warning of the king. A fight between the king and his son. It’ll be huge. “Fine. I won’t take her forcefully. Why don’t we let her choose who she wants to be with? Zara. Tell them what you want. Tell them why you don’t want to marry Caleb.” I felt my body burn from the sudden gaze of eyes on me. “Zara. Tell everyone that you want to be with me. Your true mate.” Caleb took a step closer and forwarded his hand to me. “No. I don’t want to be with you.” Hearing my answer, he snarled at me almost attacking me. “Do you have any idea what you’re saying? You can’t do this to me. Not now. Come here and tell everyone that you want to be with me.” “No. I won’t. Because it’s the truth that I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want to marry you or be your mate.” “You bi*ch..” Diego pulled me behind and his father held Caleb back as soon as he tried to attack me. “Caleb. No. Zara. I thought you were a good girl. You really disappointed me today. How can you do this to Caleb after all the love he gave you?” When the king himself said how disappointed I made him, I snapped. “Love? He doesn’t love me. He never loved me. He is just using me to get what he wants. He’s using me to impress you. All of you must be so disappointed in me because I slept with my mate’s uncle. But it wasn’t my choice. HE.. made me do it. Caleb’s not as innocent as he looks. He is a devil himself. He’s cheating on me all this time. I caught him myself, sleeping with my cousin. He betrayed me. He betrayed my trust and I hate him for that. I don’t want to marry him. I don’t want any kind of relationship with him. It’s over Caleb. It’s over between us.” My voice was loud and clear, reaching every single person’s ears. They need to know what kind of guy he is before judging me. “If you are satisfied now, we are leaving.” Taking my hand in his, Diego took me off the stage and and the way out of the hall while everyone kept taking pictures of us. But it wasn’t the end. We were almost near Diego’s car when Caleb attacked us from behind. “You... You ruined everything for me, you wh*re. How dare you to go against me? I told you that I will make you pay.” He grabbed my neck from behind and pushed me down on the ground. Trying to push myself up from the dirt, I saw a punch coming right towards my face and closed my eyes in fear of the impact. But nothing came. Diego caught his hand before he could hurt me, pulling him up of me. “Keep your hands away from her. She is mine now. And you know that I don’t like it when someone touches what’s mine.” He pushed Caleb away, standing in between as a guard. “How long is this going on for? You two planned to ruin my future, didn’t you? I gave her to you for one night, but you got so addicted to this sl*t that you can’t leave her anymore? Is she that good f*ck?” “Mind your tongue before I rip it out, Caleb. You are in no position to judge any of us.” “Wow... She got a good grip on you, isn’t she? She’s a parasite and you are willing to go against your family for her? She means more to you than your own nephew? F*ck. I should have banged her a long time ago to know how good she is..” As soon as he made that comment, Diego landed a hard punch on his jaw, making him stumble back. “You dared to hit me..” Things escalated quickly and right in front of my eyes, I saw both men shift into their lycan forms and start fighting to take each other’s life. Diego shifted into a black wolf and Caleb into a brown. Their wolves are so huge compared to me that sitting on the ground, it felt like I was going to get crushed under their feet. They were growling at each other, biting and bleeding. It was a horrible sight to see... “Miss. You need to get out of here. Come on. Come with me.” I was still sitting on the floor, panicking and trying to avoid getting crushed when Diego’s man, Seth, gave me a hand and pulled me out of there. He instantly got me in the car and started to drive away. But I could still see two wolves fight for me right outside. How can I run like this leaving them in this situation? “Wait. Diego... We have to take him with us. He’s hurt..” “Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine. He’s strong enough to take down any opponent. You can wait for him at home.” With teary eyes, I watched them getting far away from me. “Miss Zara? Are you okay?” I was shaking, sitting in the car and Seth noticed it. “No. I’m not. I can’t believe all that happened because of me. They ended up in a fight for me. What did I do? How can I ruin a family like this? Especially a royal family. I f*cked my mate’s uncle. Everyone knows that I’m his mistress now. Everyone’s going to hate me. The entire world will hate me when the news will get out by tomorrow. How am I going to show my face to the world?” I was so panicked that I had no idea what I was saying. “Miss. Don’t worry. You didn’t ruin any family. The royal family was already broken a long time ago. And don’t worry about the media. It’s a royal family matter in the king’s own courtroom. Nothing would come out without the king’s permission. And I don’t think he will reveal such a news come out. You can be assured.” No matter what he said, I just couldn’t relax knowing that such a drama happened because of me. I’m really going to regret asking for Diego’s help...
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