8. Left my house forever

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ZARA’S POV :- Seth took me back to Diego’s villa, where I waited for him to return. I just wanted to make sure he’s alive and well before I leave him alone forever. Being the mistress of my mate’s uncle is not the kink I’m into. “Where is he? It’s been two hours. What if he’s dead? No. I can’t be. If he dies in that fight, I will never forgive myself. Why did I have to ask for his help out of the billion people in this world? Why did Caleb send me to his uncle in the first place.” I was practically ripping my hair in tension, pacing through the hallway of his villa. “Miss. You should sit down. You don’t look good.” Diego’s maid was there to accompany me while Seth went to find him. “I’m not good, Ella. I’m a mess. I f*cked up everything..” “I understand. But I don’t think it’s your fault. There’s something you should know about the royal family, now that you’re a part of it.” “NO! No.. I’m not a part of their family anymore. I’m done with them. I’m only here to check on Diego before I get out of all of their lies. I’m done with this messy family.” “I don’t think that would be possible now that..” She couldn’t finish his sentence when we saw Diego return home. Finally... When he entered through the door, he was only wearing shorts. His body was covered in sweat, his hair was ruffled, and he was huffing in tiredness. His eyes were still red and there were several claw marks on his body from the fight. “Oh, thank goddess. You are finally back. Are you okay? Sit down. Let me check your wounds. Ella? Do you have any first-aid boxes? Bring it here. Fast..” I dragged him to the couch holding his hand, and made him sit on it. Sending Ella to bring out a first-aid box, I started checking all the places he was wounded. Although it wasn’t bleeding anywhere and it looked like he was healing faster than normal, a little treatment would be better to make sure he didn’t get any infection. But in a split second, the situation changed. Suddenly he caught hold of my waist and pushed me down on the couch, getting on top of me instead. And before I could understand anything, he started nibbling on my neck while his hands were busy feeling the shape of my bre*sts. “What are you doing? Stop. Stop it..” I pushed him hard enough to get him off of me and got up on my feet. “What’s the matter? I did my part of the deal. So, it’s time for you to do your part.” He tried to step towards me, and I took two steps away to keep my distance. “No. This is not right. I can’t do this. You lied to me. You never told me that you are Caleb’s uncle. I can’t sleep with my mate’s uncle. That’s just not right.” “But we had a deal.” “Well... The deal’s off then. I won’t do it.” The moment I said that his face grew darker. With a loud growl, he came to me like a blow of wind and caught hold of my neck. “I need you right now and I will have you no matter what.” With that, he pulled me close to his body and started touching me everywhere. His lips were on my neck and chest, while his hands were trying to rip my dress off. “Don’t. Stop it..” I tried to push him away again. But this time he stopped me by pushing me down on the couch and holding my hands up while continuing his task. He has lost his mind completely. He’s willing to go as far as r*pe me to get his share of the deal. But I won’t let him do that. I won’t let him r*pe me. With this thought in my head, I kneed him right on his jewel and he instantly released me from his clutch in pain. Taking this chance, I grabbed my purse and ran out of his house. I kept running through the streets, looking back every other minute to make sure he wasn’t chasing me. Tears were rolling down my cheek, ruining the little bit of makeup I had on. I have no idea what is happening in my life but one thing I know for sure is that my life is now destroyed. I messed up with the wrong family and they all will make me pay for it. Getting in a cab I went straight home. I know I’m in trouble for breaking off the engagement, but I have to face my family at one point. I wish I had someplace to spend the night until everything cools down. With a lot of hesitation, I knocked on my door and my uncle opened it. “Who are you? What do you want?” I was a bit taken aback by his sudden question as if he didn’t recognize me. “Uncle. I’m sorry for..” “Who’s your uncle? I don’t know who you are.” “Uncle, please... Listen to me. I had no choice. I didn’t want it to be that extreme but.. what happened was good for all of us.” “You mean ‘you’? It was good for you. I never thought that the girl we raised would one day betray us like that. Do you know how ashamed we were today in front of all those people? In front of the king? You slept with Caleb’s uncle. How will you explain that? Is that what we taught you? Everything is now ruined because of you. Our lives are ruined because of you. Are you satisfied now?” “I know I made a mistake but it wasn’t my fault. Caleb drugged me and sent me to him for some stupid business deal. I had no idea that he was Caleb’s uncle. Believe me. If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone to ask for his help. Most of all, none of it would have happened if you had just listened to me before.” “So, you want to say that it’s our fault now? We made you do it?” “Maybe. In some way, all three of you are to be blamed too. But instead of asking me all these questions, why don’t you ask Emily what happened? She can answer you better because she knew everything all along. Why should I be the only one to get interrogated? “Why are you listening to her bullsh*ts, Patrick? She’s trying to put the blame on our daughter now. Throw her out right now. This sl*t has no place among us anymore. She’s dead to us. Close the door and get rest. It was a very long day for us.” The moment my aunt said that, I lost my calm. “What do you mean to throw me out of the house? This is my house. You can’t throw me out of my own house..” “I think you’re forgetting that your father left all of it to us before he abandoned you along with your mother. Now this house is ours along with his business. You have no place among us anymore. We should have done this a long time ago, but it’s not too late yet. Get out. Leave us alone and never show your face again. And don’t even think about stepping inside this house ever. Go away.” I was fuming in anger knowing that it was the truth. They have transferred everything in their names. I have no right to be here anymore if they don’t want me to. “Fine. I’m leaving. I don’t want to be among you abusive people anyway. You ruined my life and I will be far better off away from all of you. But don’t forget. One day you will pay for this mistake. I will make you suffer for what you did to me. You will be homeless one day too..” “We will see about that. Now go back to your pimp, you s*ut. He will give a place to stay and a lot of pleasure to his wh*re. Get out of our sight and never come back.” That was the last thing I heard, as I turned around and left that house forever. Once I left the house, I realized what I just did. This house was my only shelter. Now where am I supposed to go? After walking into oblivion for a while, I reached my favourite playground and chose to spend some time there. Sitting on one of the swings I started remembering my childhood days when I was happy from my heart and had no worries of the world. “I got you now..” I was swinging gently on the playground when all of a sudden I heard a familiar voice behind me followed by a growl. Looking behind I saw Caleb running towards me and shift in a sudden. The way his wolf was snarling, it’s going to kill me tonight for sure. “Caleb.. Stop... I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to..” Jumping down the swing I was walking backwards to get away from me. But seeing his speed, I picked up my gown and started running through the streets to get away from him. But my speed is no match to his wolf’s. “GET DOWN..” Caleb was about to jump on me and so was the stranger from in front. The way that stranger screamed for me to get down, I covered my ears and sat down in fear. Before my eyes, that stranger shifted and jumped over my head to stop Caleb. And soon they both were on the verge of killing each other. Again... The fight went on for a long time. But in the end, Caleb lost. He was tired from his first fight with Diego which made it easier for the stranger to defeat him. Once Caleb was down, that other wolf came to me and bent down a little. He motioned me to sit on his back and I wasn’t sure if it was safe. Looking at Caleb, I saw him rising on his feet again. If I don’t leave now, he will kill me eventually. So, I trusted another stranger again to get away from him. “I’m trusting you with my life. Please don’t disappoint me.” I got up on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck to hold onto him while he ran, and with the speed of light, we were away from Caleb. “Who are you? Why are you helping me?” Once we were in safety, he put me down back on my feet and went to shift and change on a car, which I suppose is his. “It’s me. Don’t you recognize me, Zara?” When that stranger shifted back into his human form and I got a better look at his face, I realized who he was. “Luca? It’s you. You’re back.” I instantly jumped on him to hug him. “Oh, Luca! I can’t believe it’s really you. You finally came back for me.” Pulling myself away from his warmth, I looked up at his face to see how much he had grown up. He left as a boy and returned as a man. “How couldn’t I? I gave you a promise.” “But you promised that you would come for me in a few days and take me away from here. It’s been 6 years since then. Why are you so late?” I punched in his chest like a little whining baby. Lucas Crater, or Luca in short, was my next-door neighbour. He was an alpha child living with his grandparents in a small house like ours. His mom died when he was young and no one knew who his father was. The time I spent with him was one of my best memories because he was the only friend I had. We promised each other that when we both grew up, we would marry each other and have a house of our own. I was only 12 when he was 17 back then. After losing my parents, he was the only one I found my comfort in. So, when one day he told me that he was moving to another country because they found his biological father, it really broke my heart. But he promised me to come back right away and I believed him. 
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