Chapter 5: The Start of Our Night

1428 Words
Lake’s POV When I saw my mate for the first time I felt all sorts of things in my heart. Her face challenged the beauty of even Alpha Brayla of the River Blood Pack. She had rosy light-complexioned skin and orange eyes that complimented her dyed blue thin long hair. Meeting my mate put a lot of things into perspective for me. Being here with her made me realize how many different types of happiness you could feel. I pulled away from our kiss and took a deep breath. My parents were worried about me. They were constantly mindlinking me; ‘Lake where are you?’ ‘We’re worried, it’s late and there might still be trespassers.’ ‘You said you wouldn’t leave, I told you my wolf had bad feelings about tonight and now we know why.’ I was going to reply but Indigo ran her hand through her bangs while biting her bottom lip and all my thoughts were wiped away. It was the most attractive thing I had ever seen and made my front bottom tingle. Images flood my head of things I wanted her to do to me. I never experienced this kind of attraction before. Morgan always thought I was asexual and the more I thought about it now I might have been somewhere on the spectrum. Before I didn’t think I was because s*x never repulsed me. I actually liked the idea of it. Apart of me felt like s****l attraction was just a myth because I couldn't grasp it but I was definitely feeling it now, for the time.  “Doll,” Indigo said, knocking me out of my deep thought. “We don’t have to stay here all night. I’m sure you want to avoid your pack seeing you but we can stay outside our territory.” “Um… is that what you want?” I asked. She shrugged and leaned sideways against the headboard before answering. “I don’t care either way but I want you to have fun with me.” I looked away so she wouldn’t see my blush. All I really wanted was to get to know her and honestly, maybe it would be easier to do outside of his hotel room. She wasn’t going to answer very many direct personal questions but if we went out and did things together she might start opening up. “Okay,” I said. “Let’s go.” When she stood up and walked to her shoes I pulled my phone out and looked at texts I got from a group chat between me and my friends. Sarah was here at the hotel and Morgan had just woken up. I didn’t want to tell them I found my mate over text but they were worried about me because my parents had been asking them where I was. ‘I’m not going to be back until the morning but I’m safe. I’ll explain everything tomorrow, too much to text,’  I replied then put my phone away. “Did you come here with anyone?” Indigo asked me when her shoes were on. “Yah, they’re a few floors up.” She looked a little annoyed by my answer and it was probably because I wanted to avoid pack members. “They’re not looking for me, I told them I’ll be out.” I walked to her. “Hm, okay, let's go.” We left the room and I tried to keep up with her as we quickly walked down the hallway into the elevator. I stared at her and was a little intimidated by her aura. She radiated strength and dominance like most born alphas but it was hard to believe she wasn’t ranked as one. If she was the alpha of a pack we definitely would have met already at one of my banquets or something. “Where are we going?” I asked as the elevator door opened. “How far are you comfortable going?”  “As far as we can, I haven’t been past the surrounding three or four territories.” Indigo laughed. “I have a feeling there’s a lot you haven’t done.” She was right. I spent most of my time studying or training with the pack. Most of what I did was decided by my parents or the rest of the pack. I didn’t mind it, it’s not like I really knew what I wanted for myself. We walked out of the hotel and down the street. “Are we far from your home?” I asked. “It depends how you’re traveling. It probably wouldn’t be a far flight for you,” she answered vaguely. “So why do your parents want your mate to be an alpha so bad?” I looked up at the moon then looked ahead at the few people on our side of the sidewalk. “The obvious.” “Because they want you to be a luna but why?” I shrugged. “Probably because they're the alpha and luna of our pack and they want me to follow in their footsteps,” I answered. I was worried she’d change her mind about wanting to stay together tonight if she knew my parents’ rank but I didn’t want to withhold that information either. Her brows raised and she stopped walking in reaction. I stopped and turned to her. “I should have told you earlier.” I rubbed my head in distress. “They might come looking for me themselves and you probably don’t want to have to deal with an alpha and luna.” “Your parents are the alpha and luna of the Blue Eclipse pack?”   “Yes,” I confirmed. “They adopted me when I was really young.” “f**k,” She swore. “Maybe I should just go back,” I said. “They’re really protective and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I’d like to think they wouldn’t attack her but they might still blame her and I wasn’t sure how that would play out. “No.” she shook her head. “Tonight might be all we have so I’m fine with the risk.” Maybe we’d have more than tonight. My parents might have wanted me to be with an alpha but maybe they’d still accept indigo as my mate.  ‘Lake, what’s going on? Why aren't you answering us?’ my father mindlinked me. ‘I’m fine, I’ll be back in the morning.’ ‘The morning? You need to come back to the packhouse now,’ he ordered. ‘I just want to spend time with some friends while it’s still my birthday. I’ll be fine, I’m well trained and I’ll mindlink you if anyone from the Cold Storm pack shows up,’ My heart was racing. “I told my father my plans…” “Great, let’s get out of this city,” she said and we started walking again.  It didn’t take us to make our way out of the city and into the forest. My father still hadn’t responded and that worried me. “Happy birthday.”  “Huh? How’d you know?”  “I heard the alpha of your pack’s daughter had a birthday today.” She kicked a few of the rocks in front of us. “How old?”  “Oh, yeah.” I chuckled. “I’m twenty. I didn’t feel like an adult at eighteen or nineteen and I still don't know. How old are you?”  “Twenty-four but I’ve felt like an adult since I was like sixteen.” She moved some of the low-hanging branches out of our way. “I’m going to shift so we don’t have to walk so far. Are you fine with me carrying you?” “Yeah.” I took a few steps back. I watched her shift into a breathtaking large beige alpha wolf. She started rubbing her head against me instantly. “It’s nice to meet you.” I giggled and petted her before I began to climb onto her back. Being on her back felt so much more incredible than any of the other wolves that had carried me. I held on tight as she sprinted. I had only seen a few wolves this fast and I don’t even think this was her fastest. ‘Lake,’ Morgan mindlinked me. ‘Your parents sent out a few pack members to find you.’ This wasn’t going to be the peaceful night with my mate that I thought it’d be.
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