Chapter 6: Growing Closer

1887 Words
We stopped outside of a small town I had never been to. I jumped off of Indigo and she shifted back into her human form. We weren’t in anyone’s territory and we were a little while away from mine. “My parents sent out pack members to come find me,” I told her with a tone of worry after walking into the quiet and dimly lit town.  I should have assumed they would resort to something like this. I wasn’t particularly mad at them because I was the one who left despite telling my mother I wouldn’t. The Cold Storm Pack could still have been around and they were worried about me. I didn’t tell them the whole truth so it’s like they knew I met my mate. “We’ll just have to stay a step ahead of them,” Indigo said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into an open 24/7 magic shop. She waved at the man who was nearly falling asleep behind the cash register. “Do you have anything to hide our scents?” Since werewolves had such strong senses of smells that would probably be the first way they try to track me. I looked around at what the shop had on display. I had never seen so many magical items before, especially not in one place. My parents had a few but our pack didn’t have a sorcerer like some of the others. “I’ll go get what you’re looking for in the back,” the mage said, standing up off his stool and making his way to the back of the small shop. “Is there anything you want?” Indigo asked after walking to me. I shook my head and continued to stroll around the shop. She placed her hand gently on my back, sending shivers of pleasure up my spine from the simple contact. “You sure?“ I looked up at her, nearly losing myself in her eyes. “Yeah...” I looked away because of how intense our eye contact was. I started to think about how scared I was to face my parents tomorrow. The woman in front of me was worth it all. One night with her was worth it but I wanted more than that with her. I don’t know how long it would take to convince my parents to give up on my being with an alpha but I could wait. One night then I’d go back to being that obedient perfect daughter of our pack’s alpha and luna. I’d dress how they wanted me to dress, reach milestones when they expected me to, and be the example they thought I should be for the younger pack members. I liked being that person, I was comfortable with it but I did need a break from it tonight. I just hoped they wouldn’t hate me for it. “Here,” The mage emerged from the back with two small rectangle boxes. “With these, your scent will be hidden and you won’t be able to be tracked with magic.” “Perfect, we’ll take them,” Indigo walked to the register and paid with her card. I watched the man as he put the enchanted jewelry in a bag and something felt off about him. I didn’t feel it until now, not until he came back.  When we walked out of the shop Indigo put the enchanted necklace around my neck after putting her own on. “You look cute in jewelry.” Her smirk was inviting and turned me on. Could I really get horny from something so small? This was the kind of thing Morgan felt all the time from people they met. My mate was the only one who could have this effect on me. I felt deeply connected to her since we were linked by the moon goddess so maybe that had something to do with it. “Th-thanks… um did something feel weird to you about that guy?” I pointed with my thumb towards the shop behind me. We didn’t have much distance between us so why didn’t she kiss me again? “Something feels weird to me about all men,” she joked with a sexy chuckle but didn’t dismiss my comment. “Stay close to me okay?” she glanced at the shop and lowly growled. “Let's head for the other side of town for your sake.” I could tell these magical items worked because her scent decreased. I could still slightly smell it due to our souls being linked. The mate bond isn’t easily fooled by magic. “We don’t have to go further yet since they won’t be able to track you down by your scent.” After a while of walking under the partially cloudy night sky, we came across an empty park so we walked to it. “What’s on your mind?” Indigo asked.  “My parents I guess… I don’t want to have to demand my independence like this.” I let out a deep breath. “My parents were strict too,” she related and stepped onto the playground. “How strict?” I asked, following after her quickly. “They were also my pack’s alpha and luna.”  “What? Really?” My mouth slightly dropped open and I sat down on the swing set. “Yes.” She shrugged and ran a hand through my hair as she stood behind me. “My mother died when I was young so I don’t remember her too well but my father was like most alphas.” This was what I wanted, to learn more about her. “A lot of rules and expectations but our parents are a little different though. My father pushed independence onto me when I got older.” She began to push me. “They pushed independence on my older brother,” I said as I felt the cold hair brush against my skin as I swung. “Only because he was going to be the one to take over and lead the pack as alpha.” “You’re just as worthy of independence, especially if they want you to help an alpha lead as a luna,” she made a good point. I think my parents were so protective because I wasn’t biologically theirs, I wasn’t even a wolf. My mother might have feared that I’d want to leave the pack one day with no connection to them. If I was the luna of another pack I’d still be a part of that pack dynamic, they won’t feel like they lost me. I felt like there were a few pairs of eyes on us as if we were being watched. I searched around with my eyes but I couldn’t see anyone else. There were no other scents or other auras around. “This might sound stupid but,” I leaned my head against one of the chains. “You were my first kiss.” “That’s not stupid but I wouldn’t have guessed it,” she said as a compliment based on her tone but I wasn’t very good with tone so for all I knew she could have meant it another way. I don’t think Indigo would ever judge me though. “I’m not saying I never got the chance.” I yawned. “I never really wanted to kiss anyone before, not even people I had crushes on.” I looked back at her. “Sorry if it’s weird to bring up that I had crushes.” “It’s okay, I had a life before you too.” She laughed. “How active of a life?” “You don’t want to know,” she answered with a slightly guilty expression and laughed it off. “Are you going to go back to that after tonight?” I asked drawing my head back around slowly. “I don’t know if I want to anymore.” I drug my feet against the rubber playground surface beneath me to stop the swinging. I was about to stand up but she twisted the swing chains around so I’d face her. “I’m not sure, Doll,” she whispered with a heavy gaze down at me.  “It’s Lake,” I mumbled. She pulled the chains bringing me closer. “Lake, I’m yours tonight, okay?” “Okay.” I stared down at my dangling feet. I swallowed down my jealousy as much as I could so I could be here in the moment. Now and before the morning she was mine and I was hers. That was all that mattered, not the past or the future. I threw out the unwanted thoughts of her being with other people. I did want her to be mine to claim long term but I had to deal with my parents first. She let go of the swing chains and I stood up. I still couldn’t shake the feeling that we were being followed as we left the park. She grabbed my hand and I yawned. “Let’s find somewhere to sleep,” Indigo suggested.  I didn’t want to sleep, we only had tonight for now so if we slept it would just waste time. I didn’t say anything but she still led us to an inn and she got us a room. “Indigo... I want to keep seeing you,” I said after sitting down on the bed to take my pants off. “Maybe you should come back with me in the morning and we can convince my parents together. They’re my parents, they should want me to be happy. I think they’ll respect the moon goddess’ choice.” Indigo had her back turned to me. She grabbed one of the glasses on the table and poured a bottle of water for me. “You should have something to drink before you go to sleep.” “What?” I scoffed. “Sure but what do you think about coming back with me? I was thinking that you could even stay at my packhouse for a few days. You can meet my brother too. And my best friend Morgan, he’d love to meet you. My parents will probably love you and then maybe we can even mark each other…,” I mumbled the last part nervously. “I don’t mind joining your pack, I always assumed I’d be joining my mate's packs anyway.” Indigo’s foot tapped on the ground as I spoke then she turned around when I was done with a small smile plastered on her face. “Lake, here.” She handed me the cup of water. I couldn’t properly regulate the frustration I was feeling so I popped up to my feet. I opened my mouth to have an outburst but the water in the cup splashed out on her top because of how much force I used to abruptly stand up. “Shit.” She closed her eyes in defeat. “I’m so sorry, I-“ I stopped when I noticed the water made her thin white shirt see-through. I stared at the pack tattoo on the left side of her chest. I couldn’t believe it, my mate was a part of our rival pack.
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