
1318 Words
While they sat together, Gale and her father talked about what they missed while they were apart. Gale had just been about to bring up what she discussed with Broin when she heard something outside. Turning to the door, she paused, jumping up when she recognized the voice on the other side. When she opened the door, she was greeted by Nikan, the wolf hopping up to place her paws on Gale's shoulder while she licked the young woman's face. When she dropped down on all fours once more and went to see Harland, Broin wrapped an arm around Gale's shoulders. "I'll take the sudden door opening to mean you missed me," He teased, kissing Gale's forehead. Gale smiled softly, nodding. Broin, upon noticing Harland was seated at the table, offered the man a smile.  "Hello, Broin," Harland said, smiling a little himself as he sat back in his seat. The wolf, in her excitement, sniffed around a little before she finally settled into her usual resting spot. Broin let go of Gale and moved to step into the dwelling, setting it a pack down before he removed his bow and quiver. "How was the hunt?"  Broin looked from his pack to Harland with a smile. "It was a good one. We got a couple of deer and a large elk. They should be enough to keep the village for a little while," Broin responded. He sat down on the chair opposite Harland, sighing a little. He looked up as Gale brought him something to eat, having made a venison roast over the fire while she was waiting for him. He smiled lovingly at her, taking a bite of the food. The expression that crossed his face made Harland laugh. "She takes after her mother," Harland said through his laughter, looking over to Gale. She stood nearby, a shy expression on her reddening face. Harland chuckled again. Gale wandered over to sit down with the wolf on the hide floor cover, running her fingers through the animal's dark fur. Nikan wagged her tail slowly, sweeping it across the floor. A comfortable silence settled over the dwelling while Broin ate and unpacked his travel bag, Gale peering over his shoulder to see what he had brought home with him. He looked over his shoulder at Gale with a soft smirk, making her tilt her head to the side as she backed away a step. Harland watched the two, curious as to what he had as well. He had seen Broin cup something in his hands and tuck it out of Gale's sight. "I thought you might like this," Broin said as he turned to face Gale, getting up from where he was crouched. Gale looked from his face to his hands, furrowing her brow a little until he opened his hands. Rested in his palm was a necklace made from a silver chain, the pendant resembling a pink orb. Gale lifted her hand, resting it to her mouth as she stifled a surprised gasp. When he brought it closer, she could see the pendant was a shaped, rosy pink crystal. Looking up to Broin, Gale's eyes began to tear up. Gently, he looped the silver chain around her neck, the soft metallic sound of the chain brushing against the metal of her collar whispering through the air. "I saw it while I was on my way through the marketplace to the butcher. I thought it might be nice to have something other than that collar," Broin hummed, looking to Gale as she lifted her hands to brush her fingers over the pendant. She studied it for a moment before she finally looked up. "It looks like my pearl..." Gale said softly. She had to admit, from time to time she did miss the object. However, she understood what the purpose of the pearl had been. Broin watched her before he took her face in his hands and giving her a tender kiss on the soft skin of her forehead.  "I thought you might like that aspect," He hummed, letting go of Gale and turning to her father. The older man had been watching the two of them with a smile on his lips. Looking to Gale, he spoke again. "There was something we wanted to discuss with you," Hearing these words, Gale shifted a little where she stood. Harland looked between the two of them, his expression clearly giving away he was completely focused on the pair. "Oh?" He said, leaning forward to rest his arms on his knees. Gale knew from experience that this meant there was no turning back at this point. It was obvious Brion had caught onto this, the clearing of his throat telling he was settling his nerves before he continued. "Gale and I... we..." Broin started, though he looked to Gale. He wasn't sure what to say at that point, her father having intimidated him a little. However, when Gale rested a hand on his arm, he felt a calm wash over him that settled him down. Drawing in a breath, Broin tried again. "We wanted to know if we could get your blessing..." Broin looked over to Gale, watching her as she stood beside him. She didn't seem nervous at all, almost more confidant than he was. Like she was sure he was already going to give them the blessing that they sought. Before he was able to continue, Harland spoke. "I am going to stop you right there..." Harland said, Broin's gaze moving back to the older man. He watched him, feeling a defeated sensation creeping up on him as Harland stood. He felt Gale's hand on his arm tighten a little as her father approached them both. For a moment, Broin was afraid that the man was going to walk out without answering. However, what happened next surprised them both. Reaching out, Harland set a hand on Broin's shoulder, the other resting on his daughter's cheek. "Whatever it is you are asking my blessing for, you have it. I have seen the way you look at my daughter and the way you treat her on top of that," Harland started, brushing his thumb over Gale's cheek as he looked between them. "I give you my blessing," He spoke, his eyes settling on Gale.  Tears welling in her eyes, Gale let go of Broin's arm as she moved toward her father, wrapping her arms around him tightly. He rested his arm around her shoulders, looking to Broin. His hand was still on the young man's shoulder, and he didn't dare to move it. "I want to give her the best life that she can have. Your blessing means the world to the both of us," Broin said, his voice tight as though he himself were fighting against tears. Clearing his throat a little, he looked to Gale, though he was surprised when Harland pulled him into a hug as well. Harland was a little taller than he himself, and suddenly being pulled into the embrace by the larger man was enough to make him stiffen up a little. After a moment or two, Broin relaxed, setting an arm on Gale's back. Harland let him go long before he did Gale, the arm he had had around Broin moving to wrap around Gale as well. Gale had melted into happy tears, her quiet sniffling reaching Broin from where he stood beside Harland. "If this is the life you want, I will not deny it. This young man has done more for you than I could ever do. You have my blessing, Gale, to live your life here with Broin," He whispered to her, kissing the side of her head. At that moment, Broin felt a well of emotion, unlike anything he had felt before. It was the start of something new, something wonderful. And that was something they could all agree on.
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