Father's Return

1450 Words
Gale visited Snow in the following days, helping her with the baby while her mother and father worked on their daily chores. As she sat with Snow, Gale watched as Koda played with her hair. His little hands pulled on the long strands, making Gale a little thankful that her hair was as long as it was. Snow watched from nearby as Gale purred at the baby, Koda's eyes widening as he looked up at her. Snow had taken notice of the way Koda reacted to the sounds that the dragon woman made. He seemed to be particularly fond of the way she purred. It was almost as if the rumbling sound that Gale produced in her throat had a mesmerizing quality for the baby.  Snow was silent as she watched the interactions of the two before she finally spoke. "You know... you have been here for nearly a month, and I don't think any of us have seen you use your dragon form for anything," Snow's voice brought Gale's attention away from the baby in her arms. She watched her for a moment or two before the young woman spoke again. "Broin did explain to us that you were stuck in that form for a while. So, I don't blame you for wanting to distance from it,"  It was almost as if Snow were trying to make up for what she had said. Shaking her head, Gale offered her a soft smile. "It's not that. I just haven't needed to use it," Gale turned her head back to Koda, brushing her fingers over his tiny hand as he played with her hair. She thought about what Snow had said for a few minutes before she looked up again. "However, I can show you sometime," This seemed to delight Snow. The young woman's face broke out in a bright smile.  "I would love that. Though I do want to say, I want it to be on your terms. I don't want you to feel that you need to show me," Snow said, a gentleness to her voice that made Gale smile as well. She nodded once, looking up from Snow as the door opened. Snow's mother walked into the dwelling, looking at the three with a bright smile.  "Where is your friend?" She asked, her cheerful tone referring to the wolf. Gale chuckled. Snow's mother had grown fond of Nikan, and it showed.  "She went with Broin on a hunt. He wanted to see if she would actually hunt with him, or if she would just lead him to the deer," Gale explained. The older woman seemed to accept this, smiling as she gently took her grandson from Gale's arms.  "Oh hello, you sweet little bundle. Did you have fun with your new friend?" She crooned at the baby as she went to sit down. Snow laughed a little. "He has been taking a bit of a liking to Gale. Especially that long hair of hers," Snow hummed, watching her mother and baby before she looked at Gale. She held her gaze for a moment before she stood up. Offering a hand to Gale, she waited. "I want to take a trip to the marketplace while my mother is here with Koda. Would you care to join me?" She asked. Gale accepted Snow's hand, getting to her feet. "I would love to. I need to see what there is to make for dinner, and a walk sounds like a great idea," Gale responded, winning a smile from her friend. She started walking, the two leaving the dwelling with Snow's mother calling out to them to have a good time. Making their way to the marketplace, the two women chattered away. Gale enjoyed the time with her friend, and Snow enjoyed finally being out of the house. She loved her son, but she also enjoyed being able to get out and about. Her mother helped out so Snow could do just that. In the marketplace, Gale spotted Wysteria and Dillan, giving them a wave. It wasn't as often that she saw them, Dillan taking Wysteria to different places that surrounded the village.  Wysteria didn't seem to complain, and on the occasions that she did see her anymore, she was always bragging about where it was that Dillan had taken her this time. "Gale!" Wysteria called, waving back as she hurried over to her. Wrapping her arms around Gale, she hummed. "I am so glad to see you. Dillan and I were just getting ready to head out," She said, beaming as she turned to Snow then. "How is Koda? I'm sorry I haven't stopped in as of late,"  Snow shook her head, her own smile bright. "It's alright, I understand that you are busy. Koda is doing great. Gale has been a huge help as well," She looked to Gale, who was talking to Dillan. Wysteria smiled.  "She has that way about her. I would get used to it if I were you, once you make a friend with Gale, you don't lose her," Wysteria turned to Gale and Dillan, watching as the two of them exchanged a few coins. Dillan had made quite a bit and from time to time, he and Gale would exchange the foreign-looking coins among the ones that they had collected. If Gale had some that Dillan didn't, he would trade her for ones that he sought after. It was something that they had kicked up not long after they had returned.  Snow gave a smile that showed her admiration for the young woman. "I gathered that. She has a way about her that even Koda seems to recognize," She sighed softly before Wysteria turned back to her. The woman gave her a gentle hug before she backed up, her hands on Snow's shoulders a moment.  "Take care of yourself and that sweet little boy of yours," Wysteria started, though she looked up and just beyond Gale and Dillan. Something had caught her attention, and a wide smile formed on the sorceress's face. "Gale, look over there to your left," She said.  Upon hearing Wysteria, Gale's attention left the coins and moved to the direction the woman had been pointing in. When she saw what it was that Wysteria had seen, she almost dropped the coins in her hands. She hurriedly put them into the little leather pouch that Broin had made for her before she rushed for the entrance of the village. Sitting upon the back of the large, familiar black horse, Gale's father waved to the group. Bringing Valor to a stop, he climbed down, though he was nearly tackled to the ground by Gale as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. "Easy now," Harland laughed, wrapping one arm around Gale's shoulders, holding Valor's reins in his free hand. He gave his daughter a soft pat on the back, looking over to Wysteria and Dillan, waving lightly at them as he moved his arm from around Gale's shoulders. Snow smiled at him, Harland giving her a gentle nod. "Hello, I don't believe we have met. My name is Harland. I am Gale's father," Snow's face flushed a little. "My name is Snow. Your daughter has been helping me out tremendously," She said, Harland, holding out a hand for hers once he had gotten close enough to do so. She lifted her hand, Harland giving the back of her hand a light kiss. Gale smiled a little at the two. Her father had always been rather polite when it came to meeting others, and in the relaxed state of the village, he was able to show this. Once the introduction had finished, he turned back to Gale.  "Where is that boyfriend of yours? I had expected to see him here as well," Harland spoke, looking around a little and noticing the wolf was gone too. "And your wolf?" Gale looked toward the forest. "He and Nikan went out on a hunt," Gale responded. Hearing this, Harland smiled. It was clear on his face that he was glad that Broin seemed to be getting along with the canine. After a few minutes of catching up, Dillan and Wysteria excused themselves, leaving Snow and Gale in the company of Harland. The older man walked with them as they made their way about the marketplace, Gale getting something for dinner and Snow gathering a few things for Koda.  By the time evening had arrived, Gale had gone back to her and Broin's dwelling with her father, Snow going back to her own. It was a peaceful evening, the sounds of the crickets and other insects reaching the village and setting the mood for a quiet night. 
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