The Merchant

1395 Words
The next few days in the village were rather quiet. Much of the same had been taking place, and Gale's father had gone home. He had a few things to take care of back in their own village, and as much as Gale wished he could stay, she understood his reason for leaving. He had reassured her that he would return as quickly as he could. Gale looked up toward the sky as it began to sprinkle. The cold prickle of the tiny drops of rain against her skin had drawn her from her thoughts. Beside her, Snow cradled her son against her breast, and when it really began to rain, she jumped up with a peal of laughter. Gale got up to follow her, though she wasn't laughing herself. Something felt off. It wasn't the weather, though that didn't help. Snow seemed to notice something was off about her friend. "Gale, are you alright? You haven't said much," Her friend spoke softly, looking over to Gale over Koda's head. Gale met her gaze, holding it for a moment before she looked away.  "I don't know. Something feels wrong," She said, her voice hushed. It was as if she was listening for something. Snow looked around the dwelling a little before she handed Koda to Gale, peering out the door. Aside from the rain, she didn't see anything.  "I'm not sure what you are feeling, but I'm sure everything is alright," Snow tried to reassure her, resting a hand on Gale's shoulder and giving it a gentle rub. "Why don't you hold Koda for a few minutes while I make us some tea? That always seems to cheer you up," Gale smiled softly at this. Snow did really have a way of cheering her up with one thing or another. "How are you and Broin holding up?" Gale looked from Koda to Snow as she sat down at the table, adjusting the baby in her arms. He fussed a little, unable to reach Gale's hair. Snow had pulled it back and braided it for her earlier in the morning. "We are doing very well. We discussed with my father his thoughts on Broin and me having a little one of our own someday," These words brought a bright smile to Snow's face. When Gale looked at her, she could see a shimmer in Snow's eyes. "What?"  "If you make it soon, maybe your baby and Koda here can grow up together," Snow teased though there was a lightheartedness about it that made Gale smile some herself. She looked down at the baby in her arms. His thick hair had gotten a little darker in the last week, and his eyes were as curious as ever. When Gale looked at Koda, she had to admit it made her want a baby of her own. As the two spoke, Gale forgot about her unsettled feeling. Part of her had chalked it up to missing her father. However, there was a small part of her that felt it might be something else. The chanting had never really stopped, though she could tune it out now. It was such a faint whisper that it very well could have been considered gone to an extent. Gale ran her fingers softly over Koda's hair, smiling a little at how soft the baby's hair was. Snow had seen this and gave a tender smile of her own. "I hope his hair stays that soft," She hummed, sitting down across from Gale after she set the tea kettle and cups down.  Once they had had their tea and the rain had eased up some, Gale got to her feet and handed the now sleeping baby over to his mother. "I'll come back a little later. I want to get back to Broin before the rain picks back up," Gale said. She offered Snow a smile as the woman stood, the two exchanging hugs before she turned and left the dwelling. She hadn't taken more than a few steps down the road toward her home when it opened up again. Wincing at the sudden downpour, Gale took off at a run toward home. Unable to see where she was going, Gale nearly fell over backward when she ran into the figure of a man as they stepped out from between the buildings. He was a tower of a man with broad shoulders, a large pack on his back indicating he was either leaving or arriving. She couldn't see his face, the hood of the leather cloak that shielded him from the rain obscuring his features. However, she could see something just beyond the upper edge that indicated the possible glow of his eyes. Something about the stranger made the dragon inside her all but rage. Unnerved and soaked at this point, Gale stepped around him. She watched as the golden glow of his eyes followed her, his head turning slightly as he watched her take off. She didn't stop until she got home. Broin looked up, concerned at the way Gale seemed to trip over herself to get inside. "Gale, are you okay?" Broin asked as he got up, Nikan looking over to Gale from where she lay. Gale looked at the door as she backed away from it, jumping when Broin touched her shoulder. Broin drew his hand back with a frown, watching as Gale looked between him and the door before she spoke. "I... just ran into someone. I don't know who it is, but he's got a large pack with him. I don't know if he was coming into or leaving the village," Gale explained. Broin looked at the door himself this time. He approached the door, opening it and looking outside. He squinted to try to see through the rain, but when he couldn't, he moved to close the door again. He turned, watching Gale as she went to get some dry clothes and something to dry herself off with. "What did he look like?"  Gale looked over her shoulder as she untied her hair from the braid that Snow had put it in. Normally, the way she looked at him right now and the way her hair stuck to her skin from the rain would be enough to drive Broin mad, but there was something about her at that moment that kept that from being the case. She held his gaze for a moment before she looked away, letting her hair fall. "He was tall and built kind of like the blacksmith... I can't remember his name. His eyes almost seemed like they were glowing... but I couldn't see his face," Gale sighed as she spoke, the sound that of exasperation. Broin knew that sound well. He had heard it enough to know that it had bothered Gale, though he had gotten an understanding and knew who the figure was. "Was he wearing a leather cloak?" Broin asked, watching Gale a moment for her reaction. She turned around to face him this time. It took all of him this time to keep his eyes focused on her face. By this time, she had removed the soaked dress and had hung it to dry.  "Yes," Gale said, a curious tone to her voice. "How did you know that?" Broin shook his head. "He's a traveling merchant that comes to the village from time to time. You'll see him in the marketplace for a couple of weeks. He usually stays for a little while before he goes home. I'm not sure where that is. He doesn't talk much," Broin stood as he was for a moment or two, watching Gale as she turned around again, her back facing him this time. He tilted his head to the side a little as she reached to pick out a dress. Quietly, he stepped up behind her, his hands resting on the cool skin of her waist. Usually, Gale felt like her skin was on fire, but the rain had cooled it. He felt her tense up beneath his hands before she relaxed. Gale looked at him over her shoulder, eyeing him a little before she spoke. "What are you doing?" She asked, though her tone had lightened up considerably at hearing Broin knew who it was that she had run into. Broin smiled. "Admiring an angel," He hummed, leaning to kiss her shoulder.
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